Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man networksetup

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man networksetup



nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp - configuration tool for network settings in System Prefer-



nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp [-lliissttnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceeoorrddeerr] [-lliissttaallllnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceess]

[-lliissttaallllhhaarrddwwaarreeppoorrttss] [-ddeetteeccttnneewwhhaarrddwwaarree]

[-ggeettmmaaccaaddddrreessss hardwareport] [-ggeettccoommppuutteerrnnaammee]

[-sseettccoommppuutteerrnnaammee computername] [-ggeettiinnffoo networkservice]

[-sseettmmaannuuaall networkservice ip subnet router]

[-sseettddhhccpp networkservice [clientid]]

[-sseettbboooottpp networkservice]

[-sseettmmaannuuaallwwiitthhddhhccpprroouutteerr networkservice ip]

[-sseettvv44ooffff networkservice] [-sseettvv66ooffff networkservice]

[-sseettvv66aauuttoommaattiicc networkservice]

[-sseettvv66mmaannuuaall networkservice address prefixLength router]

[-ggeettddnnsssseerrvveerrss networkservice]

[-sseettddnnsssseerrvveerrss networkservice dns1 [dns2] [...]]

[-ggeettsseeaarrcchhddoommaaiinnss networkservice]

[-sseettsseeaarrcchhddoommaaiinnss networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]]

[-ccrreeaattee66ttoo44sseerrvviiccee networkservicename]

[-sseett66ttoo44aauuttoommaattiicc networkservice]

[-sseett66ttoo44mmaannuuaall networkservice relayAddress]

[-ggeettffttpppprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettffttpppprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettffttpppprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettwweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettwweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettwweebbpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyy networkservice]

[-sseettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username password]

[-sseettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettpprrooxxyybbyyppaassssddoommaaiinnss networkservice]

[-sseettpprrooxxyybbyyppaassssddoommaaiinnss networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]]

[-ggeettppaassssiivveeffttpp networkservice]

[-sseettppaassssiivveeffttpp networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettaaiirrppoorrttnneettwwoorrkk] [-sseettaaiirrppoorrttnneettwwoorrkk network [password]]

[-ggeettaaiirrppoorrttppoowweerr] [-sseettaaiirrppoorrttppoowweerr on | off]

[-ggeettnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceeeennaabblleedd networkservice]

[-sseettnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceeeennaabblleedd networkservice on | off]

[-ccrreeaatteenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservicename hardwareport]

[-rreennaammeenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice newnetworkservicename]

[-dduupplliiccaatteenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice newnetworkservicename]

[-rreemmoovveenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice]

[-oorrddeerrnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceess service1 [service2] [service3] [...]]

[-ggeettaapppplleettaallkk networkservice]

[-sseettaapppplleettaallkk networkservice on | off]

[-ggeettMMTTUU hardwareport] [-sseettMMTTUU hardwarePort value]

[-lliissttvvaalliiddMMTTUUrraannggee hardwareport] [-ggeettmmeeddiiaa hardwareport]

[-sseettmmeeddiiaa hardwareport subtype [option1] [option2] [...]]

[-lliissttvvaalliiddmmeeddiiaa hardwareport]

[-ccrreeaatteeVVLLAANN name parentdevice tag]

[-ddeelleetteeVVLLAANN name parentdevice tag] [-lliissttVVLLAANNss]

[-lliissttddeevviicceesstthhaattssuuppppoorrttVVLLAANN] [-iissBBoonnddSSuuppppoorrtteedd device]

[-ccrreeaatteeBBoonndd name [device1] [device2] [...]]

[-ddeelleetteeBBoonndd bond] [-aaddddDDeevviicceeTTooBBoonndd device bond]

[-rreemmoovveeDDeevviicceeFFrroommBBoonndd device bond] [-lliissttBBoonnddss]

[-sshhoowwBBoonnddSSttaattuuss bond] [-vveerrssiioonn] [-hheellpp] [-pprriinnttccoommmmaannddss]


The nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp command is used to configure network settings typically

configured in the System Preferences application. The nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp com-

mand requires at least "admin" privileges to run. A list of flags and their descriptions:


Displays a list of network services in the order they are con-

tacted for a connection, along with the corresponding port and

device for each. An asterisk (*) next to a service means the ser-

vice is inactive.


Displays a list of all the network services on the server's hard-

ware ports. An asterisk (*) denotes that a network service is disabled.


Displays list of hardware ports with corresponding device name and ethernet address.


Detects new network hardware and creates a default network ser-

vice on the hardware.

-ggeettmmaaccaaddddrreessss hardwareport

Displays ethernet (or AirPort) address for hardwareport or device specified.


Displays the computer name.

-sseettccoommppuutteerrnnaammee computername

Sets computer name to . This name is used by AFP and AppleTalk.

-ggeettiinnffoo networkservice

Displays the IP address, subnet mask, router, and hardware address for the that you specify.

-sseettmmaannuuaall networkservice ip subnet router

Set the TCP/IP configuration for to manual with IP address set to , Subnet Mask set to , and Router address set to .

