Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man perlvms

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man perlvms

PERLVMS(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLVMS(1)


perlvms - VMS-specific documentation for Perl


Gathered below are notes describing details of Perl 5's behavior on VMS. They are a supplement to the regular Perl 5 documentation, so we have focussed on the ways in which Perl 5 functions differently under VMS than it does under Unix, and on the interactions between Perl and

the rest of the operating system. We haven't tried to duplicate com-

plete descriptions of Perl features from the main Perl documentation, which can be found in the [.pod] subdirectory of the Perl distribution. We hope these notes will save you from confusion and lost sleep when writing Perl scripts on VMS. If you find we've missed something you think should appear here, please don't hesitate to drop a line to IInnssttaallllaattiioonn Directions for building and installing Perl 5 can be found in the file README.vms in the main source directory of the Perl distribution.. OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn ooff PPeerrll IImmaaggeess CCoorree IImmaaggeess During the installation process, three Perl images are produced. Miniperl.Exe is an executable image which contains all of the basic functionality of Perl, but cannot take advantage of Perl extensions. It is used to generate several files needed to build the complete Perl and various extensions. Once you've finished installing Perl, you can delete this image. Most of the complete Perl resides in the shareable image PerlShr.Exe, which provides a core to which the Perl executable image and all Perl

extensions are linked. You should place this image in Sys$Share, or

define the logical name PerlShr to translate to the full file specifi-

cation of this image. It should be world readable. (Remember that if a user has execute only access to PerlShr, VMS will treat it as if it

were a privileged shareable image, and will therefore require all down-

stream shareable images to be INSTALLed, etc.) Finally, Perl.Exe is an executable image containing the main entry point for Perl, as well as some initialization code. It should be placed in a public directory, and made world executable. In order to

run Perl with command line arguments, you should define a foreign com-

mand to invoke this image. PPeerrll EExxtteennssiioonnss Perl extensions are packages which provide both XS and Perl code to add

new functionality to perl. (XS is a meta-language which simplifies

writing C code which interacts with Perl, see perlxs for more details.) The Perl code for an extension is treated like any other library module

- it's made available in your script through the appropriate "use" or

"require" statement, and usually defines a Perl package containing the extension. The portion of the extension provided by the XS code may be connected

to the rest of Perl in either of two ways. In the ssttaattiicc configura-

tion, the object code for the extension is linked directly into Perl-

Shr.Exe, and is initialized whenever Perl is invoked. In the ddyynnaammiicc configuration, the extension's machine code is placed into a separate

shareable image, which is mapped by Perl's DynaLoader when the exten-

sion is "use"d or "require"d in your script. This allows you to main-

tain the extension as a separate entity, at the cost of keeping track of the additional shareable image. Most extensions can be set up as either static or dynamic. The source code for an extension usually resides in its own directory. At least three files are generally provided: Extshortname.xs (where Extshortname is the portion of the extension's name following the last "::"), containing the XS code,, the Perl library module

for the extension, and Makefile.PL, a Perl script which uses the "Make-

Maker" library modules supplied with Perl to generate a Descrip.MMS file for the extension. IInnssttaalllliinngg ssttaattiicc eexxtteennssiioonnss Since static extensions are incorporated directly into PerlShr.Exe, you'll have to rebuild Perl to incorporate a new extension. You should edit the main Descrip.MMS or Makefile you use to build Perl, adding the extension's name to the "ext" macro, and the extension's object file to the "extobj" macro. You'll also need to build the extension's object file, either by adding dependencies to the main Descrip.MMS, or using a separate Descrip.MMS for the extension. Then, rebuild PerlShr.Exe to incorporate the new code. Finally, you'll need to copy the extension's Perl library module to the [.Extname] subdirectory under one of the directories in @INC, where Extname is the name of the extension, with all "::" replaced by "." (e.g. the library module for extension Foo::Bar would be copied to a [.Foo.Bar] subdirectory). IInnssttaalllliinngg ddyynnaammiicc eexxtteennssiioonnss In general, the distributed kit for a Perl extension includes a file named Makefile.PL, which is a Perl program which is used to create a Descrip.MMS file which can be used to build and install the files required by the extension. The kit should be unpacked into a directory tree nnoott under the main Perl source directory, and the procedure for building the extension is simply

