perlebcdic - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
An exploration of some of the issues facing Perl programmers on EBCDIC based computers. We do not cover localization, internationalization,or multi byte character set issues other than some discussion of UTF-8
Portions that are still incomplete are marked with XXX. CCOOMMMMOONN CCHHAARRAACCTTEERR CCOODDEE SSEETTSS AASSCCIIII The American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a set ofintegers running from 0 to 127 (decimal) that imply character interpre-
tation by the display and other system(s) of computers. The range0..127 can be covered by setting the bits in a 7-bit binary digit,
hence the set is sometimes referred to as a "7-bit ASCII". ASCII was
described by the American National Standards Institute document ANSIX3.4-1986. It was also described by ISO 646:1991 (with localization
for currency symbols). The full ASCII set is given in the table below as the first 128 elements. Languages that can be written adequately with the characters in ASCII include English, Hawaiian, Indonesian, Swahili and some Native American languages. There are many character sets that extend the range of integers from0..2**7-1 up to 2**8-1, or 8 bit bytes (octets if you prefer). One
common one is the ISO 8859-1 character set.
IISSOO 88885599The ISO 8859-$n are a collection of character code sets from the Inter-
national Organization for Standardization (ISO) each of which addscharacters to the ASCII set that are typically found in European lan-
guages many of which are based on the Roman, or Latin, alphabet.LLaattiinn 11 ((IISSOO 88885599-11))
A particular 8-bit extension to ASCII that includes grave and acute
accented Latin characters. Languages that can employ ISO 8859-1
include all the languages covered by ASCII as well as Afrikaans, Alba-
nian, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Faroese, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Dutch is covered albeit without the ij ligature. French is covered too but without the oe ligature. German can use ISO8859-1 but must do so without German-style quotation marks. This set
is based on Western European extensions to ASCII and is commonlyencountered in world wide web work. In IBM character code set identi-
fication terminology ISO 8859-1 is also known as CCSID 819 (or some-
times 0819 or even 00819). EEBBCCDDIICC The Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code refers to a large collection of slightly different single and multi byte coded charactersets that are different from ASCII or ISO 8859-1 and typically run on
host computers. The EBCDIC encodings derive from 8 bit byte extensions of Hollerith punched card encodings. The layout on the cards was suchthat high bits were set for the upper and lower case alphabet charac-
ters [a-z] and [A-Z], but there were gaps within each latin alphabet
range.Some IBM EBCDIC character sets may be known by character code set iden-
tification numbers (CCSID numbers) or code page numbers. Leading zero digits in CCSID numbers within this document are insignificant. E.g. CCSID 0037 may be referred to as 37 in places. 1133 vvaarriiaanntt cchhaarraacctteerrss Among IBM EBCDIC character code sets there are 13 characters that are often mapped to different integer values. Those characters are known as the 13 "variant" characters and are:\ [ ] { } ^ ~ ! # | $ @ `
00003377Character code set ID 0037 is a mapping of the ASCII plus Latin-1 char-
acters (i.e. ISO 8859-1) to an EBCDIC set. 0037 is used in North Amer-
ican English locales on the OS/400 operating system that runs on AS/400computers. CCSID 37 differs from ISO 8859-1 in 237 places, in other
words they agree on only 19 code point values. 11004477Character code set ID 1047 is also a mapping of the ASCII plus Latin-1
characters (i.e. ISO 8859-1) to an EBCDIC set. 1047 is used under Unix
System Services for OS/390 or z/OS, and OpenEdition for VM/ESA. CCSID 1047 differs from CCSID 0037 in eight places.PPOOSSIIXX-BBCC
The EBCDIC code page in use on Siemens' BS2000 system is distinct from1047 and 0037. It is identified below as the POSIX-BC set.
UUnniiccooddee ccooddee ppooiinnttss vveerrssuuss EEBBCCDDIICC ccooddee ppooiinnttssIn Unicode terminology a code point is the number assigned to a charac-
ter: for example, in EBCDIC the character "A" is usually assigned the number 193. In Unicode the character "A" is assigned the number 65. This causes a problem with the semantics of the pack/unpack "U", whichare supposed to pack Unicode code points to characters and back to num-
bers. The problem is: which code points to use for code points less than 256? (for 256 and over there's no problem: Unicode code points are used) In EBCDIC, for the low 256 the EBCDIC code points are used. This means that the equivalencespack("U", ord($character)) eq $character
unpack("U", $character) == ord $character
will hold. (If Unicode code points were applied consistently over all the possible code points, pack("U",ord("A")) would in EBCDIC equal Awith acute or chr(101), and unpack("U", "A") would equal 65, or non-
breaking space, not 193, or ord "A".) RReemmaaiinniinngg PPeerrll UUnniiccooddee pprroobblleemmss iinn EEBBCCDDIICC+o Many of the remaining seem to be related to case-insensitive match-
ing: for example, "/[\x{131}]/" (LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I) doesnot match "I" case-insensitively, as it should under Unicode. (The
match succeeds in ASCII-derived platforms.)
