perlapi - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
This file contains the documentation of the perl public API generated by, specifically a listing of functions, macros, flags, and variables that may be used by extension writers. The interfaces of any functions that are not listed here are subject to change without notice. For this reason, blindly using functions listed in proto.h is to be avoided when writing extensions. Note that all Perl API global variables must be referenced with the "PL" prefix. Some macros are provided for compatibility with the older, unadorned names, but this support may be disabled in a future release. The listing is alphabetical, case insensitive. ""GGiimmmmee"" VVaalluueessGIMME A backward-compatible version of "GIMMEV" which can only
return "GSCALAR" or "GARRAY"; in a void context, it returns "GSCALAR". Deprecated. Use "GIMMEV" instead. U32 GIMMEGIMMEV The XSUB-writer's equivalent to Perl's "wantarray". Returns
"GVOID", "GSCALAR" or "GARRAY" for void, scalar or list con-
text, respectively. U32 GIMMEV GARRAY Used to indicate list context. See "GIMMEV", "GIMME" and perlcall. GDISCARD Indicates that arguments returned from a callback should be discarded. See perlcall. GEVAL Used to force a Perl "eval" wrapper around a callback. See perlcall. GNOARGS Indicates that no arguments are being sent to a callback. See perlcall. GSCALAR Used to indicate scalar context. See "GIMMEV", "GIMME", and perlcall. GVOID Used to indicate void context. See "GIMMEV" and perlcall. AArrrraayy MMaanniippuullaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonnss AvFILL Same as "avlen()". Deprecated, use "avlen()" instead. int AvFILL(AV* av) avclear Clears an array, making it empty. Does not free the memory used by the array itself. void avclear(AV* ar) avdelete Deletes the element indexed by "key" from the array. Returns the deleted element. If "flags" equals "GDISCARD", the element is freed and null is returned. SV* avdelete(AV* ar, I32 key, I32 flags) avexistsReturns true if the element indexed by "key" has been initial-
ized. This relies on the fact that uninitialized array elements are set to &PLsvundef. bool avexists(AV* ar, I32 key) avextendPre-extend an array. The "key" is the index to which the array
should be extended. void avextend(AV* ar, I32 key) avfetch Returns the SV at the specified index in the array. The "key" is the index. If "lval" is set then the fetch will be part ofa store. Check that the return value is non-null before deref-
erencing it to a "SV*". See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied arrays. SV** avfetch(AV* ar, I32 key, I32 lval) avfill Ensure than an array has a given number of elements, equivalentto Perl's "$#array = $fill;".
void avfill(AV* ar, I32 fill)avlen Returns the highest index in the array. Returns -1 if the
array is empty. I32 avlen(AV* ar) avmake Creates a new AV and populates it with a list of SVs. The SVs are copied into the array, so they may be freed after the call to avmake. The new AV will have a reference count of 1. AV* avmake(I32 size, SV** svp) avpop Pops an SV off the end of the array. Returns &PLsvundef if the array is empty. SV* avpop(AV* ar) avpush Pushes an SV onto the end of the array. The array will grow automatically to accommodate the addition. void avpush(AV* ar, SV* val) avshift Shifts an SV off the beginning of the array. SV* avshift(AV* ar) avstore Stores an SV in an array. The array index is specified as "key". The return value will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the array (as in the case of tied arrays). Otherwise it can be dereferenced to get the original "SV*". Note that the caller is responsible for suitably incrementing the reference count of "val" before the call, and decrementing it if the function returned NULL. See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied arrays. SV** avstore(AV* ar, I32 key, SV* val) avundef Undefines the array. Frees the memory used by the array itself. void avundef(AV* ar) avunshift Unshift the given number of "undef" values onto the beginning of the array. The array will grow automatically to accommodate the addition. You must then use "avstore" to assign values to these new elements. void avunshift(AV* ar, I32 num) getav Returns the AV of the specified Perl array. If "create" is set and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be created. If "create" is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
AV* getav(const char* name, I32 create) newAV Creates a new AV. The reference count is set to 1. AV* newAV() sortsv Sort an array. Here is an example: sortsv(AvARRAY(av), avlen(av)+1, Perlsvcmplocale);See lib/ for details about controlling the sorting algo-
rithm. void sortsv(SV ** array, sizet numelts, SVCOMPAREt cmp) CCaallllbbaacckk FFuunnccttiioonnss callargv Performs a callback to the specified Perl sub. See perlcall.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
I32 callargv(const char* subname, I32 flags, char** argv) callmethod Performs a callback to the specified Perl method. The blessed object must be on the stack. See perlcall.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
I32 callmethod(const char* methname, I32 flags) callpv Performs a callback to the specified Perl sub. See perlcall.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
I32 callpv(const char* subname, I32 flags) callsv Performs a callback to the Perl sub whose name is in the SV. See perlcall.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
I32 callsv(SV* sv, I32 flags) ENTER Opening bracket on a callback. See "LEAVE" and perlcall. ENTER; evalpv Tells Perl to "eval" the given string and return an SV* result.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
SV* evalpv(const char* p, I32 croakonerror) evalsv Tells Perl to "eval" the string in the SV.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
I32 evalsv(SV* sv, I32 flags) FREETMPS Closing bracket for temporaries on a callback. See "SAVETMPS" and perlcall. FREETMPS; LEAVE Closing bracket on a callback. See "ENTER" and perlcall. LEAVE; SAVETMPS Opening bracket for temporaries on a callback. See "FREETMPS" and perlcall. SAVETMPS; CChhaarraacctteerr ccllaasssseess isALNUM Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is an ASCII alphanumeric character (including underscore) or digit. bool isALNUM(char ch) isALPHA Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is an ASCII alphabetic character. bool isALPHA(char ch) isDIGIT Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is an ASCII digit. bool isDIGIT(char ch)isLOWER Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is a lower-
case character. bool isLOWER(char ch)isSPACE Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is white-
space. bool isSPACE(char ch)isUPPER Returns a boolean indicating whether the C "char" is an upper-
case character. bool isUPPER(char ch) toLOWER Converts the specified character to lowercase. char toLOWER(char ch) toUPPER Converts the specified character to uppercase. char toUPPER(char ch) CClloonniinngg aann iinntteerrpprreetteerr perlclone Create and return a new interpreter by cloning the current one. perlclone takes these flags as parameters:CLONEfCOPYSTACKS - is used to, well, copy the stacks also,
without it we only clone the data and zero the stacks, with it we copy the stacks and the new perl interpreter is ready to runat the exact same point as the previous one. The pseudo-fork
code uses COPYSTACKS while the threads->new doesn't.
CLONEfKEEPPTRTABLE perlclone keeps a ptrtable with the pointer of the old variable as a key and the new variable as a value, this allows it to check if something has been cloned and not clone it again but rather just use the value and increase the refcount. If KEEPPTRTABLE is not set then perlclone willkill the ptrtable using the function "ptrta-
blefree(PLptrtable); PLptrtable = NULL;", reason to keep it around is if you want to dup some of your own variable who are outside the graph perl scans, example of this code is in threads.xs create CLONEfCLONEHOST This is a win32 thing, it is ignored on unix, it tells perls win32host code (which is c++) to clone itself, this is needed on win32 if you want to run two threads at the same time, if you just want to do some stuff in a separate perl interpreter and then throw it away and return to the original one, you don't need to do anything. PerlInterpreter* perlclone(PerlInterpreter* interp, UV flags) CCVV MMaanniippuullaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonnss CvSTASH Returns the stash of the CV. HV* CvSTASH(CV* cv) getcv Returns the CV of the specified Perl subroutine. If "create" is set and the Perl subroutine does not exist then it will be declared (which has the same effect as saying "sub name;"). If "create" is not set and the subroutine does not exist then NULL is returned.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
CV* getcv(const char* name, I32 create) EEmmbbeeddddiinngg FFuunnccttiioonnss cvundef Clear out all the active components of a CV. This can happen either by an explicit "undef &foo", or by the reference count going to zero. In the former case, we keep the CvOUTSIDE pointer, so that any anonymous children can still follow the full lexical scope chain. void cvundef(CV* cv) loadmodule Loads the module whose name is pointed to by the string part of name. Note that the actual module name, not its filename, should be given. Eg, "Foo::Bar" instead of "Foo/". flags can be any of PERLLOADMODDENY, PERLLOADMODNOIMPORT,or PERLLOADMODIMPORTOPS (or 0 for no flags). ver, if speci-
fied, provides version semantics similar to "use Foo::Bar VER-
SION". The optional trailing SV* arguments can be used to specify arguments to the module's import() method, similar to "use Foo::Bar VERSION LIST". void loadmodule(U32 flags, SV* name, SV* ver, ...) nothreadhook Stub that provides thread hook for perldestruct when there are no threads. int nothreadhook() perlalloc Allocates a new Perl interpreter. See perlembed. PerlInterpreter* perlalloc() perlconstruct Initializes a new Perl interpreter. See perlembed. void perlconstruct(PerlInterpreter* interp) perldestruct Shuts down a Perl interpreter. See perlembed. int perldestruct(PerlInterpreter* interp) perlfree Releases a Perl interpreter. See perlembed. void perlfree(PerlInterpreter* interp) perlparseTells a Perl interpreter to parse a Perl script. See perlem-
bed. int perlparse(PerlInterpreter* interp, XSINITt xsinit, int argc, char** argv, char** env) perlrun Tells a Perl interpreter to run. See perlembed. int perlrun(PerlInterpreter* interp) requirepv Tells Perl to "require" the file named by the string argument.It is analogous to the Perl code "eval "require '$file'"".
It's even implemented that way; consider using loadmodule instead.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
void requirepv(const char* pv) FFuunnccttiioonnss iinn ffiillee packlist The engine implementing pack() Perl function. void packlist(SV *cat, char *pat, char *patend, SV **beglist, SV **endlist) packcat The engine implementing pack() Perl function. Note: parameters nextinlist and flags are not used. This call should not be used; use packlist instead. void packcat(SV *cat, char *pat, char *patend, SV **beglist, SV **endlist, SV ***nextinlist, U32 flags) unpackstring The engine implementing unpack() Perl function. "unpackstring"puts the extracted list items on the stack and returns the num-
ber of elements. Issue "PUTBACK" before and "SPAGAIN" after the call to this function. I32 unpackstring(char *pat, char *patend, char *s, char *strend, U32 flags) unpackstrThe engine implementing unpack() Perl function. Note: parame-
ters strbeg, news and ocnt are not used. This call should not be used, use unpackstring instead. I32 unpackstr(char *pat, char *patend, char *s, char *strbeg, char *strend, char **news, I32 ocnt, U32 flags) GGlloobbaall VVaarriiaabblleess PLmodglobal "PLmodglobal" is a general purpose, interpreter global HV foruse by extensions that need to keep information on a per-inter-
preter basis. In a pinch, it can also be used as a symbol ta-
ble for extensions to share data among each other. It is a good idea to use keys prefixed by the package name of the extension that owns the data. HV* PLmodglobal PLna A convenience variable which is typically used with "SvPV" when one doesn't care about the length of the string. It is usually more efficient to either declare a local variable and use that instead or to use the "SvPVnolen" macro. STRLEN PLna PLsvno This is the "false" SV. See "PLsvyes". Always refer to this as &PLsvno. SV PLsvno PLsvundef This is the "undef" SV. Always refer to this as &PLsvundef. SV PLsvundef PLsvyes This is the "true" SV. See "PLsvno". Always refer to this as &PLsvyes. SV PLsvyes GGVV FFuunnccttiioonnss GvSV Return the SV from the GV. SV* GvSV(GV* gv) gvfetchmeth Returns the glob with the given "name" and a defined subroutine or "NULL". The glob lives in the given "stash", or in the stashes accessible via @ISA and UNIVERSAL::.The argument "level" should be either 0 or -1. If "level==0",
as a side-effect creates a glob with the given "name" in the
given "stash" which in the case of success contains an alias for the subroutine, and sets up caching info for this glob. Similarly for all the searched stashes. This function grants "SUPER" token as a postfix of the stash name. The GV returned from "gvfetchmeth" may be a method cache entry, which is not visible to Perl code. So when calling "callsv", you should not use the GV directly; instead, you should use the method's CV, which can be obtained from the GV with the "GvCV" macro. GV* gvfetchmeth(HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 level) gvfetchmethod See gvfetchmethodautoload. GV* gvfetchmethod(HV* stash, const char* name) gvfetchmethodautoload Returns the glob which contains the subroutine to call to invoke the method on the "stash". In fact in the presence of autoloading this may be the glob for "AUTOLOAD". In this casethe corresponding variable $AUTOLOAD is already setup.