$ perl Makefile.PL ! Create Descrip.MMS

$ mmk ! Build necessary files

$ mmk test ! Run test code, if supplied

$ mmk install ! Install into public Perl tree

N.B. The procedure by which extensions are built and tested creates

several levels (at least 4) under the directory in which the exten-

sion's source files live. For this reason if you are runnning a ver-

sion of VMS prior to V7.1 you shouldn't nest the source directory too deeply in your directory structure lest you exceed RMS' maximum of 8 levels of subdirectory in a filespec. (You can use rooted logical names to get another 8 levels of nesting, if you can't place the files near the top of the physical directory structure.)

VMS support for this process in the current release of Perl is suffi-

cient to handle most extensions. However, it does not yet recognize extra libraries required to build shareable images which are part of an extension, so these must be added to the linker options file for the extension by hand. For instance, if the PGPLOT extension to Perl requires the PGPLOTSHR.EXE shareable image in order to properly link the Perl extension, then the line "PGPLOTSHR/Share" must be added to the linker options file PGPLOT.Opt produced during the build process for the Perl extension. By default, the shareable image for an extension is placed in the [.lib.siteperl.autoArch.Extname] directory of the installed Perl directory tree (where Arch is VMSVAX or VMSAXP, and Extname is the name of the extension, with each "::" translated to "."). (See the MakeMaker documentation for more details on installation options for extensions.) However, it can be manually placed in any of several locations:

+o the [.Lib.Auto.Arch$PVersExtname] subdirectory of one of the direc-

tories in @INC (where PVers is the version of Perl you're using, as

supplied in $], with '.' converted to ''), or

+o one of the directories in @INC, or +o a directory which the extensions Perl library module passes to the DynaLoader when asking it to map the shareable image, or

+o Sys$Share or Sys$Library.

If the shareable image isn't in any of these places, you'll need to define a logical name Extshortname, where Extshortname is the portion of the extension's name after the last "::", which translates to the full file specification of the shareable image. FFiillee ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss SSyynnttaaxx

We have tried to make Perl aware of both VMS-style and Unix- style file

specifications wherever possible. You may use either style, or both, on the command line and in scripts, but you may not combine the two styles within a single file specification. VMS Perl interprets Unix pathnames in much the same way as the CRTL (e.g. the first component of

an absolute path is read as the device name for the VMS file specifica-

tion). There are a set of functions provided in the "VMS::Filespec" package for explicit interconversion between VMS and Unix syntax; its documentation provides more details.

Filenames are, of course, still case-insensitive. For consistency,

most Perl routines return filespecs using lower case letters only, regardless of the case used in the arguments passed to them. (This is

true only when running under VMS; Perl respects the case-sensitivity

of OSs like Unix.) We've tried to minimize the dependence of Perl library modules on Unix syntax, but you may find that some of these, as well as some scripts written for Unix systems, will require that you use Unix syntax, since they will assume that '/' is the directory separator, etc. If you find instances of this in the Perl distribution itself, please let us know, so we can try to work around them. WWiillddccaarrdd eexxppaannssiioonn

File specifications containing wildcards are allowed both on the com-

mand line and within Perl globs (e.g. "<*.c>"). If the wildcard file-

spec uses VMS syntax, the resultant filespecs will follow VMS syntax;

if a Unix-style filespec is passed in, Unix-style filespecs will be

returned. Similar to the behavior of wildcard globbing for a Unix shell, one can escape command line wildcards with double quotation marks """ around a perl program command line argument. However, owing to the stripping of """ characters carried out by the C handling of

argv you will need to escape a construct such as this one (in a direc-

tory containing the files PERL.C, PERL.EXE, PERL.H, and PERL.OBJ):

$ perl -e "print join(' ',@ARGV)" perl.*

perl.c perl.exe perl.h perl.obj in the following triple quoted manner:

