pickup - Postfix local mail pickup
ppiicckkuupp [generic Postfix daemon options]DESCRIPTION
The ppiicckkuupp daemon waits for hints that new mail has been dropped intothe mmaaiillddrroopp directory, and feeds it into the cclleeaannuupp(8) daemon. Ill-
formatted files are deleted without notifying the originator. This program expects to be run from the mmaasstteerr(8) process manager. STANDARDS None. The ppiicckkuupp daemon does not interact with the outside world. SSEECCUURRIITTYY The ppiicckkuupp daemon is moderately security sensitive. It runs with fixedlow privilege and can run in a chrooted environment. However, the pro-
gram reads files from potentially hostile users. The ppiicckkuupp daemon opens no files for writing, is careful about what files it opens forreading, and does not actually touch any data that is sent to its pub-
lic service endpoint. DIAGNOSTICS Problems and transactions are logged to ssyyssllooggdd(8).BUGS
The ppiicckkuupp daemon copies mail from file to the cclleeaannuupp(8) daemon. It could avoid message copying overhead by sending a file descriptor instead of file data, but then the already complex cclleeaannuupp(8) daemon would have to deal with unfiltered user data. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSSAs the pickup(8) daemon is a relatively long-running process, up to an
hour may pass before a mmaaiinn..ccff change takes effect. Use the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" command to speed up a change. The text below provides only a parameter summary. See postconf(5) for more details including examples. CCOONNTTEENNTT IINNSSPPEECCTTIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLLSS ccoonntteennttffiilltteerr ((eemmppttyy)) The name of a mail delivery transport that filters mail after it is queued. rreecceeiivveeoovveerrrriiddeeooppttiioonnss ((eemmppttyy))Enable or disable recipient validation, built-in content filter-
ing, or address rewriting. MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS CCOONNTTRROOLLSSccoonnffiiggddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
The default location of the Postfix and con-
figuration files. ddaaeemmoonnttiimmeeoouutt ((1188000000ss)) How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to handle arequest before it is terminated by a built-in watchdog timer.
iippccttiimmeeoouutt ((33660000ss)) The time limit for sending or receiving information over an internal communication channel. lliinneelleennggtthhlliimmiitt ((22004488)) Upon input, long lines are chopped up into pieces of at most this length; upon delivery, long lines are reconstructed. mmaaxxiiddllee ((110000ss)) The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix daemon process waits for the next service request before exiting. mmaaxxuussee ((110000))The maximal number of connection requests before a Postfix dae-
mon process terminates.pprroocceessssiidd ((rreeaadd-oonnllyy))
The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon process.pprroocceessssnnaammee ((rreeaadd-oonnllyy))
The process name of a Postfix command or daemon process.qquueeuueeddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory.
ssyyssllooggffaacciilliittyy ((mmaaiill)) The syslog facility of Postfix logging. ssyyssllooggnnaammee ((ppoossttffiixx)) The mail system name that is prepended to the process name insyslog records, so that "smtpd" becomes, for example, "post-
fix/smtpd".SEE ALSO
cleanup(8), message canonicalizationsendmail(1), Sendmail-compatible interface
postdrop(1), mail posting agent postconf(5), configuration parameters master(8), process manager syslogd(8), system logging LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. AUTHOR(S) Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA PICKUP(8)