The third parameter of "gvfetchmethodautoload" determines whether AUTOLOAD lookup is performed if the given method is notpresent: non-zero means yes, look for AUTOLOAD; zero means no,
don't look for AUTOLOAD. Calling "gvfetchmethod" is equiva-
lent to calling "gvfetchmethodautoload" with a non-zero
"autoload" parameter. These functions grant "SUPER" token as a prefix of the method name. Note that if you want to keep the returned glob for a long time, you need to check for it being "AUTOLOAD", since at the later time the call may load a different subroutine due to$AUTOLOAD changing its value. Use the glob created via a side
effect to do this.These functions have the same side-effects and as "gvfetch-
meth" with "level==0". "name" should be writable if contains ':' or "' ''". The warning against passing the GV returned by "gvfetchmeth" to "callsv" apply equally to these functions. GV* gvfetchmethodautoload(HV* stash, const char* name, I32 autoload) gvfetchmethautoload Same as gvfetchmeth(), but looks for autoloaded subroutines too. Returns a glob for the subroutine. For an autoloaded subroutine without a GV, will create a GV even if "level < 0". For an autoloaded subroutine without a stub, GvCV() of the result may be zero. GV* gvfetchmethautoload(HV* stash, const char* name, STRLEN len, I32 level) gvstashpv Returns a pointer to the stash for a specified package. "name"should be a valid UTF-8 string. If "create" is set then the
package will be created if it does not already exist. If "cre-
ate" is not set and the package does not exist then NULL is returned. HV* gvstashpv(const char* name, I32 create) gvstashsv Returns a pointer to the stash for a specified package, whichmust be a valid UTF-8 string. See "gvstashpv".
HV* gvstashsv(SV* sv, I32 create) HHaannddyy VVaalluueess Nullav Null AV pointer. Nullch Null character pointer. Nullcv Null CV pointer. Nullhv Null HV pointer. Nullsv Null SV pointer. HHaasshh MMaanniippuullaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonnss gethv Returns the HV of the specified Perl hash. If "create" is set and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be created. If "create" is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
HV* gethv(const char* name, I32 create) HEfSVKEY This flag, used in the length slot of hash entries and magic structures, specifies the structure contains an "SV*" pointer where a "char*" pointer is to be expected. (For informationonly-not to be used).
HeHASH Returns the computed hash stored in the hash entry. U32 HeHASH(HE* he) HeKEY Returns the actual pointer stored in the key slot of the hash entry. The pointer may be either "char*" or "SV*", depending on the value of "HeKLEN()". Can be assigned to. The "HePV()" or "HeSVKEY()" macros are usually preferable for finding the value of a key. void* HeKEY(HE* he) HeKLEN If this is negative, and amounts to "HEfSVKEY", it indicates the entry holds an "SV*" key. Otherwise, holds the actual length of the key. Can be assigned to. The "HePV()" macro is usually preferable for finding key lengths. STRLEN HeKLEN(HE* he) HePV Returns the key slot of the hash entry as a "char*" value, doing any necessary dereferencing of possibly "SV*" keys. The length of the string is placed in "len" (this is a macro, so do not use &len). If you do not care about what the length of the key is, you may use the global variable "PLna", though this is rather less efficient than using a local variable. Remember though, that hash keys in perl are free to contain embedded nulls, so using "strlen()" or similar is not a good way to find the length of hash keys. This is very similar to the "SvPV()" macro described elsewhere in this document. char* HePV(HE* he, STRLEN len) HeSVKEY Returns the key as an "SV*", or "Nullsv" if the hash entry does not contain an "SV*" key. SV* HeSVKEY(HE* he) HeSVKEYforceReturns the key as an "SV*". Will create and return a tempo-
rary mortal "SV*" if the hash entry contains only a "char*" key. SV* HeSVKEYforce(HE* he) HeSVKEYsetSets the key to a given "SV*", taking care to set the appropri-
ate flags to indicate the presence of an "SV*" key, and returns the same "SV*". SV* HeSVKEYset(HE* he, SV* sv) HeVAL Returns the value slot (type "SV*") stored in the hash entry. SV* HeVAL(HE* he)HvNAME Returns the package name of a stash. See "SvSTASH", "CvSTASH".
char* HvNAME(HV* stash)
hvclear Clears a hash, making it empty. void hvclear(HV* tb) hvclearplaceholders Clears any placeholders from a hash. If a restricted hash has any of its keys marked as readonly and the key is subsequently deleted, the key is not actually deleted but is marked by assigning it a value of &PLsvplaceholder. This tags it so it will be ignored by future operations such as iterating over the hash, but will still allow the hash to have a value reassigned to the key at some future point. This function clears any such placeholder keys from the hash. See Hash::Util::lockkeys() for an example of its use. void hvclearplaceholders(HV* hb) hvdelete Deletes a key/value pair in the hash. The value SV is removed from the hash and returned to the caller. The "klen" is the length of the key. The "flags" value will normally be zero; if set to GDISCARD then NULL will be returned. SV* hvdelete(HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, I32 flags) hvdeleteent Deletes a key/value pair in the hash. The value SV is removed from the hash and returned to the caller. The "flags" value will normally be zero; if set to GDISCARD then NULL will be returned. "hash" can be a valid precomputed hash value, or 0 to ask for it to be computed. SV* hvdeleteent(HV* tb, SV* key, I32 flags, U32 hash) hvexists Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified hash key exists. The "klen" is the length of the key. bool hvexists(HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen) hvexistsent Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified hash key exists. "hash" can be a valid precomputed hash value, or 0 to ask for it to be computed. bool hvexistsent(HV* tb, SV* key, U32 hash) hvfetch Returns the SV which corresponds to the specified key in the hash. The "klen" is the length of the key. If "lval" is set then the fetch will be part of a store. Check that the returnvalue is non-null before dereferencing it to an "SV*".
See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. SV** hvfetch(HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, I32 lval) hvfetchent Returns the hash entry which corresponds to the specified key in the hash. "hash" must be a valid precomputed hash number for the given "key", or 0 if you want the function to compute it. IF "lval" is set then the fetch will be part of a store.Make sure the return value is non-null before accessing it.
The return value when "tb" is a tied hash is a pointer to a static location, so be sure to make a copy of the structure if you need to store it somewhere. See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. HE* hvfetchent(HV* tb, SV* key, I32 lval, U32 hash) hviterinit Prepares a starting point to traverse a hash table. Returns the number of keys in the hash (i.e. the same as "HvKEYS(tb)").The return value is currently only meaningful for hashes with-
out tie magic.NOTE: Before version 5.00465, "hviterinit" used to return the
number of hash buckets that happen to be in use. If you still need that esoteric value, you can get it through the macro "HvFILL(tb)". I32 hviterinit(HV* tb) hviterkey Returns the key from the current position of the hash iterator. See "hviterinit". char* hviterkey(HE* entry, I32* retlen) hviterkeysv Returns the key as an "SV*" from the current position of the hash iterator. The return value will always be a mortal copy of the key. Also see "hviterinit". SV* hviterkeysv(HE* entry) hviternext Returns entries from a hash iterator. See "hviterinit". You may call "hvdelete" or "hvdeleteent" on the hash entry that the iterator currently points to, without losing your place or invalidating your iterator. Note that in this case the current entry is deleted from the hash with your iterator holding the last reference to it. Your iterator is flagged to free the entry on the next call to "hviternext", so you must not discard your iterator immediately else the entry will leak- call "hviternext" to trigger the resource deallocation.
HE* hviternext(HV* tb) hviternextsv Performs an "hviternext", "hviterkey", and "hviterval" in one operation. SV* hviternextsv(HV* hv, char** key, I32* retlen) hviternextflags Returns entries from a hash iterator. See "hviterinit" and "hviternext". The "flags" value will normally be zero; if HVITERNEXTWANTPLACEHOLDERS is set the placeholders keys (for restricted hashes) will be returned in addition to normal keys.By default placeholders are automatically skipped over. Cur-
rently a placeholder is implemented with a value that is&Perlsvplaceholder. Note that the implementation of place-
holders and restricted hashes may change, and the implementa-
tion currently is insufficiently abstracted for any change to be tidy.NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. HE* hviternextflags(HV* tb, I32 flags) hvitervalReturns the value from the current position of the hash itera-
tor. See "hviterkey". SV* hviterval(HV* tb, HE* entry) hvmagic Adds magic to a hash. See "svmagic". void hvmagic(HV* hv, GV* gv, int how) hvscalar Evaluates the hash in scalar context and returns the result. Handles magic when the hash is tied. SV* hvscalar(HV* hv) hvstore Stores an SV in a hash. The hash key is specified as "key" and "klen" is the length of the key. The "hash" parameter is the precomputed hash value; if it is zero then Perl will compute it. The return value will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the hash(as in the case of tied hashes). Otherwise it can be derefer-
enced to get the original "SV*". Note that the caller is responsible for suitably incrementing the reference count of "val" before the call, and decrementing it if the functionreturned NULL. Effectively a successful hvstore takes owner-
ship of one reference to "val". This is usually what you want; a newly created SV has a reference count of one, so if all your code does is create SVs then store them in a hash, hvstore will own the only reference to the new SV, and your code doesn't need to do anything further to tidy up. hvstore is not implemented as a call to hvstoreent, and does not create a temporary SV for the key, so if your key data is not already in SV form then use hvstore in preference to hvstoreent. See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. SV** hvstore(HV* tb, const char* key, I32 klen, SV* val, U32 hash) hvstoreent Stores "val" in a hash. The hash key is specified as "key". The "hash" parameter is the precomputed hash value; if it is zero then Perl will compute it. The return value is the new hash entry so created. It will be NULL if the operation failed or if the value did not need to be actually stored within the hash (as in the case of tied hashes). Otherwise the contents of the return value can be accessed using the "He?" macrosdescribed here. Note that the caller is responsible for suit-
ably incrementing the reference count of "val" before the call, and decrementing it if the function returned NULL. Effectively a successful hvstoreent takes ownership of one reference to "val". This is usually what you want; a newly created SV has a reference count of one, so if all your code does is create SVs then store them in a hash, hvstore will own the only referenceto the new SV, and your code doesn't need to do anything fur-
ther to tidy up. Note that hvstoreent only reads the "key"; unlike "val" it does not take ownership of it, so maintaining the correct reference count on "key" is entirely the caller's responsibility. hvstore is not implemented as a call to hvstoreent, and does not create a temporary SV for the key, so if your key data is not already in SV form then use hvstore in preference to hvstoreent. See "Understanding the Magic of Tied Hashes and Arrays" in perlguts for more information on how to use this function on tied hashes. HE* hvstoreent(HV* tb, SV* key, SV* val, U32 hash) hvundef Undefines the hash. void hvundef(HV* tb) newHV Creates a new HV. The reference count is set to 1. HV* newHV() MMaaggiiccaall FFuunnccttiioonnss mgclear Clear something magical that the SV represents. See "svmagic". int mgclear(SV* sv) mgcopy Copies the magic from one SV to another. See "svmagic". int mgcopy(SV* sv, SV* nsv, const char* key, I32 klen) mgfind Finds the magic pointer for type matching the SV. See "svmagic". MAGIC* mgfind(SV* sv, int type) mgfree Free any magic storage used by the SV. See "svmagic". int mgfree(SV* sv) mgget Do magic after a value is retrieved from the SV. See "svmagic". int mgget(SV* sv) mglength Report on the SV's length. See "svmagic". U32 mglength(SV* sv) mgmagical Turns on the magical status of an SV. See "svmagic". void mgmagical(SV* sv) mgset Do magic after a value is assigned to the SV. See "svmagic". int mgset(SV* sv) SvGETMAGIC Invokes "mgget" on an SV if it has 'get' magic. This macro evaluates its argument more than once. void SvGETMAGIC(SV* sv) SvLOCK Arranges for a mutual exclusion lock to be obtained on sv if a suitable module has been loaded. void SvLOCK(SV* sv) SvSETMAGIC Invokes "mgset" on an SV if it has 'set' magic. This macro evaluates its argument more than once. void SvSETMAGIC(SV* sv) SvSetMagicSV Like "SvSetSV", but does any set magic required afterwards. void SvSetMagicSV(SV* dsb, SV* ssv) SvSetMagicSVnostealLike "SvSetSVnosteal", but does any set magic required after-
wards. void SvSetMagicSVnosteal(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) SvSetSV Calls "svsetsv" if dsv is not the same as ssv. May evaluate arguments more than once. void SvSetSV(SV* dsb, SV* ssv) SvSetSVnostealCalls a non-destructive version of "svsetsv" if dsv is not the
same as ssv. May evaluate arguments more than once. void SvSetSVnosteal(SV* dsv, SV* ssv)SvSHARE Arranges for sv to be shared between threads if a suitable mod-
ule has been loaded. void SvSHARE(SV* sv) SvUNLOCK Releases a mutual exclusion lock on sv if a suitable module has been loaded. void SvUNLOCK(SV* sv) MMeemmoorryy MMaannaaggeemmeennttCopy The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "memcpy" function. The
"src" is the source, "dest" is the destination, "nitems" is thenumber of items, and "type" is the type. May fail on overlap-
ping copies. See also "Move". void Copy(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type) CopyD Like "Copy" but returns dest. Useful for encouraging compilersto tail-call optimise.
