Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_leaf

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_leaf

leafhandlers: process individlueaalflheaanfdloebrjse:ctpsr(o3c)ess individual leaf objects(3)


netsnmpleaf - process individual leaf objects.

MMoodduulleess groupiinnssttaannccee:: pprroocceessss iinnddiivviidduuaall MMIIBB iinnssttaanncceess eeaassiillyy.. groupssccaallaarr:: pprroocceessss ssccaallaarrss eeaassiillyy.. groupssccaallaarrggrroouupp:: pprroocceessss ggrroouuppss ooff ssccaallaarrss.. groupwwaattcchheerr:: wwaattcchh aa ssppeecciiffiieedd vvaarriiaabbllee aanndd pprroocceessss it as an instance or scalar object DDeettaaiilleedd DDeessccrriippttiioonn A group of handlers to implement individual leaf objects and instances (both scalar objects, and individual objects and instances within a table). These handlers will typically allow control to be passed down

to a lower level, user-provided handler, but this is (usually)


net-snmp leaf2h4anJdalner2s0:05process individual leaf objects(3)

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