Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man niutil

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man niutil



niutil - NetInfo utility


nniiuuttiill -ccrreeaattee [ opts ] domain path

nniiuuttiill -ddeessttrrooyy [ opts ] domain path

nniiuuttiill -ccrreeaatteepprroopp [ opts ] domain path key [ val... ]

nniiuuttiill -aappppeennddpprroopp [ opts ] domain path key val...

nniiuuttiill -mmeerrggeepprroopp [ opts ] domain path key val...

nniiuuttiill -iinnsseerrttvvaall [ opts ] domain path key val index

nniiuuttiill -ddeessttrrooyypprroopp [ opts ] domain path key

nniiuuttiill -ddeessttrrooyyvvaall [ opts ] domain path key val

nniiuuttiill -rreennaammeepprroopp [ opts ] domain path oldkey newkey

nniiuuttiill -rreeaadd [ opts ] domain path

nniiuuttiill -lliisstt [ opts ] domain path

nniiuuttiill -rrppaarreenntt [ opts ] domain

nniiuuttiill -rreessyynncc [ opts ] domain

nniiuuttiill -ssttaattiissttiiccss [ opts ] domain


niutil lets you to do arbitrary reads and writes on the given NetInfo

domain. In order to perform writes, niutil must be run as root on the

NetInfo master for the database, unless the -pp, -PP, or -uu options are

given. The directory specified by path is separated by "/"s, similar to the filesystem. The property names may be given in the path using a "=", but will default to the property name "name". For example, the following refers to a user with the user ID 3. "/name=users/uid=3" The following shorter form would also be sufficient: "/users/uid=3" You may specify a numeric ID for the directory instead of the string path. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-tt Interpret the domain as a tagged domain. For example, "par-

rish/network" refers to the database tagged "network" on the machine "parrish". You may supply an IP address instead of a machine name.

-pp Prompt for the root password or the named user password if com-

bined with the -uu option.

-uu uusseerr

Run this command as the named user. This option implies -pp.

-PP ppaasssswwoorrdd

Supplies the root password or the named user password if com-

bined with the -uu option.

-TT sseeccoonnddss

Sets the read and write timeout to the given number of seconds. OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS

-ccrreeaattee domain path

Create a new directory with the given path.

-ddeessttrrooyy domain path

Destroy the directory with the given path.

-ccrreeaatteepprroopp domain path key [ val... ]

Create a new property in the directory path. key refers to the

name of the property; 0 or more property values may be speci-

fied. If the named property already exists, it's overwritten.

-aappppeennddpprroopp domain path key val...

Appends new values to an existing property in the directory

path. key refers to the name of the property; 0 or more prop-

erty values may be specified. If the named property doesn't exist, it's created.

-mmeerrggeepprroopp domain path key val...

Merges new values into an existing property in the directory

path. key refers to the name of the property; 0 or more prop-

erty values may be specified. The values are appended to the property only if they are not already present. If the named property doesn't exist, it's created.

-iinnsseerrttvvaall domain path key val propindex

Inserts a new value into an existing property in the directory

path at position propindex. key refers to the name of the prop-

erty. If the named property doesn't exist, it's created.

-ddeessttrrooyypprroopp domain path key

Destroy the property with name key in the given path.

-ddeessttrrooyyvvaall domain path key val

Destroy the given value in the property with name key in the given path.

-rreennaammeepprroopp domain path oldkey newkey

Renames the property with name oldkey in the given path.

-rreeaadd domain path

Read the properties associated with the directory specified in the given path.

-lliisstt domain path

List the directories in the given domain/path. The directory ID's are listed along with any names they may have.

-rreeaaddpprroopp domain path key

Read the values of the given property in the specified direc-


-rreeaaddvvaall domain path key index

Read the value at the given index of the named property in the specified directory.

-rrppaarreenntt domain

Prints the current NetInfo parent of a server. The server

should be explicitly given using the -tt hhoosstt//ttaagg option.

-rreessyynncc domain

Resynchronizes NetInfo. If a domain name is given, the master

resynchronizes all clones. If the -tt cclloonnee//ttaagg option is used

instead of a tag, then only that clone is resynchronized. Using

-tt mmaasstteerr//ttaagg resynchronizes the whole domain.

-ssttaattiissttiiccss domain

Print server statistics.

-ddoommaaiinnnnaammee domain

Print the domain name of the given domain. This is useful when the domain is specified is a relative name (like "." or "..") or

when a connection is made using the -tt sseerrvveerr//ttaagg option.


"niutil -list . /" list the directories at the top level in the local

NetInfo database.


niload(8), nidump(8), nigrep(1), nifind(1), nireport(1), netinfo(5) Apple Computer, Inc. June 20 1989 NIUTIL(1)

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