void * CopyD(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type)Move The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "memmove" function. The
"src" is the source, "dest" is the destination, "nitems" is the number of items, and "type" is the type. Can do overlapping moves. See also "Copy". void Move(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type) MoveD Like "Move" but returns dest. Useful for encouraging compilersto tail-call optimise.
void * MoveD(void* src, void* dest, int nitems, type)New The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "malloc" function.
void New(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type)Newc The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "malloc" function, with
cast. void Newc(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type, cast)Newz The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "malloc" function. The
allocated memory is zeroed with "memzero". void Newz(int id, void* ptr, int nitems, type) Poison Fill up memory with a pattern (byte 0xAB over and over again) that hopefully catches attempts to access uninitialized memory. void Poison(void* dest, int nitems, type)Renew The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "realloc" function.
void Renew(void* ptr, int nitems, type)Renewc The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "realloc" function, with
cast. void Renewc(void* ptr, int nitems, type, cast) SafefreeThe XSUB-writer's interface to the C "free" function.
void Safefree(void* ptr) savepv Perl's version of "strdup()". Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string which is a duplicate of "pv". The size of the string is determined by "strlen()". The memory allocated for the new string can be freed with the "Safefree()" function. char* savepv(const char* pv) savepvn Perl's version of what "strndup()" would be if it existed.Returns a pointer to a newly allocated string which is a dupli-
cate of the first "len" bytes from "pv". The memory allocated for the new string can be freed with the "Safefree()" function. char* savepvn(const char* pv, I32 len) savesharedpv A version of "savepv()" which allocates the duplicate string in memory which is shared between threads. char* savesharedpv(const char* pv) StructCopyThis is an architecture-independent macro to copy one structure
to another. void StructCopy(type src, type dest, type)Zero The XSUB-writer's interface to the C "memzero" function. The
"dest" is the destination, "nitems" is the number of items, and "type" is the type. void Zero(void* dest, int nitems, type) ZeroD Like "Zero" but returns dest. Useful for encouraging compilersto tail-call optimise.
void * ZeroD(void* dest, int nitems, type) MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss FFuunnccttiioonnss fbmcompile Analyses the string in order to make fast searches on it usingfbminstr() - the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
void fbmcompile(SV* sv, U32 flags) fbminstr Returns the location of the SV in the string delimited by "str" and "strend". It returns "Nullch" if the string can't be found. The "sv" does not have to be fbmcompiled, but the search will not be as fast then. char* fbminstr(unsigned char* big, unsigned char* bigend, SV* littlesv, U32 flags)form Takes a sprintf-style format pattern and conventional (non-SV)
arguments and returns the formatted string. (char *) Perlform(pTHX const char* pat, ...) can be used any place a string (char *) is required:char * s = Perlform("%d.%d",major,minor);
Uses a single private buffer so if you want to format several strings you must explicitly copy the earlier strings away (and free the copies when you are done). char* form(const char* pat, ...) getcwdsv Fill the sv with current working directory int getcwdsv(SV* sv) strEQ Test two strings to see if they are equal. Returns true or false. bool strEQ(char* s1, char* s2) strGE Test two strings to see if the first, "s1", is greater than or equal to the second, "s2". Returns true or false. bool strGE(char* s1, char* s2) strGT Test two strings to see if the first, "s1", is greater than the second, "s2". Returns true or false. bool strGT(char* s1, char* s2) strLE Test two strings to see if the first, "s1", is less than or equal to the second, "s2". Returns true or false. bool strLE(char* s1, char* s2) strLT Test two strings to see if the first, "s1", is less than the second, "s2". Returns true or false. bool strLT(char* s1, char* s2) strNE Test two strings to see if they are different. Returns true or false. bool strNE(char* s1, char* s2) strnEQ Test two strings to see if they are equal. The "len" parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A wrapper for "strncmp"). bool strnEQ(char* s1, char* s2, STRLEN len) strnNE Test two strings to see if they are different. The "len" parameter indicates the number of bytes to compare. Returns true or false. (A wrapper for "strncmp"). bool strnNE(char* s1, char* s2, STRLEN len) svnolockingDummy routine which "locks" an SV when there is no locking mod-
ule present. Exists to avoid test for a NULL function pointer and because it could potentially warn under some level ofstrict-ness.
void svnolocking(SV *) svnosharing Dummy routine which "shares" an SV when there is no sharing module present. Exists to avoid test for a NULL function pointer and because it could potentially warn under some levelof strict-ness.
void svnosharing(SV *) svnounlocking Dummy routine which "unlocks" an SV when there is no locking module present. Exists to avoid test for a NULL function pointer and because it could potentially warn under some levelof strict-ness.
void svnounlocking(SV *) NNuummeerriicc ffuunnccttiioonnss grokbin converts a string representing a binary number to numeric form. On entry start and *len give the string to scan, *flags gives conversion flags, and result should be NULL or a pointer to an NV. The scan stops at the end of the string, or the first invalid character. Unless "PERLSCANSILENTILLDIGIT" is set in *flags, encountering an invalid character will also trigger a warning. On return *len is set to the length of the scanned string, and *flags gives output flags. If the value is <= UVMAX it is returned as a UV, the output flags are clear, and nothing is written to *result. If the value is > UVMAX "grokbin" returns UVMAX, sets "PERLSCANGREATERTHANUVMAX" in the output flags, and writes the value to *result (or the value is discarded if result is NULL). The binary number may optionally be prefixed with "0b" or "b" unless "PERLSCANDISALLOWPREFIX" is set in *flags on entry. If "PERLSCANALLOWUNDERSCORES" is set in *flags then the binary number may use '' characters to separate digits. UV grokbin(char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result) grokhex converts a string representing a hex number to numeric form. On entry start and *len give the string to scan, *flags gives conversion flags, and result should be NULL or a pointer to an NV. The scan stops at the end of the string, or the first invalid character. Unless "PERLSCANSILENTILLDIGIT" is set in *flags, encountering an invalid character will also trigger a warning. On return *len is set to the length of the scanned string, and *flags gives output flags. If the value is <= UVMAX it is returned as a UV, the output flags are clear, and nothing is written to *result. If the value is > UVMAX "grokhex" returns UVMAX, sets "PERLSCANGREATERTHANUVMAX" in the output flags, and writes the value to *result (or the value is discarded if result is NULL). The hex number may optionally be prefixed with "0x" or "x" unless "PERLSCANDISALLOWPREFIX" is set in *flags on entry. If "PERLSCANALLOWUNDERSCORES" is set in *flags then the hex number may use '' characters to separate digits. UV grokhex(char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result) groknumber Recognise (or not) a number. The type of the number isreturned (0 if unrecognised), otherwise it is a bit-ORed combi-
BERNAN (defined in perl.h). If the value of the number can fit an in UV, it is returned inthe *valuep ISNUMBERINUV will be set to indicate that *val-
uep is valid, ISNUMBERINUV will never be set unless *valuepis valid, but *valuep may have been assigned to during process-
ing even though ISNUMBERINUV is not set on return. If val-
uep is NULL, ISNUMBERINUV will be set for the same cases aswhen valuep is non-NULL, but no actual assignment (or SEGV)
will occur. ISNUMBERNOTINT will be set with ISNUMBERINUV if trailing decimals were seen (in which case *valuep gives the true value truncated to an integer), and ISNUMBERNEG if the number is negative (in which case *valuep holds the absolute value). ISNUMBERINUV is not set if e notation was used or the number is larger than a UV. int groknumber(const char *pv, STRLEN len, UV *valuep) groknumericradix Scan and skip for a numeric decimal separator (radix). bool groknumericradix(const char **sp, const char *send) grokoct converts a string representing an octal number to numeric form. On entry start and *len give the string to scan, *flags gives conversion flags, and result should be NULL or a pointer to an NV. The scan stops at the end of the string, or the first invalid character. Unless "PERLSCANSILENTILLDIGIT" is set in *flags, encountering an invalid character will also trigger a warning. On return *len is set to the length of the scanned string, and *flags gives output flags. If the value is <= UVMAX it is returned as a UV, the output flags are clear, and nothing is written to *result. If the value is > UVMAX "grokoct" returns UVMAX, sets "PERLSCANGREATERTHANUVMAX" in the output flags, and writes the value to *result (or the value is discarded if result is NULL). If "PERLSCANALLOWUNDERSCORES" is set in *flags then the octal number may use '' characters to separate digits. UV grokoct(char* start, STRLEN* len, I32* flags, NV *result) scanbin For backwards compatibility. Use "grokbin" instead. NV scanbin(char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen) scanhex For backwards compatibility. Use "grokhex" instead. NV scanhex(char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen) scanoct For backwards compatibility. Use "grokoct" instead. NV scanoct(char* start, STRLEN len, STRLEN* retlen) OOppttrreeee MMaanniippuullaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonnss cvconstsv If "cv" is a constant sub eligible for inlining. returns the constant value returned by the sub. Otherwise, returns NULL. Constant subs can be created with "newCONSTSUB" or as described in "Constant Functions" in perlsub. SV* cvconstsv(CV* cv) newCONSTSUB Creates a constant sub equivalent to Perl "sub FOO () { 123 }"which is eligible for inlining at compile-time.