$ perl -e "print join(' ',@ARGV)" """perl.*"""

perl.* In both the case of unquoted command line arguments or in calls to

"glob()" VMS wildcard expansion is performed. (csh-style wildcard

expansion is available if you use "File::Glob::glob".) If the wildcard

filespec contains a device or directory specification, then the resul-

tant filespecs will also contain a device and directory; otherwise,

device and directory information are removed. VMS-style resultant

filespecs will contain a full device and directory, while Unix-style

resultant filespecs will contain only as much of a directory path as

was present in the input filespec. For example, if your default direc-

tory is PerlRoot:[000000], the expansion of "[.t]*.*" will yield file-

specs like "perlroot:[t]base.dir", while the expansion of "t/*/*" will yield filespecs like "t/base.dir". (This is done to match the behavior of glob expansion performed by Unix shells.) Similarly, the resultant filespec will contain the file version only if one was present in the input filespec. PPiippeess Input and output pipes to Perl filehandles are supported; the "file

name" is passed to lib$spawn() for asynchronous execution. You should

be careful to close any pipes you have opened in a Perl script, lest you leave any "orphaned" subprocesses around when Perl exits. You may also use backticks to invoke a DCL subprocess, whose output is used as the return value of the expression. The string between the

backticks is handled as if it were the argument to the "system" opera-

tor (see below). In this case, Perl will wait for the subprocess to complete before continuing. The mailbox (MBX) that perl can create to communicate with a pipe defaults to a buffer size of 512. The default buffer size is adjustable via the logical name PERLMBXSIZE provided that the value

falls between 128 and the SYSGEN parameter MAXBUF inclusive. For exam-

ple, to double the MBX size from the default within a Perl program, use

"$ENV{'PERLMBXSIZE'} = 1024;" and then open and use pipe constructs.

An alternative would be to issue the command:

$ Define PERLMBXSIZE 1024

before running your wide record pipe program. A larger value may improve performance at the expense of the BYTLM UAF quota. PPEERRLL55LLIIBB aanndd PPEERRLLLLIIBB The PERL5LIB and PERLLIB logical names work as documented in perl, except that the element separator is '|' instead of ':'. The directory specifications may use either VMS or Unix syntax. CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee II//OO rreeddiirreeccttiioonn aanndd bbaacckkggrroouunnddiinngg Perl for VMS supports redirection of input and output on the command line, using a subset of Bourne shell syntax: +o "file" writes stdout to "file", +o ">>file" appends stdout to "file", +o "2>file" writes stderr to "file", +o "2>>file" appends stderr to "file", and +o "2>&1" redirects stderr to stdout. In addition, output may be piped to a subprocess, using the character '|'. Anything after this character on the command line is passed to a subprocess for execution; the subprocess takes the output of Perl as its input. Finally, if the command line ends with '&', the entire command is run in the background as an asynchronous subprocess. CCoommmmaanndd lliinnee sswwiittcchheess The following command line switches behave differently under VMS than described in perlrun. Note also that in order to pass uppercase

switches to Perl, you need to enclose them in double-quotes on the com-

mand line, since the CRTL downcases all unquoted strings.

-i If the "-i" switch is present but no extension for a backup copy is

given, then inplace editing creates a new version of a file; the existing copy is not deleted. (Note that if an extension is given, an existing file is renamed to the backup file, as is the case under other operating systems, so it does not remain as a previous version under the original filename.)

-S If the "-S" or "-"S"" switch is present and the script name does

not contain a directory, then Perl translates the logical name

DCL$PATH as a searchlist, using each translation as a directory in

which to look for the script. In addition, if no file type is specified, Perl looks in each directory for a file matching the name specified, with a blank type, a type of .pl, and a type of .com, in that order.

