Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pcastaction

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pcastaction

pcastaction(1) pcastaction(1)


ppccaassttaaccttiioonn command [options] [args] OOVVEERRVVIIEEWW

The ppccaassttaaccttiioonn tool is a tool built to facilitate writing Podcast Pro-

ducer workflows. It wraps a large set of commands needed for creating video or audio podcasts. Actions include annotating QuickTime movies, video editing, sending emails, posting blog entries. The available subcommands are: unpack shell preflight postflight encode annotate qceffect watermark title merge iTunes iTunesU mail archive publish groupblog template approval

Run `pcastaction help` to access the built-in tool documentation. You

can also run `pcastaction help` for more information about

the different commands.


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