CV* newCONSTSUB(HV* stash, char* name, SV* sv) newXS Used by "xsubpp" to hook up XSUBs as Perl subs. PPaadd DDaattaa SSttrruuccttuurreess padsv Get the value at offset po in the current pad. Use macro PADSV instead of calling this function directly. SV* padsv(PADOFFSET po) SSttaacckk MMaanniippuullaattiioonn MMaaccrrooss dMARK Declare a stack marker variable, "mark", for the XSUB. See "MARK" and "dORIGMARK". dMARK; dORIGMARK Saves the original stack mark for the XSUB. See "ORIGMARK". dORIGMARK; dSP Declares a local copy of perl's stack pointer for the XSUB, available via the "SP" macro. See "SP". dSP; EXTEND Used to extend the argument stack for an XSUB's return values. Once used, guarantees that there is room for at least "nitems" to be pushed onto the stack. void EXTEND(SP, int nitems) MARK Stack marker variable for the XSUB. See "dMARK". mPUSHi Push an integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHi", "mXPUSHi" and "XPUSHi". void mPUSHi(IV iv) mPUSHn Push a double onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHn", "mXPUSHn" and "XPUSHn". void mPUSHn(NV nv) mPUSHp Push a string onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. The "len" indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHp", "mXPUSHp" and "XPUSHp". void mPUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) mPUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHu", "mXPUSHu" and "XPUSHu". void mPUSHu(UV uv)mXPUSHi Push an integer onto the stack, extending the stack if neces-
sary. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHi", "mPUSHi" and "PUSHi". void mXPUSHi(IV iv) mXPUSHn Push a double onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHn", "mPUSHn" and "PUSHn". void mXPUSHn(NV nv) mXPUSHp Push a string onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. The "len" indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHp", "mPUSHp" and "PUSHp". void mXPUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) mXPUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHu", "mPUSHu" and "PUSHu". void mXPUSHu(UV uv) ORIGMARK The original stack mark for the XSUB. See "dORIGMARK". POPi Pops an integer off the stack. IV POPi POPl Pops a long off the stack. long POPl POPn Pops a double off the stack. NV POPnPOPp Pops a string off the stack. Deprecated. New code should pro-
vide a STRLEN na and use POPpx. char* POPp POPpbytex Pops a string off the stack which must consist of bytes i.e. characters < 256. Requires a variable STRLEN na in scope. char* POPpbytex POPpx Pops a string off the stack. Requires a variable STRLEN na in scope. char* POPpx POPs Pops an SV off the stack. SV* POPs PUSHi Push an integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET"or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call mul-
tiple "TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mPUSHi" instead. See also "XPUSHi" and "mXPUSHi". void PUSHi(IV iv) PUSHMARK Opening bracket for arguments on a callback. See "PUTBACK" and perlcall. void PUSHMARK(SP) PUSHmortal Push a new mortal SV onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHs", "XPUSHmortal" and "XPUSHs". void PUSHmortal() PUSHn Push a double onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET"or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call mul-
tiple "TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mPUSHn" instead. See also "XPUSHn" and "mXPUSHn". void PUSHn(NV nv) PUSHp Push a string onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. The "len" indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call multiple"TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mPUSHp" instead. See also "XPUSHp" and "mXPUSHp". void PUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) PUSHs Push an SV onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "PUSHmortal", "XPUSHs" and "XPUSHmortal". void PUSHs(SV* sv) PUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do notcall multiple "TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from
XSUB's - see "mPUSHu" instead. See also "XPUSHu" and
"mXPUSHu". void PUSHu(UV uv) PUTBACK Closing bracket for XSUB arguments. This is usually handled by "xsubpp". See "PUSHMARK" and perlcall for other uses. PUTBACK; SP Stack pointer. This is usually handled by "xsubpp". See "dSP" and "SPAGAIN".SPAGAIN Refetch the stack pointer. Used after a callback. See perl-
call. SPAGAIN;XPUSHi Push an integer onto the stack, extending the stack if neces-
sary. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXS-
TARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call multiple"TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mXPUSHi" instead. See also "PUSHi" and "mPUSHi". void XPUSHi(IV iv) XPUSHmortal Push a new mortal SV onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHs", "PUSHmortal" and "PUSHs". void XPUSHmortal() XPUSHn Push a double onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call multiple"TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mXPUSHn" instead. See also "PUSHn" and "mPUSHn". void XPUSHn(NV nv) XPUSHp Push a string onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. The "len" indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXSTARG" should be calledto declare it. Do not call multiple "TARG"-oriented macros to
return lists from XSUB's - see "mXPUSHp" instead. See also
"PUSHp" and "mPUSHp". void XPUSHp(char* str, STRLEN len) XPUSHs Push an SV onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use "TARG". See also "XPUSHmortal", "PUSHs" and "PUSHmortal". void XPUSHs(SV* sv) XPUSHu Push an unsigned integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles 'set' magic. Uses "TARG", so "dTARGET" or "dXSTARG" should be called to declare it. Do not call multiple"TARG"-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
"mXPUSHu" instead. See also "PUSHu" and "mPUSHu". void XPUSHu(UV uv) XSRETURN Return from XSUB, indicating number of items on the stack. This is usually handled by "xsubpp". void XSRETURN(int nitems) XSRETURNEMPTY Return an empty list from an XSUB immediately. XSRETURNEMPTY; XSRETURNIV Return an integer from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmIV". void XSRETURNIV(IV iv) XSRETURNNO Return &PLsvno from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmNO". XSRETURNNO; XSRETURNNV Return a double from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmNV". void XSRETURNNV(NV nv) XSRETURNPV Return a copy of a string from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmPV". void XSRETURNPV(char* str) XSRETURNUNDEF Return &PLsvundef from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmUNDEF". XSRETURNUNDEF; XSRETURNUV Return an integer from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmUV". void XSRETURNUV(IV uv) XSRETURNYES Return &PLsvyes from an XSUB immediately. Uses "XSTmYES". XSRETURNYES; XSTmIV Place an integer into the specified position "pos" on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XSTmIV(int pos, IV iv) XSTmNO Place &PLsvno into the specified position "pos" on the stack. void XSTmNO(int pos) XSTmNV Place a double into the specified position "pos" on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XSTmNV(int pos, NV nv) XSTmPV Place a copy of a string into the specified position "pos" on the stack. The value is stored in a new mortal SV. void XSTmPV(int pos, char* str) XSTmUNDEF Place &PLsvundef into the specified position "pos" on the stack. void XSTmUNDEF(int pos) XSTmYES Place &PLsvyes into the specified position "pos" on the stack. void XSTmYES(int pos) SSVV FFllaaggss svtype An enum of flags for Perl types. These are found in the file ssvv..hh in the "svtype" enum. Test these flags with the "SvTYPE" macro. SVtIV Integer type flag for scalars. See "svtype". SVtNV Double type flag for scalars. See "svtype". SVtPV Pointer type flag for scalars. See "svtype". SVtPVAV Type flag for arrays. See "svtype". SVtPVCV Type flag for code refs. See "svtype". SVtPVHV Type flag for hashes. See "svtype". SVtPVMG Type flag for blessed scalars. See "svtype". SSVV MMaanniippuullaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonnss getsv Returns the SV of the specified Perl scalar. If "create" isset and the Perl variable does not exist then it will be cre-
ated. If "create" is not set and the variable does not exist then NULL is returned.NOTE: the perl form of this function is deprecated.
SV* getsv(const char* name, I32 create) lookslikenumberTest if the content of an SV looks like a number (or is a num-
ber). "Inf" and "Infinity" are treated as numbers (so will notissue a non-numeric warning), even if your atof() doesn't grok
them. I32 lookslikenumber(SV* sv) newRVinc Creates an RV wrapper for an SV. The reference count for the original SV is incremented. SV* newRVinc(SV* sv) newRVnoinc Creates an RV wrapper for an SV. The reference count for the original SV is nnoott incremented. SV* newRVnoinc(SV *sv)NEWSV Creates a new SV. A non-zero "len" parameter indicates the
number of bytes of preallocated string space the SV should have. An extra byte for a tailing NUL is also reserved.(SvPOK is not set for the SV even if string space is allo-
cated.) The reference count for the new SV is set to 1. "id" is an integer id between 0 and 1299 (used to identify leaks). SV* NEWSV(int id, STRLEN len) newSV Create a new null SV, or if len > 0, create a new empty SVtPV type SV with an initial PV allocation of len+1. Normally accessed via the "NEWSV" macro. SV* newSV(STRLEN len) newSViv Creates a new SV and copies an integer into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSViv(IV i) newSVnv Creates a new SV and copies a floating point value into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSVnv(NV n) newSVpv Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. The referencecount for the SV is set to 1. If "len" is zero, Perl will com-
pute the length using strlen(). For efficiency, consider using "newSVpvn" instead. SV* newSVpv(const char* s, STRLEN len) newSVpvf Creates a new SV and initializes it with the string formatted like "sprintf". SV* newSVpvf(const char* pat, ...) newSVpvn Creates a new SV and copies a string into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. Note that if "len" is zero, Perl will create a zero length string. You are responsible for ensuring that the source string is at least "len" bytes long. If the "s" argument is NULL the new SV will be undefined. SV* newSVpvn(const char* s, STRLEN len) newSVpvnshare Creates a new SV with its SvPVX pointing to a shared string in the string table. If the string does not already exist in the table, it is created first. Turns on READONLY and FAKE. The string's hash is stored in the UV slot of the SV; if the "hash"parameter is non-zero, that value is used; otherwise the hash
is computed. The idea here is that as the string table is used for shared hash keys these strings will have SvPVX == HeKEY and hash lookup will avoid string compare. SV* newSVpvnshare(const char* s, I32 len, U32 hash) newSVrv Creates a new SV for the RV, "rv", to point to. If "rv" is notan RV then it will be upgraded to one. If "classname" is non-
null then the new SV will be blessed in the specified package. The new SV is returned and its reference count is 1. SV* newSVrv(SV* rv, const char* classname) newSVsv Creates a new SV which is an exact duplicate of the original SV. (Uses "svsetsv"). SV* newSVsv(SV* old) newSVuv Creates a new SV and copies an unsigned integer into it. The reference count for the SV is set to 1. SV* newSVuv(UV u) SvCUR Returns the length of the string which is in the SV. See "SvLEN". STRLEN SvCUR(SV* sv) SvCURset Set the length of the string which is in the SV. See "SvCUR". void SvCURset(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvEND Returns a pointer to the last character in the string which is in the SV. See "SvCUR". Access the character as *(SvEND(sv)). char* SvEND(SV* sv) SvGROW Expands the character buffer in the SV so that it has room for the indicated number of bytes (remember to reserve space for an extra trailing NUL character). Calls "svgrow" to perform the expansion if necessary. Returns a pointer to the character buffer. char * SvGROW(SV* sv, STRLEN len)SvIOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an inte-
ger. bool SvIOK(SV* sv)SvIOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an inte-
ger. Checks the pprriivvaattee setting. Use "SvIOK". bool SvIOKp(SV* sv) SvIOKnotUV Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a signed integer. bool SvIOKnotUV(SV* sv) SvIOKoff Unsets the IV status of an SV. void SvIOKoff(SV* sv) SvIOKon Tells an SV that it is an integer. void SvIOKon(SV* sv) SvIOKonly Tells an SV that it is an integer and disables all other OK bits. void SvIOKonly(SV* sv) SvIOKonlyUV Tells and SV that it is an unsigned integer and disables all other OK bits. void SvIOKonlyUV(SV* sv) SvIOKUV Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an unsigned integer. bool SvIOKUV(SV* sv)SvIsCOW Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is Copy-On-Write.