-u The "-u" switch causes the VMS debugger to be invoked after the

Perl program is compiled, but before it has run. It does not cre-

ate a core dump file. PPeerrll ffuunnccttiioonnss

As of the time this document was last revised, the following Perl func-

tions were implemented in the VMS port of Perl (functions marked with * are discussed in more detail below): file tests*, abs, alarm, atan, backticks*, binmode*, bless, caller, chdir, chmod, chown, chomp, chop, chr, close, closedir, cos, crypt*, defined, delete, die, do, dump*, each, endpwent, eof, eval, exec*, exists, exit, exp, fileno, getc, getlogin, getppid, getpwent*, getpwnam*, getpwuid*, glob, gmtime*, goto, grep, hex, import, index, int, join, keys, kill*, last, lc, lcfirst, length, local, localtime, log, m//, map, mkdir, my, next, no, oct, open, opendir, ord, pack, pipe, pop, pos, print, printf, push, q//, qq//, qw//, qx//*, quotemeta, rand, read, readdir, redo, ref, rename, require, reset, return, reverse, rewinddir, rindex, rmdir, s///, scalar, seek, seekdir, select(internal), select (system call)*, setpwent, shift, sin, sleep, sort, splice, split, sprintf, sqrt, srand, stat, study, substr, sysread, system*, syswrite, tell, telldir, tie, time, times*, tr///, uc, ucfirst, umask, undef, unlink*, unpack, untie, unshift, use, utime*, values, vec, wait, waitpid*, wantarray, warn, write, y///

The following functions were not implemented in the VMS port, and call-

ing them produces a fatal error (usually) or undefined behavior (rarely, we hope): chroot, dbmclose, dbmopen, flock, fork*, getpgrp, getpriority, getgrent, getgrgid, getgrnam, setgrent, endgrent, ioctl, link, lstat, msgctl, msgget, msgsend, msgrcv, readlink, semctl, semget, semop, setpgrp, setpriority, shmctl, shmget, shmread, shmwrite, socketpair, symlink, syscall The following functions are available on Perls compiled with Dec C 5.2 or greater and running VMS 7.0 or greater: truncate The following functions are available on Perls built on VMS 7.2 or greater: fcntl (without locking) The following functions may or may not be implemented, depending on what type of socket support you've built into your copy of Perl: accept, bind, connect, getpeername, gethostbyname, getnetbyname, getprotobyname, getservbyname, gethostbyaddr, getnetbyaddr, getprotobynumber, getservbyport, gethostent, getnetent, getprotoent, getservent, sethostent, setnetent, setprotoent, setservent, endhostent, endnetent, endprotoent, endservent, getsockname, getsockopt, listen, recv, select(system call)*, send, setsockopt, shutdown, socket File tests

The tests "-b", "-B", "-c", "-C", "-d", "-e", "-f", "-o", "-M",

"-s", "-S", "-t", "-T", and "-z" work as advertised. The return

values for "-r", "-w", and "-x" tell you whether you can actually

access the file; this may not reflect the UIC-based file protec-

tions. Since real and effective UIC don't differ under VMS, "-O",

"-R", "-W", and "-X" are equivalent to "-o", "-r", "-w", and "-x".

Similarly, several other tests, including "-A", "-g", "-k", "-l",

"-p", and "-u", aren't particularly meaningful under VMS, and the

values returned by these tests reflect whatever your CRTL "stat()" routine does to the equivalent bits in the stmode field. Finally,

"-d" returns true if passed a device specification without an

explicit directory (e.g. "DUA1:"), as well as if passed a direc-


Note: Some sites have reported problems when using the file-access

tests ("-r", "-w", and "-x") on files accessed via DEC's DFS.

Specifically, since DFS does not currently provide access to the

extended file header of files on remote volumes, attempts to exam-

ine the ACL fail, and the file tests will return false, with $!

indicating that the file does not exist. You can use "stat" on

these files, since that checks UIC-based protection only, and then

manually check the appropriate bits, as defined by your C com-

piler's stat.h, in the mode value it returns, if you need an approximation of the file's protections. backticks Backticks create a subprocess, and pass the enclosed string to it for execution as a DCL command. Since the subprocess is created

directly via "lib$spawn()", any valid DCL command string may be

specified. binmode FILEHANDLE The "binmode" operator will attempt to insure that no translation

of carriage control occurs on input from or output to this filehan-

dle. Since this involves reopening the file and then restoring its

file position indicator, if this function returns FALSE, the under-

lying filehandle may no longer point to an open file, or may point to a different position in the file than before "binmode" was called. Note that "binmode" is generally not necessary when using normal filehandles; it is provided so that you can control I/O to existing

record-structured files when necessary. You can also use the "vms-

fopen" function in the VMS::Stdio extension to gain finer control of I/O to files and devices with different record structures. crypt PLAINTEXT, USER

The "crypt" operator uses the "sys$hashpassword" system service to

generate the hashed representation of PLAINTEXT. If USER is a valid username, the algorithm and salt values are taken from that user's UAF record. If it is not, then the preferred algorithm and a salt of 0 are used. The quadword encrypted value is returned as

an 8-character string.

