ppaammssaaccll - Service ACL PAM module
[service-name] account control-flag pamsacl [options]
The Service ACL (SACL) module for PAM, ppaammssaaccll , provides functionality for the PAM account management category. SSAACCLL AAccccoouunntt MMaannaaggeemmeenntt MMoodduullee The SACL account management component provides a function to perform account management, ppaammssmmaaccccttmmggmmtt(). The function verifies that the authenticated user is allowed to login to the local user account by checking the user name against the the SACL of the service named by the ssaaccllsseerrvviiccee option. The following option must be passed to the password module: ssaaccllsseerrvviiccee==SSEERRVVIICCEE This option names the SACL that the user name should be checked against. SERVICE should be the literal name of the service, eg. saclservice=smb. The following options may be passed to the password module: aalllloowwttrruussttaacccctt Always allow access to computer trust accounts. ddeebbuugg syslog(3) debugging information at LOGDEBUG level.SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam(8) BSD June 13, 2007 BSD