ppccsscctteesstt DDEESSCCRRPPTTIIOONNpcsctest runs a test on pcscd, lists the readers currently connected,
and displays card information if a card is inserted. OOPPTTIIOONNSS None UUSSAAGGEEpcsctest lists the currently connected readers and asks the user to
choose one. After choosing the reader, pcsctest will ask the user to
insert a card into the card reader. If this happens pcsctest will dis-
play the cards's ATR and other information. Example: The following will occur if no reader is inserted and recognized: MUSCLE PC/SC Lite Test Program Testing SCardEstablishContext : Command successful. Testing SCardGetStatusChange Once a reader is inserted and recognized the following will occur: MUSCLE PC/SC Lite Test Program Testing SCardEstablishContext : Command successful. Testing SCardGetStatusChange Please insert a working reader : Command successful. Testing SCardListReaders : Command successful.Reader 01: SCM SCR-331 CCID 0 0
Enter the reader number : 1 Waiting for card insertion : Command successful. Testing SCardConnect : Command successful. Testing SCardStatus : Command successful. Current Reader Name : CCID USB Reader 0 0 Current Reader State : 34 Current Reader Protocol : 0 Current Reader ATR Size : 9 Current Reader ATR Value : 3B E2 00 00 04 03 00 Testing SCardDisconnect : Command successful. Testing SCardReleaseContext : Command successful. PC/SC Test Completed Successfully !SEE ALSO
MacOSX March 2003 PCSCTEST(8)