The value returned by "crypt" may be compared against the encrypted password from the UAF returned by the "getpw*" functions, in order to authenticate users. If you're going to do this, remember that the encrypted password in the UAF was generated using uppercase username and password strings; you'll have to upcase the arguments to "crypt" to insure that you'll get the proper value: sub validatepasswd {

my($user,$passwd) = @;


if ( !($pwdhash = (getpwnam($user))[1]) ||

$pwdhash ne crypt("\U$passwd","\U$name") ) {


} return 1; } dump

Rather than causing Perl to abort and dump core, the "dump" opera-

tor invokes the VMS debugger. If you continue to execute the Perl program under the debugger, control will be transferred to the label specified as the argument to "dump", or, if no label was specified, back to the beginning of the program. All other state of the program (e.g. values of variables, open file handles) are not affected by calling "dump". exec LIST A call to "exec" will cause Perl to exit, and to invoke the command

given as an argument to "exec" via "lib$docommand". If the argu-

ment begins with '@' or '$' (other than as part of a filespec),

then it is executed as a DCL command. Otherwise, the first token on the command line is treated as the filespec of an image to run, and an attempt is made to invoke it (using .Exe and the process defaults to expand the filespec) and pass the rest of "exec"'s argument to it as parameters. If the token has no file type, and matches a file with null type, then an attempt is made to determine whether the file is an executable image which should be invoked

using "MCR" or a text file which should be passed to DCL as a com-

mand procedure. fork While in principle the "fork" operator could be implemented via (and with the same rather severe limitations as) the CRTL "vfork()" routine, and while some internal support to do just that is in place, the implementation has never been completed, making "fork" currently unavailable. A true kernel "fork()" is expected in a

future version of VMS, and the pseudo-fork based on interpreter

threads may be available in a future version of Perl on VMS (see perlfork). In the meantime, use "system", backticks, or piped filehandles to create subprocesses. getpwent getpwnam getpwuid These operators obtain the information described in perlfunc, if you have the privileges necessary to retrieve the named user's UAF

information via "sys$getuai". If not, then only the $name, $uid,

and $gid items are returned. The $dir item contains the login

directory in VMS syntax, while the $comment item contains the login

directory in Unix syntax. The $gcos item contains the owner field

from the UAF record. The $quota item is not used.

gmtime The "gmtime" operator will function properly if you have a working

CRTL "gmtime()" routine, or if the logical name SYS$TIMEZONEDIF-

FERENTIAL is defined as the number of seconds which must be added

to UTC to yield local time. (This logical name is defined automat-

ically if you are running a version of VMS with built-in UTC sup-

port.) If neither of these cases is true, a warning message is printed, and "undef" is returned. kill

In most cases, "kill" is implemented via the CRTL's "kill()" func-

tion, so it will behave according to that function's documentation.

If you send a SIGKILL, however, the $DELPRC system service is

called directly. This insures that the target process is actually deleted, if at all possible. (The CRTL's "kill()" function is

presently implemented via $FORCEX, which is ignored by supervisor-

mode images like DCL.) Also, negative signal values don't do anything special under VMS; they're just converted to the corresponding positive value. qx// See the entry on "backticks" above. select (system call) If Perl was not built with socket support, the system call version of "select" is not available at all. If socket support is present, then the system call version of "select" functions only for file descriptors attached to sockets. It will not provide information about regular files or pipes, since the CRTL "select()" routine does not provide this functionality. stat EXPR Since VMS keeps track of files according to a different scheme than Unix, it's not really possible to represent the file's ID in the "stdev" and "stino" fields of a "struct stat". Perl tries its best, though, and the values it uses are pretty unlikely to be the same for two different files. We can't guarantee this, though, so caveat scriptor. system LIST

