ppccaassttaaggeennttdd22,, OOtthheerrnnaammeeffoorrssaammeepprrooggrraamm(()),, YYeett aannootthheerr nnaammee ffoorr tthheessaammee pprrooggrraamm.. - This line parsed for whatis database.
ppccaassttaaggeennttdd22,, [-aabbccdd] [-aa path] [file] [file ...] arg0 arg2 ...
Use the .Nm macro to refer to your program throughout the man page like such: ppccaassttaaggeennttdd22,, Underlining is accomplished with the .Ar macro like this: underlined text. A list of items with descriptions: item a Description of item a item b Description of item b A list of flags and their descriptions:-aa Description of -a flag
-bb Description of -b flag
FILES /usr/share/filename FILE1 description /Users/joeuser/Library/reallylongfilename FILE2 descriptionSEE ALSO
a(1), b(1), c(1), a(2), b(2), a(3), b(3) Darwin December 21, 2019 Darwin