+o The extensions Unicode::Collate and Unicode::Normalized are not supported under EBCDIC, likewise for the encoding pragma. UUnniiccooddee aanndd UUTTFFUTF is a Unicode Transformation Format. UTF-8 is a Unicode conforming
representation of the Unicode standard that looks very much like ASCII.UTF-EBCDIC is an attempt to represent Unicode characters in an EBCDIC
transparent manner. UUssiinngg EEnnccooddee Starting from Perl 5.8 you can use the standard new module Encode totranslate from EBCDIC to Latin-1 code points
use Encode 'fromto';my %ebcdic = ( 176 => 'cp37', 95 => 'cp1047', 106 => 'posix-bc' );
# $a is in EBCDIC code points
fromto($a, $ebcdic{ord '^'}, 'latin1');
# $a is ISO 8859-1 code points
and from Latin-1 code points to EBCDIC code points
use Encode 'fromto';my %ebcdic = ( 176 => 'cp37', 95 => 'cp1047', 106 => 'posix-bc' );
# $a is ISO 8859-1 code points
fromto($a, 'latin1', $ebcdic{ord '^'});
# $a is in EBCDIC code points
For doing I/O it is suggested that you use the autotranslating features of PerlIO, see perluniintro. Since version 5.8 Perl uses the new PerlIO I/O library. This enables you to use different encodings per IO channel. For example you may use use Encode;open($f, ">:encoding(ascii)", "test.ascii");
print $f "Hello World!\n";
open($f, ">:encoding(cp37)", "test.ebcdic");
print $f "Hello World!\n";
open($f, ">:encoding(latin1)", "test.latin1");
print $f "Hello World!\n";
open($f, ">:encoding(utf8)", "test.utf8");
print $f "Hello World!\n";
to get two files containing "Hello World!\n" in ASCII, CP 37 EBCDIC,ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) (in this example identical to ASCII) respective
UTF-EBCDIC (in this example identical to normal EBCDIC). See the docu-
mentation of Encode::PerlIO for details. As the PerlIO layer uses raw IO (bytes) internally, all this totally ignores things like the type of your filesystem (ASCII or EBCDIC). SSIINNGGLLEE OOCCTTEETT TTAABBLLEESS The following tables list the ASCII and Latin 1 ordered sets including the subsets: C0 controls (0..31), ASCII graphics (32..7e), delete (7f),C1 controls (80..9f), and Latin-1 (a.k.a. ISO 8859-1) (a0..ff). In the
table non-printing control character names as well as the Latin 1
extensions to ASCII have been labelled with character names roughlycorresponding to The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 albeit with substi-
tutions such as s/LATIN// and s/VULGAR// in all cases, s/CAPITAL LET-
TER// in some cases, and s/SMALL LETTER ([A-Z])/\l$1/ in some other
cases (the "charnames" pragma names unfortunately do not list explicitnames for the C0 or C1 control characters). The "names" of the C1 con-
trol set (128..159 in ISO 8859-1) listed here are somewhat arbitrary.
The differences between the 0037 and 1047 sets are flagged with ***.The differences between the 1047 and POSIX-BC sets are flagged with
###. All ord() numbers listed are decimal. If you would rather see
this table listing octal values then run the table (that is, the pod version of this document since this recipe may not work with a pod2otherformat translation) through: recipe 0perl -ne 'if(/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/)' \
-e '{printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}' perlebcdic.pod
If you want to retain the UTF-x code points then in script form you
might want to write: recipe 1open(FH,"
while ( ) { if (/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)/) { if ($7 ne '' && $9 ne '') {
}elsif ($7 ne '') {
} else {printf("%s%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%-9o%o\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$8);
} } } If you would rather see this table listing hexadecimal values then run the table through: recipe 2perl -ne 'if(/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/)' \
-e '{printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}' perlebcdic.pod
Or, in order to retain the UTF-x code points in hexadecimal:
recipe 3open(FH,"
while ( ) { if (/(.{33})(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)\s+(\d+)\.?(\d*)/) { if ($7 ne '' && $9 ne '') {
}elsif ($7 ne '') {
} else {printf("%s%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%-9X%X\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$8);
} } }incomp- incomp-
8859-1 lete lete
chr 0819 0037 1047 POSIX-BC UTF-8 UTF-EBCDIC
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 55 55 55 4 55 5 45 45 45 5 45 6 46 46 46 6 46 7 47 47 47 7 47 8 22 22 22 8 22 9 5 5 5 9 5 10 37 21 21 10 21 *** 11 11 11 11 11 11