The "system" operator creates a subprocess, and passes its argu-

ments to the subprocess for execution as a DCL command. Since the

subprocess is created directly via "lib$spawn()", any valid DCL

command string may be specified. If the string begins with '@', it is treated as a DCL command unconditionally. Otherwise, if the

first token contains a character used as a delimiter in file speci-

fication (e.g. ":" or "]"), an attempt is made to expand it using a default type of .Exe and the process defaults, and if successful, the resulting file is invoked via "MCR". This allows you to invoke

an image directly simply by passing the file specification to "sys-

tem", a common Unixish idiom. If the token has no file type, and matches a file with null type, then an attempt is made to determine whether the file is an executable image which should be invoked

using "MCR" or a text file which should be passed to DCL as a com-

mand procedure.

If LIST consists of the empty string, "system" spawns an interac-

tive DCL subprocess, in the same fashion as typing SSPPAAWWNN at the DCL prompt.

Perl waits for the subprocess to complete before continuing execu-

tion in the current process. As described in perlfunc, the return value of "system" is a fake "status" which follows POSIX semantics unless the pragma "use vmsish 'status'" is in effect; see the

description of $? in this document for more detail.

time The value returned by "time" is the offset in seconds from

01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 (just like the CRTL's times() routine), in

order to make life easier for code coming in from the POSIX/Unix world. times The array returned by the "times" operator is divided up according

to the same rules the CRTL "times()" routine. Therefore, the "sys-

tem time" elements will always be 0, since there is no difference

between "user time" and "system" time under VMS, and the time accu-

mulated by a subprocess may or may not appear separately in the

"child time" field, depending on whether times keeps track of sub-

processes separately. Note especially that the VAXCRTL (at least) keeps track only of subprocesses spawned using fork and exec; it will not accumulate the times of subprocesses spawned via pipes, system, or backticks. unlink LIST "unlink" will delete the highest version of a file only; in order to delete all versions, you need to say 1 while unlink LIST;

You may need to make this change to scripts written for a Unix sys-

tem which expect that after a call to "unlink", no files with the names passed to "unlink" will exist. (Note: This can be changed at

compile time; if you "use Config" and $Config{'dunlinkallver-

sions'} is "define", then "unlink" will delete all versions of a file on the first call.) "unlink" will delete a file if at all possible, even if it requires

changing file protection (though it won't try to change the protec-

tion of the parent directory). You can tell whether you've got

explicit delete access to a file by using the "VMS::Filespec::can-

delete" operator. For instance, in order to delete only files to which you have delete access, you could say something like sub safeunlink {


foreach $file (@) {

next unless VMS::Filespec::candelete($file);

$num += unlink $file;



} (or you could just use "VMS::Stdio::remove", if you've installed the VMS::Stdio extension distributed with Perl). If "unlink" has to change the file protection to delete the file, and you interrupt it in midstream, the file may be left intact, but with a changed ACL allowing you delete access. utime LIST

Since ODS-2, the VMS file structure for disk files, does not keep

track of access times, this operator changes only the modification time of the file (VMS revision date). waitpid PID,FLAGS If PID is a subprocess started by a piped "open()" (see open),

"waitpid" will wait for that subprocess, and return its final sta-

tus value in $?. If PID is a subprocess created in some other way

(e.g. SPAWNed before Perl was invoked), "waitpid" will simply check once per second whether the process has completed, and return when it has. (If PID specifies a process that isn't a subprocess

of the current process, and you invoked Perl with the "-w" switch,

a warning will be issued.)

Returns PID on success, -1 on error. The FLAGS argument is ignored

in all cases. PPeerrll vvaarriiaabblleess

The following VMS-specific information applies to the indicated "spe-

cial" Perl variables, in addition to the general information in perl-

var. Where there is a conflict, this information takes precedence.


The operation of the %ENV array depends on the translation of the

logical name PERLENVTABLES. If defined, it should be a search

list, each element of which specifies a location for %ENV elements.

