Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man newfs_msdos

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man newfs_msdos

NEWFSMSDOS(8) BSD System Manager's Manual NEWFSMSDOS(8)


nneewwffssmmssddooss - construct a new MS-DOS (FAT) file system


nneewwffssmmssddooss [-NN] [-BB boot] [-FF FAT-type] [-II volid] [-OO OEM]

[-SS sector-size] [-aa FAT-size] [-bb block-size]

[-cc cluster-size] [-ee dirents] [-ff format] [-hh heads]

[-ii info] [-kk backup] [-mm media] [-nn FATs] [-oo hidden]

[-rr reserved] [-ss total] [-uu track-size] [-vv volume-name]

special [disktype]


The nneewwffssmmssddooss utility creates a FAT12, FAT16, or FAT32 file system on device special, using disktab(5) entry disktype to determine geometry, if required. The options are as follow:

-NN Don't create a file system: just print out parameters.

-BB boot

Get bootstrap from file.

-FF FAT-type

FAT type (one of 12, 16, or 32).

-II volid

Volume ID.

-OO OEM OEM string (up to 8 characters). The default is "BSD 4.4".

-SS sector-size

Number of bytes per sector. Acceptable values are powers of 2 in the range 128 through 32768.

-aa FAT-size

Number of sectors per FAT.

-bb block-size

File system block size (bytes per cluster). This should resolve to an acceptable number of sectors per cluster (see below).

-cc cluster-size

Sectors per cluster. Acceptable values are powers of 2 in the range 1 through 128.

-ee dirents

Number of root directory entries (FAT12 and FAT16 only).

-ff format

Specify a standard (floppy disk) format. The eight standard for-

mats are (capacities in kilobytes): 160, 180, 320, 360, 640, 720, 1200, 1232, 1440, 2880.

-hh heads

Number of drive heads.

-ii info

Location of the file system info sector (FAT32 only). A value of 0xffff signifies no info sector.

-kk backup

Location of the backup boot sector (FAT32 only). A value of 0xffff signifies no backup sector.

-mm media

Media descriptor (acceptable range 0xf0 to 0xff).

-nn FATs

Number of FATs. Acceptable values are 1 to 16 inclusive. The default is 2.

-oo hidden

Number of hidden sectors.

-rr reserved

Number of reserved sectors.

-ss total

File system size.

-uu track-size

Number of sectors per track.

-vv volume-name

Volume name (filesystem name), up to 11 characters. The name should consist of only those characters permitted in regular DOS (8+3) filenames. NNOOTTEESS FAT file system parameters occupy a "Boot Sector BPB (BIOS Parameter Block)" in the first of the "reserved" sectors which precede the actual file system. For reference purposes, this structure is presented below. struct bsbpb {

uint16t bps; /* [-S] bytes per sector */

uint8t spc; /* [-c] sectors per cluster */

uint16t res; /* [-r] reserved sectors */

uint8t nft; /* [-n] number of FATs */

uint16t rde; /* [-e] root directory entries */

uint16t sec; /* [-s] total sectors */

uint8t mid; /* [-m] media descriptor */

uint16t spf; /* [-a] sectors per FAT */

uint16t spt; /* [-u] sectors per track */

uint16t hds; /* [-h] drive heads */

uint32t hid; /* [-o] hidden sectors */

uint32t bsec; /* [-s] big total sectors */

}; /* FAT32 extensions */ struct bsxbpb {

uint32t bspf; /* [-a] big sectors per FAT */

uint16t xflg; /* control flags */ uint16t vers; /* file system version */ uint32t rdcl; /* root directory start cluster */

uint16t infs; /* [-i] file system info sector */

uint16t bkbs; /* [-k] backup boot sector */

}; EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS newfsmsdos /dev/disk0s1 Create a file system, using default parameters, on /dev/disk0s1.

newfsmsdos -f 1440 -v foo fd0

Create a standard 1.44M file system, with volume name "foo", on /dev/fd0.


fdisk(8), mount(8) DIAGNOSTICS Exit status is 0 on success and 1 on error. HISTORY The nneewwffssmmssddooss command appeared in FreeBSD 3.0. AUTHORS Robert Nordier . BSD July 6, 1998 BSD

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