Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_debug

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_debug



netsnmpdebug - print out debugging information about the handler chain

being called. hhaannddlleerr void nneettssnnmmppiinniittsseerriiaalliizzee (void) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file

use. void nneettssnnmmppiinniittrreeaaddoonnllyyhheellppeerr (void) initializes the readonly helper which then registers a readonly

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file

use. void nneettssnnmmppiinniittbbuullkkttoonneexxtthheellppeerr (void) initializes the bulktonext helper which then registers a

bulktonext handler as a run-time injectable handler for

configuration file use. void nneettssnnmmppiinniittttaabblleeddaattaasseett (void) void nneettssnnmmppiinniittssttaasshhccaacchheehheellppeerr (void) initializes the stashcache helper which then registers a

stashcache handler as a run-time injectable handler for

configuration file use. void nneettssnnmmppiinniitthheellppeerrss (void) call the initialization sequence for all handlers with init routines. FFuunnccttiioonnss nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr * nneettssnnmmppggeettddeebbuugghhaannddlleerr (void) returns a debug handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. void ddeebbuuggpprriinnttrreeqquueessttss (nneettssnnmmpprreeqquueessttiinnffoo *requests) int nneettssnnmmppddeebbuugghheellppeerr (nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr *handler, nneettssnnmmpphhaannddlleerrrreeggiissttrraattiioonn *reginfo, nneettssnnmmppaaggeennttrreeqquueessttiinnffoo *reqinfo, nneettssnnmmpprreeqquueessttiinnffoo *requests) void nneettssnnmmppiinniittddeebbuugghheellppeerr (void) initializes the debug helper which then registers a debug handler

as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

DDeettaaiilleedd DDeessccrriippttiioonn

This is a useful module for run-time debugging of requests as the pass

this handler in a calling chain. All debugging output is done via the standard debugging routines with a token name of 'helper:debug', so use

the -Dhelper:debug command line flag to see the output when running the

snmpd demon. It's not recommended you compile this into a handler chain during compile time, but instead use the 'injectHandler' token in the snmpd.conf file (or similar) to add it to the chain later: injectHandler debug mymodulename to see an example output, try: injectHandler debug mibII/system and then run snmpwalk on the 'system' group. FFuunnccttiioonn DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr** nneettssnnmmppggeettddeebbuugghhaannddlleerr ((vvooiidd)) returns a debug handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. Definition at line 54 of file debughandler.c. References netsnmpcreatehandler(). Referenced by netsnmpinitdebughelper(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittbbuullkkttoonneexxtthheellppeerr ((vvooiidd)) initializes the bulktonext helper which then registers a bulktonext

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

Definition at line 114 of file bulktonext.c. Referenced by netsnmpinithelpers(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittddeebbuugghheellppeerr ((vvooiidd)) initializes the debug helper which then registers a debug handler as a

run-time injectable handler for configuration file use. Definition at

line 158 of file debughandler.c. References netsnmpgetdebughandler(), and netsnmpregisterhandlerbyname(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniitthheellppeerrss ((vvooiidd)) call the initialization sequence for all handlers with init routines. Definition at line 34 of file allhelpers.c. References netsnmpinitbulktonexthelper(), netsnmpinitdebughelper(), netsnmpinitreadonlyhelper(), netsnmpinitserialize(), and netsnmpinitstashcachehelper(). Referenced by initagent(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittrreeaaddoonnllyyhheellppeerr ((vvooiidd)) initializes the readonly helper which then registers a readonly

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

Definition at line 86 of file readonly.c. Referenced by netsnmpinithelpers(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittsseerriiaalliizzee ((vvooiidd)) initializes the serialize helper which then registers a serialize

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

Definition at line 96 of file serialize.c. Referenced by netsnmpinithelpers(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittssttaasshhccaacchheehheellppeerr ((vvooiidd)) initializes the stashcache helper which then registers a stashcache

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

Definition at line 188 of file stashcache.c. References netsnmpgetstashcachehandler(), and netsnmpregisterhandlerbyname(). Referenced by netsnmpinithelpers().

dneebtu-gs:nmpprint out debugging informat2i4onJaanbo2u0t05the handler chain being called.(3)

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