If you tell Perl to read or set the element "$ENV{"name"}", then

Perl uses the translations of PERLENVTABLES as follows: CRTLENV This string tells Perl to consult the CRTL's internal "environ"

array of key-value pairs, using name as the key. In most

cases, this contains only a few keys, but if Perl was invoked

via the C "exec[lv]e()" function, as is the case for CGI pro-

cessing by some HTTP servers, then the "environ" array may have been populated by the calling program. CLISYM[LOCAL] A string beginning with "CLISYM"tells Perl to consult the CLI's symbol tables, using name as the name of the symbol.

When reading an element of %ENV, the local symbol table is

scanned first, followed by the global symbol table.. The char-

acters following "CLISYM" are significant when an element of

%ENV is set or deleted: if the complete string is

"CLISYMLOCAL", the change is made in the local symbol table; otherwise the global symbol table is changed. Any other string If an element of PERLENVTABLES translates to any other

string, that string is used as the name of a logical name ta-

ble, which is consulted using name as the logical name. The normal search order of access modes is used. PERLENVTABLES is translated once when Perl starts up; any changes

you make while Perl is running do not affect the behavior of %ENV.

If PERLENVTABLES is not defined, then Perl defaults to consulting

first the logical name tables specified by LNM$FILEDEV, and then

the CRTL "environ" array.

In all operations on %ENV, the key string is treated as if it were

entirely uppercase, regardless of the case actually specified in the Perl expression.

When an element of %ENV is read, the locations to which

PERLENVTABLES points are checked in order, and the value obtained from the first successful lookup is returned. If the name of the

%ENV element contains a semi-colon, it and any characters after it

are removed. These are ignored when the CRTL "environ" array or a CLI symbol table is consulted. However, the name is looked up in a

logical name table, the suffix after the semi-colon is treated as

the translation index to be used for the lookup. This lets you look up successive values for search list logical names. For instance, if you say

$ Define STORY once,upon,a,time,there,was

$ perl -e "for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) " -

$ -e "{ print $ENV{'story;'.$i},' '}"

Perl will print "ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS", assuming, of course, that PERLENVTABLES is set up so that the logical name "story" is found, rather than a CLI symbol or CRTL "environ" element with the same name.

When an element of %ENV is set to a defined string, the correspond-

ing definition is made in the location to which the first transla-

tion of PERLENVTABLES points. If this causes a logical name to be created, it is defined in supervisor mode. (The same is done if an existing logical name was defined in executive or kernel mode; an existing user or supervisor mode logical name is reset to the new value.) If the value is an empty string, the logical name's translation is defined as a single NUL (ASCII 00) character, since

a logical name cannot translate to a zero-length string. (This

restriction does not apply to CLI symbols or CRTL "environ" values;

they are set to the empty string.) An element of the CRTL "envi-

ron" array can be set only if your copy of Perl knows about the CRTL's "setenv()" function. (This is present only in some versions

of the DECCRTL; check $Config{dsetenv} to see whether your copy of

Perl was built with a CRTL that has this function.)

When an element of %ENV is set to "undef", the element is looked up

as if it were being read, and if it is found, it is deleted. (An item "deleted" from the CRTL "environ" array is set to the empty string; this can only be done if your copy of Perl knows about the CRTL "setenv()" function.) Using "delete" to remove an element

from %ENV has a similar effect, but after the element is deleted,

another attempt is made to look up the element, so an inner-mode

logical name or a name in another location will replace the logical name just deleted. In either case, only the first value found searching PERLENVTABLES is altered. It is not possible at

present to define a search list logical name via %ENV.

The element $ENV{DEFAULT} is special: when read, it returns Perl's

current default device and directory, and when set, it resets them, regardless of the definition of PERLENVTABLES. It cannot be cleared or deleted; attempts to do so are silently ignored.