(either shared hash key scalars, or full Copy On Write scalars if 5.9.0 is configured for COW) bool SvIsCOW(SV* sv) SvIsCOWsharedhashReturns a boolean indicating whether the SV is Copy-On-Write
shared hash key scalar. bool SvIsCOWsharedhash(SV* sv) SvIV Coerces the given SV to an integer and returns it. See "SvIVx" for a version which guarantees to evaluate sv only once. IV SvIV(SV* sv) SvIVx Coerces the given SV to an integer and returns it. Guaranteesto evaluate sv only once. Use the more efficient "SvIV" other-
wise. IV SvIVx(SV* sv) SvIVX Returns the raw value in the SV's IV slot, without checks or conversions. Only use when you are sure SvIOK is true. See also "SvIV()". IV SvIVX(SV* sv) SvLEN Returns the size of the string buffer in the SV, not including any part attributable to "SvOOK". See "SvCUR". STRLEN SvLEN(SV* sv) SvNIOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a number, integer or double. bool SvNIOK(SV* sv) SvNIOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a number, integer or double. Checks the pprriivvaattee setting. Use "SvNIOK". bool SvNIOKp(SV* sv) SvNIOKoff Unsets the NV/IV status of an SV. void SvNIOKoff(SV* sv) SvNOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a double. bool SvNOK(SV* sv) SvNOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a double. Checks the pprriivvaattee setting. Use "SvNOK". bool SvNOKp(SV* sv) SvNOKoff Unsets the NV status of an SV. void SvNOKoff(SV* sv) SvNOKon Tells an SV that it is a double. void SvNOKon(SV* sv) SvNOKonly Tells an SV that it is a double and disables all other OK bits. void SvNOKonly(SV* sv) SvNV Coerce the given SV to a double and return it. See "SvNVx" for a version which guarantees to evaluate sv only once. NV SvNV(SV* sv) SvNVx Coerces the given SV to a double and returns it. Guarantees to evaluate sv only once. Use the more efficient "SvNV" otherwise. NV SvNVx(SV* sv) SvNVX Returns the raw value in the SV's NV slot, without checks or conversions. Only use when you are sure SvNOK is true. See also "SvNV()". NV SvNVX(SV* sv) SvOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the value is an SV. It also tells whether the value is defined or not. bool SvOK(SV* sv)SvOOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SvIVX is a valid off-
set value for the SvPVX. This hack is used internally to speed up removal of characters from the beginning of a SvPV. When SvOOK is true, then the start of the allocated string buffer isreally (SvPVX - SvIVX).
bool SvOOK(SV* sv)SvPOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a charac-
ter string. bool SvPOK(SV* sv)SvPOKp Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains a charac-
ter string. Checks the pprriivvaattee setting. Use "SvPOK". bool SvPOKp(SV* sv) SvPOKoff Unsets the PV status of an SV. void SvPOKoff(SV* sv) SvPOKon Tells an SV that it is a string. void SvPOKon(SV* sv) SvPOKonly Tells an SV that it is a string and disables all other OK bits.Will also turn off the UTF-8 status.
void SvPOKonly(SV* sv) SvPOKonlyUTF8 Tells an SV that it is a string and disables all other OK bits,and leaves the UTF-8 status as it was.
void SvPOKonlyUTF8(SV* sv) SvPV Returns a pointer to the string in the SV, or a stringified form of the SV if the SV does not contain a string. The SV may cache the stringified version becoming "SvPOK". Handles 'get'magic. See also "SvPVx" for a version which guarantees to eval-
uate sv only once. char* SvPV(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVbyte Like "SvPV", but converts sv to byte representation first if necessary. char* SvPVbyte(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVbytex Like "SvPV", but converts sv to byte representation first if necessary. Guarantees to evaluate sv only once; use the more efficient "SvPVbyte" otherwise. char* SvPVbytex(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVbytexforce Like "SvPVforce", but converts sv to byte representation first if necessary. Guarantees to evaluate sv only once; use the more efficient "SvPVbyteforce" otherwise. char* SvPVbytexforce(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVbyteforce Like "SvPVforce", but converts sv to byte representation first if necessary. char* SvPVbyteforce(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVbytenolen Like "SvPVnolen", but converts sv to byte representation first if necessary. char* SvPVbytenolen(SV* sv) SvPVutf8 Like "SvPV", but converts sv to utf8 first if necessary. char* SvPVutf8(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVutf8xLike "SvPV", but converts sv to utf8 first if necessary. Guar-
antees to evaluate sv only once; use the more efficient "SvPVutf8" otherwise. char* SvPVutf8x(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVutf8xforce Like "SvPVforce", but converts sv to utf8 first if necessary. Guarantees to evaluate sv only once; use the more efficient "SvPVutf8force" otherwise. char* SvPVutf8xforce(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVutf8force Like "SvPVforce", but converts sv to utf8 first if necessary. char* SvPVutf8force(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVutf8nolen Like "SvPVnolen", but converts sv to utf8 first if necessary. char* SvPVutf8nolen(SV* sv) SvPVx A version of "SvPV" which guarantees to evaluate sv only once. char* SvPVx(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVX Returns a pointer to the physical string in the SV. The SV must contain a string. char* SvPVX(SV* sv) SvPVforce Like "SvPV" but will force the SV into containing just a string ("SvPOKonly"). You want force if you are going to update the "SvPVX" directly. char* SvPVforce(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVforcenomg Like "SvPV" but will force the SV into containing just a string ("SvPOKonly"). You want force if you are going to update the "SvPVX" directly. Doesn't process magic. char* SvPVforcenomg(SV* sv, STRLEN len) SvPVnolen Returns a pointer to the string in the SV, or a stringified form of the SV if the SV does not contain a string. The SV may cache the stringified form becoming "SvPOK". Handles 'get' magic. char* SvPVnolen(SV* sv) SvREFCNT Returns the value of the object's reference count. U32 SvREFCNT(SV* sv) SvREFCNTdec Decrements the reference count of the given SV. void SvREFCNTdec(SV* sv) SvREFCNTinc Increments the reference count of the given SV. SV* SvREFCNTinc(SV* sv) SvROK Tests if the SV is an RV. bool SvROK(SV* sv) SvROKoff Unsets the RV status of an SV. void SvROKoff(SV* sv) SvROKon Tells an SV that it is an RV. void SvROKon(SV* sv) SvRV Dereferences an RV to return the SV. SV* SvRV(SV* sv) SvSTASH Returns the stash of the SV. HV* SvSTASH(SV* sv) SvTAINT Taints an SV if tainting is enabled. void SvTAINT(SV* sv) SvTAINTED Checks to see if an SV is tainted. Returns TRUE if it is, FALSE if not. bool SvTAINTED(SV* sv) SvTAINTEDoffUntaints an SV. Be very careful with this routine, as it short-
circuits some of Perl's fundamental security features. XS mod-
ule authors should not use this function unless they fully understand all the implications of unconditionally untaintingthe value. Untainting should be done in the standard perl fash-
ion, via a carefully crafted regexp, rather than directly untainting variables. void SvTAINTEDoff(SV* sv) SvTAINTEDon Marks an SV as tainted if tainting is enabled. void SvTAINTEDon(SV* sv) SvTRUE Returns a boolean indicating whether Perl would evaluate the SV as true or false, defined or undefined. Does not handle 'get' magic. bool SvTRUE(SV* sv) SvTYPE Returns the type of the SV. See "svtype". svtype SvTYPE(SV* sv) SvUOK Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains an unsigned integer. void SvUOK(SV* sv) SvUPGRADE Used to upgrade an SV to a more complex form. Uses "svupgrade" to perform the upgrade if necessary. See "svtype". void SvUPGRADE(SV* sv, svtype type)SvUTF8 Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV contains UTF-8
encoded data. bool SvUTF8(SV* sv) SvUTF8offUnsets the UTF-8 status of an SV.
void SvUTF8off(SV *sv) SvUTF8onTurn on the UTF-8 status of an SV (the data is not changed,
just the flag). Do not use frivolously. void SvUTF8on(SV *sv) SvUV Coerces the given SV to an unsigned integer and returns it. See "SvUVx" for a version which guarantees to evaluate sv only once. UV SvUV(SV* sv) SvUVx Coerces the given SV to an unsigned integer and returns it. Guarantees to evaluate sv only once. Use the more efficient "SvUV" otherwise. UV SvUVx(SV* sv) SvUVX Returns the raw value in the SV's UV slot, without checks or conversions. Only use when you are sure SvIOK is true. See also "SvUV()". UV SvUVX(SV* sv) sv2bool This function is only called on magical items, and is only used by svtrue() or its macro equivalent. bool sv2bool(SV* sv) sv2cv Using various gambits, try to get a CV from an SV; in addition,try if possible to set *st and *gvp to the stash and GV associ-
ated with it. CV* sv2cv(SV* sv, HV** st, GV** gvp, I32 lref) sv2io Using various gambits, try to get an IO from an SV: the IO slot if its a GV; or the recursive result if we're an RV; or the IO slot of the symbol named after the PV if we're a string. IO* sv2io(SV* sv) sv2iv Return the integer value of an SV, doing any necessary string conversion, magic etc. Normally used via the "SvIV(sv)" and "SvIVx(sv)" macros. IV sv2iv(SV* sv) sv2mortal Marks an existing SV as mortal. The SV will be destroyed "soon", either by an explicit call to FREETMPS, or by an implicit call at places such as statement boundaries. SvTEMP() is turned on which means that the SV's string buffer can be "stolen" if this SV is copied. See also "svnewmortal" and "svmortalcopy". SV* sv2mortal(SV* sv) sv2nv Return the num value of an SV, doing any necessary string or integer conversion, magic etc. Normally used via the "SvNV(sv)" and "SvNVx(sv)" macros. NV sv2nv(SV* sv) sv2pvbyteReturn a pointer to the byte-encoded representation of the SV,
and set *lp to its length. May cause the SV to be downgradedfrom UTF-8 as a side-effect.
Usually accessed via the "SvPVbyte" macro. char* sv2pvbyte(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp) sv2pvbytenolenReturn a pointer to the byte-encoded representation of the SV.
May cause the SV to be downgraded from UTF-8 as a side-effect.
Usually accessed via the "SvPVbytenolen" macro. char* sv2pvbytenolen(SV* sv) sv2pvutf8Return a pointer to the UTF-8-encoded representation of the SV,
and set *lp to its length. May cause the SV to be upgraded toUTF-8 as a side-effect.
Usually accessed via the "SvPVutf8" macro. char* sv2pvutf8(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp) sv2pvutf8nolenReturn a pointer to the UTF-8-encoded representation of the SV.
May cause the SV to be upgraded to UTF-8 as a side-effect.
