Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man niload

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man niload



niload - load text or flat-file-format data into NetInfo


nniillooaadd [ -vv ] [ -dd ] [ -mm ] [ -pp ] [ -tt ] { -rr directory | format }



niload loads information from standard input into the given NetInfo

domain. If format is specified, the input is interpreted according to

the flat-file file format of the same name. The allowed values for

format are aalliiaasseess, bboooottppaarraammss, bboooottppttaabb, ffssttaabb, ggrroouupp, hhoossttss, nneett-

wwoorrkkss, ppaasssswwdd, pprriinnttccaapp, pprroottooccoollss, rrppcc, and sseerrvviicceess.

If -rr directory is specified instead of a flat-file file format, the

input is interpreted as "raw" NetInfo data, as generated by nniidduummpp -rr,

and loaded into directory. Note that this operation will delete and replace the entire NetInfo subtree at the specified directory. Any existing records in this subtree will be lost.

niload overwrites entries in the existing directory with those given in

the input. Entries that are in the directory aren't deleted if they

don't exist in the input, unless the -dd option is specified. niload

must be run as superuser on the master NetInfo server for the given

domain, unless one specifies the -pp option, which allows one to run

from anywhere in the network. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-vv Verbose. Prints details of records as they are updated (flat-

file formats only).

-dd Delete entries which are in the directory, but not in the input.

-mm Merge properties and values. Existing properties will be pre-

served in the database if they are not present in the input. For example, if a user record has a "picture" property, loading

a passwd-format record for this user will preserve the property.

Property values are also merged.

-pp Prompt for the root password of the given domain so that one can

run from other locations in the network besides the master.

-tt Interpret the domain as a tagged domain. For example, "trot-

ter/network" refers to the database tagged "network" on the machine "trotter". The machine name can be an actual name or an IP address.

-rr Load entries in "raw" format, as generated by nniidduummpp -rr. The

first argument should be the path of a NetInfo directory into

which the information is loaded. Since the input often speci-

fies properties (including "name") at its topmost level, the

directory you specify may be renamed as a result of this opera-

tion. If the directory you specify does not exist, it will be created. SSYYSSTTEEMM UUSSAAGGEE Most processes on Mac OS X access the information from the files in /etc and from NetInfo indirectly through the system library and the llooookkuuppdd daemon. In some cases the files in /etc are consulted before NetInfo, making it unnecessary to copy information from these files into NetInfo. The files /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, /etc/services, /etc/protocols, and /etc/rpcs are consulted before NetInfo. Additionally, the /etc/exports file is the primary source for NFS file

share configuration. niload no longer supports loading NFS file share

information into NetInfo. See lookupd(8) for more information. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

"niload passwd . < /etc/passwd" loads the local /etc/passwd file into

the local NetInfo database.

"niload -d -r /locations ." replaces the contents of /locations in the

local domain with input given in nidump "raw" format.


lookupd(8), nidump(8), niutil(8), netinfo(5), aliases(5), boot-

params(5), bootptab(5), fstab(5), group(5), hosts(5), networks(5), passwd(5), printcap(5), protocols(5), rpc(5), services(5) Apple Computer, Inc. December 22, 1992 NILOAD(8)

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