ootteesstt - SenTestingKit, OCUnit.
ootteesstt [-SSeennTTeesstt Self | All | None |
ootteesstt runs the unit tests found in the bundle given at path. AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS-SSeennTTeesstt value This flag denotes the scope of the unit test to be run.
Possible values are Self, All, None and
Name/testMethodName>. The default value is Self. path Path to the bundle that contains the unit tests. OOBBJJEECCTTIIVVEE-CC GGAARRBBAAGGEE CCOOLLLLEECCTTIIOONN
ootteesstt is built with support for Objective-C garbage collection. Due to
the "whole process" nature of Objective-C garbage collection, invoking
ootteesstt from the command line or an IDE or debugger will run ootteesstt with garbage collection enabled. Doing so requires that the bundle containing the unit tests also be built with support for garbage collection. To avoid this requirement and disable garbage collection, run ootteesstt in an environment with the OBJCDISABLEGC environment variable set to YES. ENVIRONMENTOBJCDISABLEGC Set to YES to disable Objective-C garbage collection for
ootteesstt when running test bundles that do not use it. FILES /Developer/Tools/RunTargetUnitTests A script that calls ootteesstt with the correct arguments for use with Xcode.SEE ALSO
RunTargetUnitTests(1), otest(1)
Xcode December 21, 2019 Xcode