ppccaassttccttll - Podcast Producer daemons control interface
ppccaassttccttll status target on|off|start|stop|restart OOPPTTIIOONNSS The available options are as follows: status print status of running daemons target affect a[gent] or s[erver] daemon start|stop|restart explicitly start/stop/restart daemon. Note that 'restart' will kill all instances of a given daemon, as will 'stop' if none is specified in the pid file.RETURN VALUES
0 Completed succesfully. 1 Action failed 10 Not run as root. 50 Target not recognized: use 'a', or 's'. 51 Action not recognized: use start|stop|restart 52 Executables not found; may need to reinstall Podcast Producer. 53 Process directory not found; may need to reinstall Mac OS X. 54 Timeout waiting for action to complete. 55 Launchd manipulation failure. FILES /usr/libexec/podcastproducer/pcastagentd Podcast Producer agent daemon /usr/share/podcastproducer/pcastserverd Podcast Producer server daemon /var/run/ Podcast Producer agent process ID /var/run/ Podcast Producer server process ID /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Launchd agent daemon control file /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ Launchd server daemon control file EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS status of Podcast Producer agent daemon$ pcastctl agent status
edit launchd configuration to launch server on system startup$ pcastctl server on
DIAGNOSTICSWarning: Warning: ## copies of (pcastagentd|pcastserverd) already running
Trying to launch another daemon when one or more already running; will usually succeed, but may cause unpredictable behavior.See also RETURN VALUES, above.
EERRRROORRSS Error: failed to launch (executable) Tried to start/restart a give daemon, but failed. Error: process 'executable' not currently running Tried to kill a process which did not exist.SEE ALSO
pcast(1) launchd(8) HISTORY This program was first introduced in Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard". It was inspired by xgridctl(8).BUGS
pcastctl(8) uses kill -TERM to allow the daemons a chance to die grace-
fully; there is currently no way to force a kill -KILL.
Bug reports can be sent to Feedback can be sent to Mac OS September 29, 2004 Mac OS