-sseettddhhccpp networkservice [clientid]

Use this command to set the TCP/IP configuration for the speci-

fied to use DHCP. The client ID is optional. Specify "Empty" for [clientid] to clear the DHCP client id.

-sseettbboooottpp networkservice

Use this command to set the TCP/IP configuration for the speci-

fied to use BOOTP.

-sseettmmaannuuaallwwiitthhddhhccpprroouutteerr networkservice ip

Use this command to specify a manual IP address to use for DHCP for the specified .

-sseettvv44ooffff networkservice

Use this command to turn IPv4 off on the specified vice>.

-sseettvv66ooffff networkservice

Use this command to turn IPv6 off on the specified vice>.

-sseettvv66aauuttoommaattiicc networkservice

Use this command to set IPv6 to get its addresses automatically for .

-sseettvv66mmaannuuaall ip prefixlength router

Use this command to set IPv6 to get its addresses manually for . Specify the ip address, the prefix length and the router.

-ggeettddnnsssseerrvveerrss networkservice

Displays DNS info for .

-sseettddnnsssseerrvveerrss networkservice dns1 [dns2] [...]

Use this command to specify the IP addresses of servers you want the specified to use to resolve domain names. You can list any number of servers (replace dns1, dns2, and so on with the IP addresses of domain name servers). If you want to clear all DNS entries for the specified network service, type "empty" in place of the DNS server names.

-ggeettsseeaarrcchhddoommaaiinnss networkservice

Displays Domain Name info for .

-sseettsseeaarrcchhddoommaaiinnss networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]

Use this command to designate the search domain for the specified . You can list any number of search domains (replace domain1, domain2, and so on with the name of a local domain). If you want to clear all search domain entries for the specified network service, type `Oempty'O in place of the domain name.

-ccrreeaattee66ttoo44sseerrvviiccee -<>

Use this command to create a new 6 to 4 service with name .

-sseett66ttoo44aauuttoommaattiicc -<>

Use this command to set the 6 to 4 service such that it will get the relay address automatically.

-sseett66ttoo44mmaannuuaall -<> -<>

Use this command to set the 6 to 4 service such that it will get the relay address manually. Specify the that you would like to set.

-ggeettffttpppprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays FTP proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for workservice>.

-sseettffttpppprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username


Set FTP proxy for with and ber>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for

to enable and disable authenticated proxy sup-

port. Specify and if you turn authenticated proxy support on.

-sseettffttpppprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set FTP proxy on to either or .

-ggeettwweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for workservice>.

-sseettwweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username


Set Web proxy for with and ber>. Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for

to enable and disable authenticated proxy sup-

port. Specify and if you turn authenticated proxy support on.

-sseettwweebbpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set Web proxy on to either or .

-ggeettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays Secure Web proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for .

-sseettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated

username password Set Secure Web proxy for with and . Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for

to enable and disable authenticated proxy sup-

port. Specify and if you turn authenticated proxy support on.

-sseettsseeccuurreewweebbpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set SecureWeb proxy on to either or .

-ggeettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays Streaming proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for .

-sseettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated

username password Set Streaming proxy for with .

Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for cated> to enable and disable authenticated proxy support. Specify and if you turn authenticated proxy support on.

-sseettssttrreeaammiinnggpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set Streamingproxy on to either or .

-ggeettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays Gopher proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for .

-sseettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated username

password Set Gopher proxy for with and . Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for

to enable and disable authenticated proxy sup-

port. Specify and if you turn authenticated proxy support on.

-sseettggoopphheerrpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set Gopher proxy on to either or .

-ggeettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyy networkservice

Displays SOCKS Firewall proxy (server, port, enabled value) info for .

-sseettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyy networkservice domain portnumber authenticated

username password Set SOCKS Firewall proxy for with and . Turns proxy on. Optionally, specify or for to enable and disable authenticated proxy

support. Specify and if you turn authenti-

cated proxy support on.

-sseettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set SOCKS Firewall proxy to either or .

-ggeettpprrooxxyybbyyppaassssddoommaaiinnss networkservice

Displays Bypass Domain Names for .

-sseettpprrooxxyybbyyppaassssddoommaaiinnss networkservice domain1 [domain2] [...]

Set the Bypass Domain Name Servers for to [domain2] [...]. Any number of Domain Name servers can be specified. Specify "Empty" for to clear all Domain Name entries.

-ggeettppaassssiivveeffttpp networkservice

Displays whether Passive FTP is on or off for .

-sseettppaassssiivveeffttpp networkservice on | off

Set Passive FTP to either or .

-sseettaauuttoopprrooxxyyuurrll networkservice url

Set proxy auto-config to url for and enable it.

-ggeettaauuttoopprrooxxyyuurrll networkservice

Displays proxy auto-config (url, enabled) info for vice>.

-sseettssoocckkssffiirreewwaallllpprrooxxyyssttaattee networkservice on | off

Set SOCKS Firewall proxy to either or .


Displays current AirPort Network.

-sseettaaiirrppoorrttnneettwwoorrkk network [password]

Set AirPort Network to using optional [password] if specified.