Note that if you want to pass on any elements of the C-local envi-

ron array to a subprocess which isn't started by fork/exec, or isn't running a C program, you can "promote" them to logical names

in the current process, which will then be inherited by all subpro-

cesses, by saying

foreach my $key (qw[C-local keys you want promoted]) {

my $temp = $ENV{$key}; # read from C-local array

$ENV{$key} = $temp; # and define as logical name


(You can't just say $ENV{$key} = $ENV{$key}, since the Perl opti-

mizer is smart enough to elide the expression.)

Don't try to clear %ENV by saying "%ENV = ();", it will throw a

fatal error. This is equivalent to doing the following from DCL: DELETE/LOGICAL * You can imagine how bad things would be if, for example, the

SYS$MANAGER or SYS$SYSTEM logicals were deleted.

At present, the first time you iterate over %ENV using "keys", or

"values", you will incur a time penalty as all logical names are

read, in order to fully populate %ENV. Subsequent iterations will

not reread logical names, so they won't be as slow, but they also won't reflect any changes to logical name tables caused by other programs.

You do need to be careful with the logicals representing process-

permanent files, such as "SYS$INPUT" and "SYS$OUTPUT". The trans-

lations for these logicals are prepended with a two-byte binary

value (0x1B 0x00) that needs to be stripped off if you want to use it. (In previous versions of Perl it wasn't possible to get the

values of these logicals, as the null byte acted as an end-of-

string marker)

$! The string value of $! is that returned by the CRTL's strerror()

function, so it will include the VMS message for VMS-specific

errors. The numeric value of $! is the value of "errno", except if

errno is EVMSERR, in which case $! contains the value of

vaxc$errno. Setting $! always sets errno to the value specified.

If this value is EVMSERR, it also sets vaxc$errno to 4 (NO-

NAME-F-NOMSG), so that the string value of $! won't reflect the VMS

error message from before $! was set.

$^E This variable provides direct access to VMS status values in

vaxc$errno, which are often more specific than the generic Unix-

style error messages in $!. Its numeric value is the value of

vaxc$errno, and its string value is the corresponding VMS message

string, as retrieved by sys$getmsg(). Setting $^E sets vaxc$errno

to the value specified.

$? The "status value" returned in $? is synthesized from the actual

exit status of the subprocess in a way that approximates POSIX wait(5) semantics, in order to allow Perl programs to portably test for successful completion of subprocesses. The low order 8 bits of

$? are always 0 under VMS, since the termination status of a

process may or may not have been generated by an exception. The

next 8 bits are derived from the severity portion of the subpro-

cess' exit status: if the severity was success or informational, these bits are all 0; if the severity was warning, they contain a value of 1; if the severity was error or fatal error, they contain the actual severity bits, which turns out to be a value of 2 for error and 4 for fatal error.

As a result, $? will always be zero if the subprocess' exit status

indicated successful completion, and non-zero if a warning or error

occurred. Conversely, when setting $? in an END block, an attempt

is made to convert the POSIX value into a native status intelligi-

ble to the operating system upon exiting Perl. What this boils

down to is that setting $? to zero results in the generic success

value SS$NORMAL, and setting $? to a non-zero value results in the

generic failure status SS$ABORT. See also "exit" in perlport.

The pragma "use vmsish 'status'" makes $? reflect the actual VMS

exit status instead of the default emulation of POSIX status

described above. This pragma also disables the conversion of non-

zero values to SS$ABORT when setting $? in an END block (but zero

will still be converted to SS$NORMAL).

$| Setting $| for an I/O stream causes data to be flushed all the way

to disk on each write (i.e. not just to the underlying RMS buffers for a file). In other words, it's equivalent to calling fflush() and fsync() from C.

SSttaannddaarrdd mmoodduulleess wwiitthh VVMMSS-ssppeecciiffiicc ddiiffffeerreenncceess

SSDDBBMMFFiillee SDBMFile works properly on VMS. It has, however, one minor difference. The database directory file created has a .sdbmdir extension rather than a .dir extension. .dir files are VMS filesystem directory files, and using them for other purposes could cause unacceptable problems. RReevviissiioonn ddaattee

This document was last updated on 01-May-2002, for Perl 5, patchlevel


Charles Bailey Craig Berry craig- Dan Sugalski

perl v5.8.6 2004-11-05 PERLVMS(1)

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