Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man perlfreebsd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man perlfreebsd

PERLFREEBSD(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLFREEBSD(1)


README.freebsd - Perl version 5 on FreeBSD systems


This document describes various features of FreeBSD that will affect how Perl version 5 (hereafter just Perl) is compiled and/or runs. FFrreeeeBBSSDD ccoorree dduummppss ffrroomm rreeaaddddiirrrr wwiitthh iitthhrreeaaddss

When perl is configured to use ithreads, it will use re-entrant library

calls in preference to non-re-entrant versions. There is a bug in

FreeBSD's "readdirr" function in versions 4.5 and earlier that can cause a SEGV when reading large directories. A patch for FreeBSD libc

is available (see

) which has been integrated into FreeBSD 4.6.

$$^^XX ddooeessnn''tt aallwwaayyss ccoonnttaaiinn aa ffuullll ppaatthh iinn FFrreeeeBBSSDD

perl 5.8.0 sets $^X where possible to a full path by asking the operat-

ing system. On FreeBSD the full path of the perl interpreter is found by reading the symlink /proc/curproc/file. There is a bug on FreeBSD, where the result of reading this symlink is can be wrong in certain

circumstances (see ).

In these cases perl will fall back to the old behaviour of using C's

argv[0] value for $^X.

PPeerrll wwiillll nnoo lloonnggeerr bbee ppaarrtt ooff ""bbaassee FFrreeeeBBSSDD""

Not as bad as it sounds-what this means is that Perl will no longer be

part of the kkeerrnneell bbuuiilldd ssyysstteemm of FreeBSD. Perl will still very prob-

ably be part of the "default install", and in any case the latest ver-

sion will be in the ports system. The first FreeBSD version this change will affect is 5.0, all 4.n versions will keep the status quo. AUTHOR Nicholas Clark , collating wisdom supplied by Slaven Rezic and Tim Bunce. Please report any errors, updates, or suggestions to

perl v5.8.6 2004-11-05 PERLFREEBSD(1)

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