Displays whether AirPort power is on or off.

-sseettaaiirrppoorrttppoowweerr on | off

Set AirPort power to either or .

-ggeettnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceeeennaabblleedd networkservice

Displays whether a service is on or off (enabled or disabled).

-sseettnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceeeennaabblleedd networkservice on | off

Use this command to turn the specified network service on or off (enable or disable).

-ccrreeaatteenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservicename hardwareport

Create a service named on port . The new service will be enabled by default.

-rreennaammeenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice newnetworkservicename

Use this command to rename the specified network service workservice> to .

-dduupplliiccaatteenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice newnetworkservicename

Use this command to duplicate an existing network service

workservice> and rename it to the specified name vicename>.

-rreemmoovveenneettwwoorrkksseerrvviiccee networkservice

Use this command to delete a network service . You cannot use this command to delete the last remaining service

for a hardware port. To do so, you use the -setnetworkserviceen-

abled command.

-oorrddeerrnneettwwoorrkksseerrvviicceess service1 [service2] [service3] [...]

Use this command to designate the order network services are con-

tacted on the specified hardware port. Name the network you want

contacted first, then the second, and so on. Use "listnetworkser-

viceorder" to view current service order. Note: use quotes around

service names which contain spaces (ie. "Built-in Ethernet").

-ggeettaapppplleettaallkk networkservice

Displays whether AppleTalk is on or off (enabled or disabled) on .

-sseettaapppplleettaallkk networkservice on | off

Set AppleTalk to either or (enabled or disabled) on .

-sseettMMTTUUAAnnddMMeeddiiaaAAuuttoommaattiiccaallllyy hardwarePort

Set hardwareport or device specified back to automatically set-

ting the MTU and Media.

-ggeettMMTTUU hardwareport

Get the MTU value for hardwareport or device specified.

-sseettMMTTUU hardwarePort value

Set MTU for hardwareport or device specified.

-lliissttVVaalliiddMMTTUURRaannggee hardwareport

List the valid MTU range for hardwareport or device specified.

-ggeettMMeeddiiaa hardwareport

Show both the current setting for media and the active media on hardwareport or device specified.

-sseettMMeeddiiaa hardwareport subtype [option1] [option2] [...]

Set media for hardwareport or device specified to subtype. Spec-

ify optional [option1] and additional options depending on sub-

type. Any number of valid options can be specified.

-lliissttVVaalliiddMMeeddiiaa hardwareport

List valid media options for hardwareport or device name. Enumer-

ates available subtypes and options per subtype.

-ccrreeaatteeVVLLAANN name parentdevice tag

Create a VLAN with the name over the parent device entdevice> and with the tag .

-ddeelleetteeVVLLAANN name parentdevice tag

Delete the VLAN with the name over the parent device entdevice> and with the tag .


List the VLANs that have been created.


List the devices that support VLANs.

-iissBBoonnddSSuuppppoorrtteedd device

Displays YES if the device can be added to a bond. NO if it can-


-ccrreeaatteeBBoonndd name [device1] [device2] [...]

Create a bond with the user-defined-name name and optionally add

any listed devices if they support bonding.

-ddeelleetteeBBoonndd bond

Delete the bond with the specified device-name.

-aaddddDDeevviicceeTTooBBoonndd device bond

Add device to bond.

-rreemmoovveeDDeevviicceeFFrroommBBoonndd device bond

Remove device from bond.


List of all bonds.

-sshhoowwBBoonnddSSttaattuuss bond

Display the status of the specified bond.


List all PPPoE services in the current set.

-sshhoowwppppppooeessttaattuuss name

Display the status of the PPPoE service with the specified name.

-ccrreeaatteeppppppooeesseerrvviiccee device name account password [pppoeName]

Create a PPPoE service on the specified device with the service name specified.

-ddeelleetteeppppppooeesseerrvviiccee service

Delete the service.

-sseettppppppooeeaaccccoouunnttnnaammee service account

Set the account name for the service.

-sseettppppppooeeppaasssswwoorrdd service password

Set the password for the service.

-ccoonnnneeccttppppppooeesseerrvviiccee service

Connect the service.

-ddiissccoonnnneeccttppppppooeesseerrvviiccee service

Disconnect the service.


Displays version of networksetup tool.

-hheellpp Displays a list of all the commands available in the Network Set-

up Tool, with explanatory information.


Displays a list of commands with no detail. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -listallnetworkservices

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setmanual "Built-in Ethernet"

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setdnsservers "Built-in Ethernet"

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setsearchdomains "Built-in Ethernet"

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setwebproxy "Built-in Ethernet" 80

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setwebproxy "Built-In Ethernet" 80 On

authusername authpassword

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -duplicatenetworkservice "Built-In Ethernet" "Local LAN"

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -getdnsservers "Built-In Ethernet"

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setMTU en0 1500

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setMedia en0 autoselect

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -setMedia en0 100baseTX half-duplex

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -createBond MyBond en0 en1

nneettwwoorrkksseettuupp -addDeviceToBond en0 bond0




systemsetup(8) Mac OS X April 16, 2002 Mac OS X

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