nidump - extract text or flat-file-format data from NetInfo
nniidduummpp [ -tt ] { -rr directory | format } domain
nidump reads the specified NetInfo domain and dumps a portion of its
contents to standard output. When a flat-file administration file for-
mat is specified, nidump provides output using the syntax of the corre-
sponding flat file. The allowed values for format are aalliiaasseess, bboooott-
ppaarraammss, bboooottppttaabb, eexxppoorrttss, ffssttaabb, ggrroouupp, hhoossttss, nneettwwoorrkkss, ppaasssswwdd, pprriinnttccaapp, pprroottooccoollss, rrppcc, and sseerrvviicceess.If the -rr option is used, the first argument is interpreted as a Net-
Info directory path, and its contents are dumped in a generic NetInfo format. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-tt Interpret the domain as a tagged domain. For example, "trot-
ter/network" refers to the database tagged "network" on the machine "trotter". The machine name can be an actual name or an IP address.-rr Dump the specified directory in "raw" format. Directories are
delimited by curly braces, and properties within a directory are listed in the form "property = value;". Parentheses introduce acomma-separated list of items. The special property name CHIL-
DREN is used to hold a directory's children, if any are present. Spacing and line breaks are significant only within doublequotes, which may be used to protect any names that might con-
tain metacharacters. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS"nidump hosts ." dumps a hosts file from the local NetInfo domain.
"nidump -r /locations /" dumps the /locations directory of the root
domain."nidump -t -r /name=users/uid=530 trotter/network" dumps the directory
for the user whose UID is 530.SEE ALSO
niload(8), niutil(8), netinfo(5), aliases(5), bootparams(5), bootptab(5), exports(5), fstab(5), group(5), hosts(5), networks(5), passwd(5), printcap(5), protocols(5), rpc(5), services(5) Apple Computer, Inc. December 22, 1992 NIDUMP(8)