README.openbsd - Perl version 5 on OpenBSD systems
This document describes various features of OpenBSD that will affect how Perl version 5 (hereafter just Perl) is compiled and/or runs. OOppeennBBSSDD ccoorree dduummppss ffrroomm ggeettpprroottoobbyynnaammeerr aanndd ggeettsseerrvvbbyynnaammeerr wwiitthh iitthhrreeaaddssWhen Perl is configured to use ithreads, it will use re-entrant library
calls in preference to non-re-entrant versions. There is an incompata-
bility in OpenBSD's "getprotobynamer" and "getservbynamer" function in versions 3.7 and later that will cause a SEGV when called withoutdoing a "bzero" on their return structs prior to calling these func-
tions. Current Perl's should handle this problem correctly. Older threaded Perls (5.8.6 or earlier) will run into this problem. If you want to run a threaded Perl on OpenBSD 3.7 or higher, you will need to upgrade to at least Perl 5.8.7. AUTHOR Steve PetersPlease report any errors, updates, or suggestions to perl v5.8.8 2006-01-07 PERLOPENBSD(1)