pgsqltable - Postfix PostgreSQL client configuration
ppoossttmmaapp -qq ""string"" ppggssqqll:://eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//ffiilleennaammee
ppoossttmmaapp -qq - ppggssqqll:://eettcc//ppoossttffiixx//filename
The Postfix mail system uses optional tables for address rewriting or mail routing. These tables are usually in ddbbmm or ddbb format. Alternatively, lookup tables can be specified as PostgreSQL databases. In order to use PostgreSQL lookups, define a PostgreSQL source as a lookup table in, for example:aliasmaps = pgsql:/etc/
The file /etc/postfix/ has the same format as the Post-
fix file, and can specify the parameters described below. AALLTTEERRNNAATTIIVVEE CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONNFor compatibility with other Postfix lookup tables, PostgreSQL parame-
ters can also be defined in In order to do that, specify as PostgreSQL source a name that doesn't begin with a slash or a dot. The PostgreSQL parameters will then be accessible as the name you've giventhe source in its definition, an underscore, and the name of the param-
eter. For example, if the map is specified as "pgsql:pgsqlname", theparameter "hosts" below would be defined in as "pgsql-
namehosts". Note: with this form, the passwords for the PostgreSQL sources arewritten in, which is normally world-readable. Support for this
form will be removed in a future Postfix version. LLIISSTT MMEEMMBBEERRSSHHIIPPWhen using SQL to store lists such as $mynetworks, $mydestination,
$relaydomains, $localrecipientmaps, etc., it is important to under-
stand that the table must store each list member as a separate key. The table lookup verifies the *existence* of the key. See "Postfix lists versus tables" in the DATABASEREADME document for a discussion.Do NOT create tables that return the full list of domains in $mydesti-
nation or $relaydomains etc., or IP addresses in $mynetworks.
DO create tables with each matching item as a key and with an arbitrary value. With SQL databases it is not uncommon to return the key itself or a constant value. PPGGSSQQLL PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS hhoossttss The hosts that Postfix will try to connect to and query from.Specify unix: for UNIX-domain sockets, inet: for TCP connections
(default). Example: hosts = host1.some.domain host2.some.domain hosts = unix:/file/name The hosts are tried in random order, with all connections overUNIX domain sockets being tried before those over TCP. The con-
nections are automatically closed after being idle for about 1minute, and are re-opened as necessary.
NOTE: the unix: and inet: prefixes are accepted for backwards
compatibility reasons, but are actually ignored. The PostgreSQL client library will always try to connect to an UNIX socket ifthe name starts with a slash, and will try a TCP connection oth-
erwise. uusseerr,, ppaasssswwoorrddThe user name and password to log into the pgsql server. Exam-
ple: user = someone password = somepassword ddbbnnaammee The database name on the servers. Example: dbname = customerdatabase The following parameters can be used to fill in a SELECT template statement of the form: select [sseelleeccttffiieelldd] from [ttaabbllee] where[wwhheerreeffiieelldd] = '$lookup' [aaddddiittiioonnaallccoonnddiittiioonnss]
$lookup contains the search string, and is escaped so if it contains
single quotes or other odd characters, it will not cause a parse error, or worse, a security problem. sseelleeccttffiieelldd The SQL "select" parameter. Example: selectfield = forwaddr ttaabbllee The SQL "select .. from" table name. Example: table = mxaliases wwhheerreeffiieelldd The SQL "select .. where" parameter. Example: wherefield = alias aaddddiittiioonnaallccoonnddiittiioonnss Additional conditions to the SQL query. Example: additionalconditions = and status = 'paid' The following parameters provide ways to override the default SELECTstatement. Setting them will instruct Postfix to ignore the above ttaa-
bbllee, sseelleeccttffiieelldd, wwhheerreeffiieelldd and aaddddiittiioonnaallccoonnddiittiioonnss parameters: qquueerryy This parameter specifies a complete SQL query. Example: query = select forwaddr from mxaliases wherealias = '%s' and status = 'paid'
This parameter supports the following '%' expansions:
%%ss This is replaced by the input key. Quoting is used to
make sure that the input key does not add unexpected metacharacters.%%uu When the input key is an address of the form user@domain,
%%uu is replaced by the quoted local part of the address.
If no domain is specified, %%uu is replaced by the entire
search string.%%dd When the input key is an address of the form user@domain,
%%dd is replaced by the quoted domain part of the address.
When the input key has no domain qualifier, %%dd is
replaced by the entire search string. sseelleeccttffuunnccttiioonn This parameter specifies a database function name. Example: selectfunction = mylookupuseralias This is equivalent to:query = select mylookupuseralias('%s')
and overrides both the qquueerryy parameter and the table-related
fields above.As of June 2002, if the function returns a single row and a sin-
gle column AND that value is NULL, then the result will be treated as if the key was not in the dictionary. Future versions will allow functions to return result sets.SEE ALSO
postmap(1), Postfix lookup table manager postconf(5), configuration parameters ldaptable(5), LDAP lookup tables mysqltable(5), MySQL lookup tables README FILES Use "ppoossttccoonnff rreeaaddmmeeddiirreeccttoorryy" or "ppoossttccoonnff hhttmmllddiirreeccttoorryy" to locate this information. DATABASEREADME, Postfix lookup table overview PGSQLREADME, Postfix PostgreSQL client guide LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. HISTORY PgSQL support was introduced with Postfix version 2.1. AUTHOR(S) Based on the MySQL client by: Scott Cotton, Joshua Marcus IC Group, Inc. Ported to PostgreSQL by: Aaron Sethman Further enhanced by: Liviu Daia Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian AcademyP.O. BOX 1-764
RO-014700 Bucharest, ROMANIA