Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_container

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_container

nullcontainer: Helps you impnluelmlenctonstpaeicniearl:izHeedl(p3s)you implement specialized(3)


netsnmpcontainer - Helps you implement specialized containers.

MMoodduulleess groupnnuullllccoonnttaaiinneerr:: HHeellppss yyoouu iimmpplleemmeenntt ssppeecciiaalliizzeedd containers. FFuunnccttiioonnss netsnmpcontainer * nneettssnnmmppccoonnttaaiinneerrggeettnnuullll (void) netsnmpfactory * nneettssnnmmppccoonnttaaiinneerrggeettnnuullllffaaccttoorryy (void) void nneettssnnmmppccoonnttaaiinneerrnnuulllliinniitt (void) DDeettaaiilleedd DDeessccrriippttiioonn containers. This is a simple container that doesn't actually contain anything. All the methods simply log a debug message and return. The original intent for this container is as a wrapper for a specialized container. Implement the functions you need, create a nullcontainer, and override the default functions with your specialized versions. You can use the 'container:null' debug token to see what functions are being called, to help determine if you need to implement them.

net-snmp nullc2o4ntJaainne2r0:05Helps you implement specialized(3)

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