netsnmpiteratorinfos - Holds iterator information containing
functions which should be called by the iteratorhandler to loop over your data set and sort it in a SNMP specific manner.SYNOPSIS
DDaattaa FFiieellddss netsnmpcontainer cc NetsnmpIteratorLoopKey * ggeettffiirrsstt NetsnmpIteratorLoopKey * ggeettnneexxtt NetsnmpIteratorLoopData * ggeettddaattaa NetsnmpIteratorData * ffrreeeeuusseerrccttxx NetsnmpIteratorCtx * iinniittllooooppccttxx NetsnmpIteratorCtx * cclleeaannuuppllooooppccttxx NetsnmpIteratorCtxDup * ssaavveeppooss NetsnmpIteratorData * rreelleeaasseeddaattaa NetsnmpIteratorData * iinnsseerrttddaattaa NetsnmpIteratorData * rreemmoovveeddaattaa NetsnmpIteratorOp * ggeettssiizzee int ssoorrtteedd void * uusseerrccttxx This can be used by client handlers to store any information they need. DDeettaaiilleedd DDeessccrriippttiioonn Holds iterator information containing functions which should be called by the iteratorhandler to loop over your data set and sort it in a SNMP specific manner. The iteratorinfo typedef can be used instead of directly calling this struct if you would prefer. Definition at line 43 of file containeriterator.c. FFiieelldd DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn vvooiidd** iitteerraattoorriinnffooss::::uusseerrccttxx This can be used by client handlers to store any information they need. Definition at line 73 of file containeriterator.c. AAuutthhoorrGenerated automatically by Doxygen for net-snmp from the source code.
net-snmp 24 Jan 2005 iteratorinfos(3)