Usually accessed via the "SvPVutf8nolen" macro. char* sv2pvutf8nolen(SV* sv) sv2pvflags Returns a pointer to the string value of an SV, and sets *lp to its length. If flags includes SVGMAGIC, does an mgget() first. Coerces sv to a string if necessary. Normally invokedvia the "SvPVflags" macro. "sv2pv()" and "sv2pvnomg" usu-
ally end up here too. char* sv2pvflags(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp, I32 flags) sv2pvnolen Like "sv2pv()", but doesn't return the length too. You should usually use the macro wrapper "SvPVnolen(sv)" instead. char* sv2pvnolen(SV* sv) sv2uv Return the unsigned integer value of an SV, doing any necessary string conversion, magic etc. Normally used via the "SvUV(sv)" and "SvUVx(sv)" macros. UV sv2uv(SV* sv) svbackoff Remove any string offset. You should normally use the "SvOOKoff" macro wrapper instead. int svbackoff(SV* sv) svbless Blesses an SV into a specified package. The SV must be an RV. The package must be designated by its stash (see "gvstashpv()"). The reference count of the SV is unaffected. SV* svbless(SV* sv, HV* stash) svcatpv Concatenates the string onto the end of the string which is inthe SV. If the SV has the UTF-8 status set, then the bytes
appended should be valid UTF-8. Handles 'get' magic, but not
'set' magic. See "svcatpvmg". void svcatpv(SV* sv, const char* ptr) svcatpvfProcesses its arguments like "sprintf" and appends the format-
ted output to an SV. If the appended data contains "wide"characters (including, but not limited to, SVs with a UTF-8 PV
formatted with %s, and characters >255 formatted with %c), the
original SV might get upgraded to UTF-8. Handles 'get' magic,
but not 'set' magic. See "svcatpvfmg". void svcatpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) svcatpvfmg Like "svcatpvf", but also handles 'set' magic. void svcatpvfmg(SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) svcatpvn Concatenates the string onto the end of the string which is in the SV. The "len" indicates number of bytes to copy. If theSV has the UTF-8 status set, then the bytes appended should be
valid UTF-8. Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. See
"svcatpvnmg". void svcatpvn(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len) svcatpvnflags Concatenates the string onto the end of the string which is in the SV. The "len" indicates number of bytes to copy. If theSV has the UTF-8 status set, then the bytes appended should be
valid UTF-8. If "flags" has "SVGMAGIC" bit set, will "mgget"
on "dsv" if appropriate, else not. "svcatpvn" and "svcat-
pvnnomg" are implemented in terms of this function. void svcatpvnflags(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len, I32 flags) svcatpvnmg Like "svcatpvn", but also handles 'set' magic. void svcatpvnmg(SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len) svcatpvnnomg Like "svcatpvn" but doesn't process magic. void svcatpvnnomg(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len) svcatpvmg Like "svcatpv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svcatpvmg(SV *sv, const char *ptr) svcatsv Concatenates the string from SV "ssv" onto the end of the string in SV "dsv". Modifies "dsv" but not "ssv". Handles 'get' magic, but not 'set' magic. See "svcatsvmg". void svcatsv(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) svcatsvflags Concatenates the string from SV "ssv" onto the end of the string in SV "dsv". Modifies "dsv" but not "ssv". If "flags"has "SVGMAGIC" bit set, will "mgget" on the SVs if appropri-
ate, else not. "svcatsv" and "svcatsvnomg" are implemented in terms of this function. void svcatsvflags(SV* dsv, SV* ssv, I32 flags) svcatsvmg Like "svcatsv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svcatsvmg(SV *dstr, SV *sstr) svcatsvnomg Like "svcatsv" but doesn't process magic. void svcatsvnomg(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) svchop Efficient removal of characters from the beginning of the string buffer. SvPOK(sv) must be true and the "ptr" must be a pointer to somewhere inside the string buffer. The "ptr" becomes the first character of the adjusted string. Uses the "OOK hack". Beware: after this function returns, "ptr" and SvPVX(sv) may no longer refer to the same chunk of data. void svchop(SV* sv, char* ptr) svclear Clear an SV: call any destructors, free up any memory used by the body, and free the body itself. The SV's head is not freed,although its type is set to all 1's so that it won't inadver-
tently be assumed to be live during global destruction etc. This function should only be called when REFCNT is zero. Mostof the time you'll want to call "svfree()" (or its macro wrap-
per "SvREFCNTdec") instead. void svclear(SV* sv)svcmp Compares the strings in two SVs. Returns -1, 0, or 1 indicat-
ing whether the string in "sv1" is less than, equal to, orgreater than the string in "sv2". Is UTF-8 and 'use bytes'
aware, handles get magic, and will coerce its args to strings if necessary. See also "svcmplocale". I32 svcmp(SV* sv1, SV* sv2) svcmplocaleCompares the strings in two SVs in a locale-aware manner. Is
UTF-8 and 'use bytes' aware, handles get magic, and will coerce
its args to strings if necessary. See also "svcmplocale". See also "svcmp". I32 svcmplocale(SV* sv1, SV* sv2) svcollxfrm Add Collate Transform magic to an SV if it doesn't already have it. Any scalar variable may carry PERLMAGICcollxfrm magic that contains the scalar data of the variable, but transformed to such a format that a normal memory comparison can be used to compare the data according to the locale settings. char* svcollxfrm(SV* sv, STRLEN* nxp) svcopypv Copies a stringified representation of the source SV into the destination SV. Automatically performs any necessary mgget and coercion of numeric values into strings. Guaranteed topreserve UTF-8 flag even from overloaded objects. Similar in
nature to sv2pv[flags] but operates directly on an SV instead of just the string. Mostly uses sv2pvflags to do its work,except when that would lose the UTF-8'ness of the PV.
void svcopypv(SV* dsv, SV* ssv)svdec Auto-decrement of the value in the SV, doing string to numeric
conversion if necessary. Handles 'get' magic. void svdec(SV* sv) svderivedfrom Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is derived from thespecified class. This is the function that implements "UNIVER-
SAL::isa". It works for class names as well as for objects. bool svderivedfrom(SV* sv, const char* name) sveq Returns a boolean indicating whether the strings in the two SVsare identical. Is UTF-8 and 'use bytes' aware, handles get
magic, and will coerce its args to strings if necessary. I32 sveq(SV* sv1, SV* sv2) svforcenormal Undo various types of fakery on an SV: if the PV is a shared string, make a private copy; if we're a ref, stop refing; ifwe're a glob, downgrade to an xpvmg. See also "svforcenor-
malflags". void svforcenormal(SV *sv) svforcenormalflags Undo various types of fakery on an SV: if the PV is a shared string, make a private copy; if we're a ref, stop refing; if we're a glob, downgrade to an xpvmg. The "flags" parameter gets passed to "svunrefflags()" when unrefing. "svforcenormal" calls this function with flags set to 0. void svforcenormalflags(SV *sv, U32 flags) svfree Decrement an SV's reference count, and if it drops to zero, call "svclear" to invoke destructors and free up any memory used by the body; finally, deallocate the SV's head itself. Normally called via a wrapper macro "SvREFCNTdec". void svfree(SV* sv) svgets Get a line from the filehandle and store it into the SV,optionally appending to the currently-stored string.
char* svgets(SV* sv, PerlIO* fp, I32 append) svgrow Expands the character buffer in the SV. If necessary, uses "svunref" and upgrades the SV to "SVtPV". Returns a pointer to the character buffer. Use the "SvGROW" wrapper instead. char* svgrow(SV* sv, STRLEN newlen)svinc Auto-increment of the value in the SV, doing string to numeric
conversion if necessary. Handles 'get' magic. void svinc(SV* sv) svinsert Inserts a string at the specified offset/length within the SV. Similar to the Perl substr() function. void svinsert(SV* bigsv, STRLEN offset, STRLEN len, char* little, STRLEN littlelen) svisa Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is blessed into the specified class. This does not check for subtypes; use "svderivedfrom" to verify an inheritance relationship. int svisa(SV* sv, const char* name) svisobject Returns a boolean indicating whether the SV is an RV pointing to a blessed object. If the SV is not an RV, or if the object is not blessed, then this will return false. int svisobject(SV* sv) sviv A private implementation of the "SvIVx" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. IV sviv(SV* sv) svlen Returns the length of the string in the SV. Handles magic and type coercion. See also "SvCUR", which gives raw access to the xpvcur slot. STRLEN svlen(SV* sv) svlenutf8Returns the number of characters in the string in an SV, count-
ing wide UTF-8 bytes as a single character. Handles magic and
type coercion. STRLEN svlenutf8(SV* sv) svmagic Adds magic to an SV. First upgrades "sv" to type "SVtPVMG" if necessary, then adds a new magic item of type "how" to the head of the magic list.See "svmagicext" (which "svmagic" now calls) for a descrip-
tion of the handling of the "name" and "namlen" arguments. void svmagic(SV* sv, SV* obj, int how, const char* name, I32 namlen) svmagicext Adds magic to an SV, upgrading it if necessary. Applies the supplied vtable and returns a pointer to the magic added. Note that "svmagicext" will allow things that "svmagic" will not. In particular, you can add magic to SvREADONLY SVs, and add more than one instance of the same 'how'. If "namlen" is greater than zero then a "savepvn" copy of"name" is stored, if "namlen" is zero then "name" is stored as-
is and - as another special case - if "(name && namlen ==
HEfSVKEY)" then "name" is assumed to contain an "SV*" and isstored as-is with its REFCNT incremented.
(This is now used as a subroutine by "svmagic".) MAGIC * svmagicext(SV* sv, SV* obj, int how, MGVTBL *vtbl, const char* name, I32 namlen ) svmortalcopy Creates a new SV which is a copy of the original SV (using "svsetsv"). The new SV is marked as mortal. It will be destroyed "soon", either by an explicit call to FREETMPS, or by an implicit call at places such as statement boundaries. See also "svnewmortal" and "sv2mortal". SV* svmortalcopy(SV* oldsv) svnewmortal Creates a new null SV which is mortal. The reference count of the SV is set to 1. It will be destroyed "soon", either by an explicit call to FREETMPS, or by an implicit call at places such as statement boundaries. See also "svmortalcopy" and "sv2mortal". SV* svnewmortal() svnewref Increment an SV's reference count. Use the "SvREFCNTinc()" wrapper instead. SV* svnewref(SV* sv) svnv A private implementation of the "SvNVx" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. NV svnv(SV* sv) svposb2u Converts the value pointed to by offsetp from a count of bytesfrom the start of the string, to a count of the equivalent num-
ber of UTF-8 chars. Handles magic and type coercion.
void svposb2u(SV* sv, I32* offsetp) svposu2bConverts the value pointed to by offsetp from a count of UTF-8
chars from the start of the string, to a count of the equiva-
lent number of bytes; if lenp is non-zero, it does the same to
lenp, but this time starting from the offset, rather than from the start of the string. Handles magic and type coercion. void svposu2b(SV* sv, I32* offsetp, I32* lenp) svpv Use the "SvPVnolen" macro instead char* svpv(SV *sv) svpvbyte Use "SvPVbytenolen" instead. char* svpvbyte(SV *sv) svpvbyten A private implementation of the "SvPVbyte" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvbyten(SV *sv, STRLEN *len) svpvbytenforce A private implementation of the "SvPVbytexforce" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvbytenforce(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp) svpvn A private implementation of the "SvPV" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvn(SV *sv, STRLEN *len) svpvnforceGet a sensible string out of the SV somehow. A private imple-
mentation of the "SvPVforce" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvnforce(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp) svpvnforceflags Get a sensible string out of the SV somehow. If "flags" has "SVGMAGIC" bit set, will "mgget" on "sv" if appropriate, else not. "svpvnforce" and "svpvnforcenomg" are implemented in terms of this function. You normally want to use the various wrapper macros instead: see "SvPVforce" and "SvPVforcenomg" char* svpvnforceflags(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp, I32 flags) svpvutf8 Use the "SvPVutf8nolen" macro instead char* svpvutf8(SV *sv) svpvutf8n A private implementation of the "SvPVutf8" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvutf8n(SV *sv, STRLEN *len) svpvutf8nforceA private implementation of the "SvPVutf8force" macro for com-
pilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. char* svpvutf8nforce(SV* sv, STRLEN* lp) svreftype Returns a string describing what the SV is a reference to. char* svreftype(SV* sv, int ob) svreplace Make the first argument a copy of the second, then delete the original. The target SV physically takes over ownership of thebody of the source SV and inherits its flags; however, the tar-
get keeps any magic it owns, and any magic in the source is discarded. Note that this is a rather specialist SV copying operation; most of the time you'll want to use "svsetsv" orone of its many macro front-ends.
void svreplace(SV* sv, SV* nsv) svreportused Dump the contents of all SVs not yet freed. (Debugging aid). void svreportused() svreset Underlying implementation for the "reset" Perl function. Notethat the perl-level function is vaguely deprecated.
