Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pam_chauthtok

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pam_chauthtok

PAMCHAUTHTOK(3) App. Programmers' Manual PAMCHAUTHTOK(3)


pamchauthtok - updating authentication tokens


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt ppaammcchhaauutthhttookk((ppaammhhaannddlleett *pamh,, iinntt flags));;


ppaammcchhaauutthhttookk Use this function to rejuvenate the authentication tokens (passwords etc.) of an applicant user.

Note, the application should not pre-authenticate the user, as this is

performed (if required) by the LLiinnuuxx-PPAAMM framework.

The flags argument can optionally take the value, PPAAMMCCHHAANNGGEEEEXXPPIIRREEDDAAUUTTHHTTOOKK. In such cases the framework is only

required to update those authentication tokens that have expired. With-

out this argument, the framework will attempt to obtain new tokens for all configured authentication mechanisms. The details of the types and number of such schemes should not concern the calling application. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE

A successful return from this function will be indicated with PPAAMMSSUUCC-

CCEESSSS. Specific errors of special interest when calling this function are

PPAAMMAAUUTTHHTTOOKKEERRRROORR - a valid new token was not obtained

PPAAMMAAUUTTHHTTOOKKRREECCOOVVEERRYYEERRRR - old authentication token was not available

PPAAMMAAUUTTHHTTOOKKLLOOCCKKBBUUSSYY - a resource needed to update the token was

locked (try again later)

PPAAMMAAUUTTHHTTOOKKDDIISSAABBLLEEAAGGIINNGG - one or more of the authentication modules

does not honor authentication token aging

PPAAMMTTRRYYAAGGAAIINN - one or more authentication mechanism is not prepared to

update a token at this time In general other return values may be returned. They should be treated as indicating failure. EERRRROORRSS May be translated to text with ppaammssttrreerrrroorr(3). CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO

DCE-RFC 86.0, October 1995.


none known.


ppaammssttaarrtt(3), ppaammaauutthheennttiiccaattee(3), ppaammsseettccrreedd(3), ppaammggeettiitteemm(3), ppaammssttrreerrrroorr(3) and ppaamm(8).

Also, see the three LLiinnuuxx-PPAAMM Guides, for SSyysstteemm aaddmmiinniissttrraattoorrss, mmoodduullee

ddeevveellooppeerrss, and aapppplliiccaattiioonn ddeevveellooppeerrss.

Linux-PAM 0.55 1997 Jan 4 PAMCHAUTHTOK(3)

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