void svreset(char* s, HV* stash) svrvweaken Weaken a reference: set the "SvWEAKREF" flag on this RV; givethe referred-to SV "PERLMAGICbackref" magic if it hasn't
already; and push a back-reference to this RV onto the array of
backreferences associated with that magic. SV* svrvweaken(SV *sv) svsetivCopies an integer into the given SV, upgrading first if neces-
sary. Does not handle 'set' magic. See also "svsetivmg". void svsetiv(SV* sv, IV num) svsetivmg Like "svsetiv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetivmg(SV *sv, IV i) svsetnvCopies a double into the given SV, upgrading first if neces-
sary. Does not handle 'set' magic. See also "svsetnvmg". void svsetnv(SV* sv, NV num) svsetnvmg Like "svsetnv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetnvmg(SV *sv, NV num) svsetpvCopies a string into an SV. The string must be null-termi-
nated. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svsetpvmg". void svsetpv(SV* sv, const char* ptr) svsetpvf Works like "svcatpvf" but copies the text into the SV insteadof appending it. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svset-
pvfmg". void svsetpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, ...) svsetpvfmg Like "svsetpvf", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetpvfmg(SV *sv, const char* pat, ...) svsetpviv Copies an integer into the given SV, also updating its string value. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svsetpvivmg". void svsetpviv(SV* sv, IV num) svsetpvivmg Like "svsetpviv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetpvivmg(SV *sv, IV iv) svsetpvn Copies a string into an SV. The "len" parameter indicates the number of bytes to be copied. If the "ptr" argument is NULL the SV will become undefined. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svsetpvnmg". void svsetpvn(SV* sv, const char* ptr, STRLEN len) svsetpvnmg Like "svsetpvn", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetpvnmg(SV *sv, const char *ptr, STRLEN len) svsetpvmg Like "svsetpv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetpvmg(SV *sv, const char *ptr) svsetrefiv Copies an integer into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The "rv" argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. The "classname" argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set "classname" to"Nullch" to avoid the blessing. The new SV will have a refer-
ence count of 1, and the RV will be returned. SV* svsetrefiv(SV* rv, const char* classname, IV iv) svsetrefnv Copies a double into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The"rv" argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modi-
fied to point to the new SV. The "classname" argument indi-
cates the package for the blessing. Set "classname" to"Nullch" to avoid the blessing. The new SV will have a refer-
ence count of 1, and the RV will be returned. SV* svsetrefnv(SV* rv, const char* classname, NV nv) svsetrefpv Copies a pointer into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The "rv" argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. If the "pv" argument is NULL then "PLsvundef" will be placed into the SV. The "classname"argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set "class-
name" to "Nullch" to avoid the blessing. The new SV will have a reference count of 1, and the RV will be returned. Do not use with other Perl types such as HV, AV, SV, CV, because those objects will become corrupted by the pointer copy process. Note that "svsetrefpvn" copies the string while this copies the pointer. SV* svsetrefpv(SV* rv, const char* classname, void* pv) svsetrefpvn Copies a string into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The length of the string must be specified with "n". The "rv" argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RV will be modified to point to the new SV. The "classname" argument indicates the package for the blessing. Set "classname" to "Nullch" to avoid the blessing. The new SV will have a reference count of 1, and the RV will be returned. Note that "svsetrefpv" copies the pointer while this copies the string. SV* svsetrefpvn(SV* rv, const char* classname, char* pv, STRLEN n) svsetrefuv Copies an unsigned integer into a new SV, optionally blessing the SV. The "rv" argument will be upgraded to an RV. That RVwill be modified to point to the new SV. The "classname" argu-
ment indicates the package for the blessing. Set "classname"to "Nullch" to avoid the blessing. The new SV will have a ref-
erence count of 1, and the RV will be returned. SV* svsetrefuv(SV* rv, const char* classname, UV uv) svsetsv Copies the contents of the source SV "ssv" into the destination SV "dsv". The source SV may be destroyed if it is mortal, so don't use this function if the source SV needs to be reused. Does not handle 'set' magic. Loosely speaking, it performs acopy-by-value, obliterating any previous content of the desti-
nation. You probably want to use one of the assortment of wrappers, such as "SvSetSV", "SvSetSVnosteal", "SvSetMagicSV" and "SvSetMagicSVnosteal". void svsetsv(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) svsetsvflags Copies the contents of the source SV "ssv" into the destination SV "dsv". The source SV may be destroyed if it is mortal, so don't use this function if the source SV needs to be reused. Does not handle 'set' magic. Loosely speaking, it performs acopy-by-value, obliterating any previous content of the desti-
nation. If the "flags" parameter has the "SVGMAGIC" bit set, will "mgget" on "ssv" if appropriate, else not. If the "flags" parameter has the "NOSTEAL" bit set then the buffers of tempswill not be stolen.
mented in terms of this function. You probably want to use one of the assortment of wrappers, such as "SvSetSV", "SvSetSVnosteal", "SvSetMagicSV" and "SvSetMagicSVnosteal". This is the primary function for copying scalars, and mostand "svsetsvnomg" are imple- other copy-ish functions and macros use this underneath.
void svsetsvflags(SV* dsv, SV* ssv, I32 flags) svsetsvmg Like "svsetsv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetsvmg(SV *dstr, SV *sstr) svsetsvnomg Like "svsetsv" but doesn't process magic. void svsetsvnomg(SV* dsv, SV* ssv) svsetuv Copies an unsigned integer into the given SV, upgrading first if necessary. Does not handle 'set' magic. See also "svsetuvmg". void svsetuv(SV* sv, UV num) svsetuvmg Like "svsetuv", but also handles 'set' magic. void svsetuvmg(SV *sv, UV u) svtaint Taint an SV. Use "SvTAINTEDon" instead. void svtaint(SV* sv) svtainted Test an SV for taintedness. Use "SvTAINTED" instead. bool svtainted(SV* sv) svtrue Returns true if the SV has a true value by Perl's rules. Use the "SvTRUE" macro instead, which may call "svtrue()" or mayinstead use an in-line version.
I32 svtrue(SV *sv) svunmagic Removes all magic of type "type" from an SV. int svunmagic(SV* sv, int type) svunref Unsets the RV status of the SV, and decrements the reference count of whatever was being referenced by the RV. This can almost be thought of as a reversal of "newSVrv". This is "svunrefflags" with the "flag" being zero. See "SvROKoff". void svunref(SV* sv) svunrefflags Unsets the RV status of the SV, and decrements the reference count of whatever was being referenced by the RV. This can almost be thought of as a reversal of "newSVrv". The "cflags"argument can contain "SVIMMEDIATEUNREF" to force the refer-
ence count to be decremented (otherwise the decrementing is conditional on the reference count being different from one or the reference being a readonly SV). See "SvROKoff". void svunrefflags(SV* sv, U32 flags) svuntaint Untaint an SV. Use "SvTAINTEDoff" instead. void svuntaint(SV* sv) svupgrade Upgrade an SV to a more complex form. Generally adds a new body type to the SV, then copies across as much information as possible from the old body. You generally want to use the "SvUPGRADE" macro wrapper. See also "svtype". bool svupgrade(SV* sv, U32 mt) svusepvn Tells an SV to use "ptr" to find its string value. Normally the string is stored inside the SV but svusepvn allows the SV to use an outside string. The "ptr" should point to memory that was allocated by "malloc". The string length, "len", must be supplied. This function will realloc the memory pointed to by "ptr", so that pointer should not be freed or used by the programmer after giving it to svusepvn. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svusepvnmg". void svusepvn(SV* sv, char* ptr, STRLEN len) svusepvnmg Like "svusepvn", but also handles 'set' magic. void svusepvnmg(SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len) svutf8decodeIf the PV of the SV is an octet sequence in UTF-8 and contains
a multiple-byte character, the "SvUTF8" flag is turned on so
that it looks like a character. If the PV contains only single-
byte characters, the "SvUTF8" flag stays being off. Scans PVfor validity and returns false if the PV is invalid UTF-8.
NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. bool svutf8decode(SV *sv) svutf8downgrade Attempts to convert the PV of an SV from characters to bytes. If the PV contains a character beyond byte, this conversion will fail; in this case, either returns false or, if "failok" is not true, croaks. This is not as a general purpose Unicode to byte encoding interface: use the Encode extension for that.NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. bool svutf8downgrade(SV *sv, bool failok) svutf8encodeConverts the PV of an SV to UTF-8, but then turns the "SvUTF8"
flag off so that it looks like octets again. void svutf8encode(SV *sv) svutf8upgradeConverts the PV of an SV to its UTF-8-encoded form. Forces the
SV to string form if it is not already. Always sets the SvUTF8 flag to avoid future validity checks even if all the bytes have hibit clear. This is not as a general purpose byte encoding to Unicode interface: use the Encode extension for that. STRLEN svutf8upgrade(SV *sv) svutf8upgradeflagsConverts the PV of an SV to its UTF-8-encoded form. Forces the
SV to string form if it is not already. Always sets the SvUTF8 flag to avoid future validity checks even if all the bytes have hibit clear. If "flags" has "SVGMAGIC" bit set, will "mgget" on "sv" if appropriate, else not. "svutf8upgrade" and"svutf8upgradenomg" are implemented in terms of this func-
tion. This is not as a general purpose byte encoding to Unicode interface: use the Encode extension for that. STRLEN svutf8upgradeflags(SV *sv, I32 flags) svuv A private implementation of the "SvUVx" macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. UV svuv(SV* sv) svvcatpvfProcesses its arguments like "vsprintf" and appends the format-
ted output to an SV. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svvcatpvfmg". Usually used via its frontend "svcatpvf". void svvcatpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, valist* args) svvcatpvfnProcesses its arguments like "vsprintf" and appends the format-
ted output to an SV. Uses an array of SVs if the C style vari-
able argument list is missing (NULL). When running with taint checks enabled, indicates via "maybetainted" if results are untrustworthy (often due to the use of locales). Usually used via one of its frontends "svvcatpvf" and "svvcatpvfmg". void svvcatpvfn(SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, valist* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, bool *maybetainted) svvcatpvfmg Like "svvcatpvf", but also handles 'set' magic. Usually used via its frontend "svcatpvfmg". void svvcatpvfmg(SV* sv, const char* pat, valist* args) svvsetpvf Works like "svvcatpvf" but copies the text into the SV insteadof appending it. Does not handle 'set' magic. See "svvset-
pvfmg". Usually used via its frontend "svsetpvf". void svvsetpvf(SV* sv, const char* pat, valist* args) svvsetpvfn Works like "svvcatpvfn" but copies the text into the SV instead of appending it. Usually used via one of its frontends "svvsetpvf" and "svvsetpvfmg". void svvsetpvfn(SV* sv, const char* pat, STRLEN patlen, valist* args, SV** svargs, I32 svmax, bool *maybetainted) svvsetpvfmg Like "svvsetpvf", but also handles 'set' magic. Usually used via its frontend "svsetpvfmg". void svvsetpvfmg(SV* sv, const char* pat, valist* args) UUnniiccooddee SSuuppppoorrtt bytesfromutf8Converts a string "s" of length "len" from UTF-8 into byte
encoding. Unlikebut like "bytestoutf8", returns a pointer to the newly-created string, and updates
"len" to contain the new length. Returns the original string if no conversion occurs, "len" is unchanged. Do nothing if "isutf8" points to 0. Sets "isutf8" to 0 if "s" is converted or contains all 7bit characters.NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. U8* bytesfromutf8(U8 *s, STRLEN *len, bool *isutf8) bytestoutf8Converts a string "s" of length "len" from ASCII into UTF-8
encoding. Returns a pointer to the newly-created string, and
sets "len" to reflect the new length.If you want to convert to UTF-8 from other encodings than
ASCII, see svrecodetoutf8().NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. U8* bytestoutf8(U8 *s, STRLEN *len) ibcmputf8Return true if the strings s1 and s2 differ case-insensitively,
false if not (if they are equal case-insensitively). If u1 is
true, the string s1 is assumed to be in UTF-8-encoded Unicode.
If u2 is true, the string s2 is assumed to be in UTF-8-encoded
Unicode. If u1 or u2 are false, the respective string isassumed to be in native 8-bit encoding.
If the pe1 and pe2 are non-NULL, the scanning pointers will be
copied in there (they will point at the beginning of the nextcharacter). If the pointers behind pe1 or pe2 are non-NULL,
they are the end pointers beyond which scanning will not con-
tinue under any circumstances. If the byte lengths l1 and l2are non-zero, s1+l1 and s2+l2 will be used as goal end pointers
that will also stop the scan, and which qualify towards defin-
ing a successful match: all the scans that define an explicit length must reach their goal pointers for a match to succeed).For case-insensitiveness, the "casefolding" of Unicode is used
instead of upper/lowercasing both the characters, see (Case Mappings). I32 ibcmputf8(const char* a, char **pe1, UV l1, bool u1, const char* b, char **pe2, UV l2, bool u2) isutf8charTests if some arbitrary number of bytes begins in a valid UTF-8
character. Note that an INVARIANT (i.e. ASCII) character is avalid UTF-8 character. The actual number of bytes in the UTF-8
character will be returned if it is valid, otherwise 0. STRLEN isutf8char(U8 *p) isutf8string Returns true if first "len" bytes of the given string form avalid UTF-8 string, false otherwise. Note that 'a valid UTF-8
string' does not mean 'a string that contains code points above0x7F encoded in UTF-8' because a valid ASCII string is a valid
UTF-8 string.
bool isutf8string(U8 *s, STRLEN len) isutf8stringloc Like isut8string but store the location of the failure in the last argument. bool isutf8stringloc(U8 *s, STRLEN len, U8 **p) pvunidisplay Build to the scalar dsv a displayable version of the string spv, length len, the displayable version being at most pvlim bytes long (if longer, the rest is truncated and "..." will be appended). The flags argument can have UNIDISPLAYISPRINT set to display isPRINT()able characters as themselves, UNIDISPLAYBACKSLASH to display the \\[nrfta\\] as the backslashed versions (like'\n') (UNIDISPLAYBACKSLASH is preferred over UNIDIS-
PLAYISPRINT turned on. The pointer to the PV of the dsv is returned. char* pvunidisplay(SV *dsv, U8 *spv, STRLEN len, STRLEN pvlim, UV flags) svcatdecode The encoding is assumed to be an Encode object, the PV of the ssv is assumed to be octets in that encoding and decoding the input starts from the position which (PV + *offset) pointed to.The dsv will be concatenated the decoded UTF-8 string from ssv.
Decoding will terminate when the string tstr appears in decod-
ing output or the input ends on the PV of the ssv. The value which the offset points will be modified to the last input position on the ssv. Returns TRUE if the terminator was found, else returns FALSE. bool svcatdecode(SV* dsv, SV *encoding, SV *ssv, int *offset, char* tstr, int tlen) svrecodetoutf8 The encoding is assumed to be an Encode object, on entry the PV of the sv is assumed to be octets in that encoding, and the svwill be converted into Unicode (and UTF-8).
If the sv already is UTF-8 (or if it is not POK), or if the
encoding is not a reference, nothing is done to the sv. If the encoding is not an "Encode::XS" Encoding object, bad things will happen. (See lib/ and Encode). The PV of the sv is returned. char* svrecodetoutf8(SV* sv, SV *encoding) svunidisplay Build to the scalar dsv a displayable version of the scalar sv, the displayable version being at most pvlim bytes long (if longer, the rest is truncated and "..." will be appended). The flags argument is as in pvunidisplay(). The pointer to the PV of the dsv is returned. char* svunidisplay(SV *dsv, SV *ssv, STRLEN pvlim, UV flags) toutf8caseThe "p" contains the pointer to the UTF-8 string encoding the
character that is being converted. The "ustrp" is a pointer to the character buffer to put the conversion result to. The "lenp" is a pointer to the length of the result. The "swashp" is a pointer to the swash to use.Both the special and normal mappings are stored lib/uni-
core/To/, and loaded by SWASHGET, using lib/ The special (usually, but not always, a multicharacter mapping), is tried first. The "special" is a string like "utf8::ToSpecLower", which meansthe hash %utf8::ToSpecLower. The access to the hash is through
Perltoutf8case(). The "normal" is a string like "ToLower" which means the swash%utf8::ToLower.
UV toutf8case(U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp, SV **swash, char *normal, char *special) toutf8foldConvert the UTF-8 encoded character at p to its foldcase ver-
sion and store that in UTF-8 in ustrp and its length in bytes
in lenp. Note that the ustrp needs to be at least UTF8MAXLENFOLD+1 bytes since the foldcase version may be longer than the original character (up to three characters). The first character of the foldcased version is returned (but note, as explained above, that there may be more.) UV toutf8fold(U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp) toutf8lowerConvert the UTF-8 encoded character at p to its lowercase ver-
sion and store that in UTF-8 in ustrp and its length in bytes
in lenp. Note that the ustrp needs to be at least UTF8MAXLENUCLC+1 bytes since the lowercase version may be longer than the original character (up to two characters). The first character of the lowercased version is returned (but note, as explained above, that there may be more.) UV toutf8lower(U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp) toutf8titleConvert the UTF-8 encoded character at p to its titlecase ver-
sion and store that in UTF-8 in ustrp and its length in bytes
in lenp. Note that the ustrp needs to be at least UTF8MAXLENUCLC+1 bytes since the titlecase version may be longer than the original character (up to two characters). The first character of the titlecased version is returned (but note, as explained above, that there may be more.) UV toutf8title(U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp) toutf8upperConvert the UTF-8 encoded character at p to its uppercase ver-
sion and store that in UTF-8 in ustrp and its length in bytes
in lenp. Note that the ustrp needs to be at least UTF8MAXLENUCLC+1 bytes since the uppercase version may be longer than the original character (up to two characters). The first character of the uppercased version is returned (but note, as explained above, that there may be more.) UV toutf8upper(U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp) utf8ntouvchr Returns the native character value of the first character inthe string "s" which is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding;
"retlen" will be set to the length, in bytes, of that charac-
ter. Allows length and flags to be passed to low level routine. UV utf8ntouvchr(U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN* retlen, U32 flags) utf8ntouvuniBottom level UTF-8 decode routine. Returns the unicode code
point value of the first character in the string "s" which isassumed to be in UTF-8 encoding and no longer than "curlen";
"retlen" will be set to the length, in bytes, of that charac-
ter.If "s" does not point to a well-formed UTF-8 character, the be-
haviour is dependent on the value of "flags": if it contains UTF8CHECKONLY, it is assumed that the caller will raise a warning, and this function will silently just set "retlen" to"-1" and return zero. If the "flags" does not contain
UTF8CHECKONLY, warnings about malformations will be given,"retlen" will be set to the expected length of the UTF-8 char-
acter in bytes, and zero will be returned. The "flags" can also contain various flags to allow deviationsfrom the strict UTF-8 encoding (see utf8.h).
Most code should use utf8touvchr() rather than call this directly. UV utf8ntouvuni(U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN* retlen, U32 flags) utf8distanceReturns the number of UTF-8 characters between the UTF-8 point-
ers "a" and "b". WARNING: use only if you *know* that the pointers point insidethe same UTF-8 buffer.
IV utf8distance(U8 *a, U8 *b) utf8hopReturn the UTF-8 pointer "s" displaced by "off" characters,
either forward or backward. WARNING: do not use the following unless you *know* "off" iswithin the UTF-8 data pointed to by "s" *and* that on entry "s"
is aligned on the first byte of character or just after the last byte of a character. U8* utf8hop(U8 *s, I32 off) utf8lengthReturn the length of the UTF-8 char encoded string "s" in char-
acters. Stops at "e" (inclusive). If "e < s" or if the scan would end up past "e", croaks. STRLEN utf8length(U8* s, U8 *e) utf8tobytesConverts a string "s" of length "len" from UTF-8 into byte
encoding. Unlike "bytestoutf8", this over-writes the origi-
nal string, and updates len to contain the new length. Returnszero on failure, setting "len" to -1.
NOTE: this function is experimental and may change or be
removed without notice. U8* utf8tobytes(U8 *s, STRLEN *len) utf8touvchr Returns the native character value of the first character inthe string "s" which is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding;
"retlen" will be set to the length, in bytes, of that charac-
ter.If "s" does not point to a well-formed UTF-8 character, zero is
returned and retlen is set, if possible, to -1.
UV utf8touvchr(U8 *s, STRLEN* retlen) utf8touvuni Returns the Unicode code point of the first character in thestring "s" which is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding; "retlen"
will be set to the length, in bytes, of that character.This function should only be used when returned UV is consid-
ered an index into the Unicode semantic tables (e.g. swashes).If "s" does not point to a well-formed UTF-8 character, zero is
returned and retlen is set, if possible, to -1.
UV utf8touvuni(U8 *s, STRLEN* retlen) uvchrtoutf8Adds the UTF-8 representation of the Native codepoint "uv" to
the end of the string "d"; "d" should be have at least "UTF8MAXLEN+1" free bytes available. The return value is the pointer to the byte after the end of the new character. In other words, d = uvchrtoutf8(d, uv);is the recommended wide native character-aware way of saying
*(d++) = uv; U8* uvchrtoutf8(U8 *d, UV uv) uvunitoutf8flagsAdds the UTF-8 representation of the Unicode codepoint "uv" to
the end of the string "d"; "d" should be have at least "UTF8MAXLEN+1" free bytes available. The return value is the pointer to the byte after the end of the new character. In other words, d = uvunitoutf8flags(d, uv, flags); or, in most cases, d = uvunitoutf8(d, uv); (which is equivalent to) d = uvunitoutf8flags(d, uv, 0);is the recommended Unicode-aware way of saying
*(d++) = uv; U8* uvunitoutf8flags(U8 *d, UV uv, UV flags) VVaarriiaabblleess ccrreeaatteedd bbyy ""xxssuubbpppp"" and "xsubpp" internal functions ax Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to indicate the stack base offset, used by the "ST", "XSprePUSH" and "XSRETURN" macros. The "dMARK" macro must be called prior to setup the "MARK" variable. I32 ax CLASS Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to indicate the class name for a C++ XS constructor. This is always a "char*". See "THIS". char* CLASSdAX Sets up the "ax" variable. This is usually handled automati-
cally by "xsubpp" by calling "dXSARGS". dAX;dITEMS Sets up the "items" variable. This is usually handled automat-
ically by "xsubpp" by calling "dXSARGS". dITEMS; dXSARGS Sets up stack and mark pointers for an XSUB, calling dSP and dMARK. Sets up the "ax" and "items" variables by calling "dAX" and "dITEMS". This is usually handled automatically by "xsubpp". dXSARGS; dXSI32 Sets up the "ix" variable for an XSUB which has aliases. This is usually handled automatically by "xsubpp". dXSI32; items Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to indicate the number ofitems on the stack. See "Variable-length Parameter Lists" in
perlxs. I32 items ix Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to indicate which of an XSUB's aliases was used to invoke it. See "The ALIAS: Keyword" in perlxs. I32 ix newXSprotoUsed by "xsubpp" to hook up XSUBs as Perl subs. Adds Perl pro-
totypes to the subs. RETVAL Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to hold the return value for an XSUB. This is always the proper type for the XSUB. See "The RETVAL Variable" in perlxs. (whatever) RETVAL ST Used to access elements on the XSUB's stack. SV* ST(int ix) THIS Variable which is setup by "xsubpp" to designate the object in a C++ XSUB. This is always the proper type for the C++ object. See "CLASS" and "Using XS With C++" in perlxs. (whatever) THIS XS Macro to declare an XSUB and its C parameter list. This is handled by "xsubpp". XSVERSIONThe version identifier for an XS module. This is usually han-
dled automatically by "ExtUtils::MakeMaker". See "XSVER-
SIONBOOTCHECK". XSVERSIONBOOTCHECKMacro to verify that a PM module's $VERSION variable matches
the XS module's "XSVERSION" variable. This is usually handled automatically by "xsubpp". See "The VERSIONCHECK: Keyword" in perlxs. XSVERSIONBOOTCHECK; WWaarrnniinngg aanndd DDiieeiinnggcroak This is the XSUB-writer's interface to Perl's "die" function.
Normally call this function the same way you call the C "printf" function. Calling "croak" returns control directly to Perl, sidestepping the normal C order of execution. See "warn". If you want to throw an exception object, assign the object to$@ and then pass "Nullch" to croak():
errsv = getsv("@", TRUE); svsetsv(errsv, exceptionobject); croak(Nullch); void croak(const char* pat, ...)warn This is the XSUB-writer's interface to Perl's "warn" function.
Call this function the same way you call the C "printf" func-
tion. See "croak". void warn(const char* pat, ...) AUTHORS Until May 1997, this document was maintained by Jeff Okamoto. It is now maintained as part of Perl itself. With lots of help and suggestions from Dean Roehrich, Malcolm Beattie, Andreas Koenig, Paul Hudson, Ilya Zakharevich, Paul Marquess, Neil Bow-
ers, Matthew Green, Tim Bunce, Spider Boardman, Ulrich Pfeifer, Stephen McCamant, and Gurusamy Sarathy. API Listing originally by Dean Roehrich. Updated to be autogenerated from comments in the source by Benjamin Stuhl. SEE ALSO
perlguts(1), perlxs(1), perlxstut(1), perlintern(1)perl v5.8.6 2004-11-05 PERLAPI(1)