Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_bulk_to_next

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man netsnmp_bulk_to_next



netsnmpbulktonext - convert GETBULK requests into GETNEXT requests

for the handler. FFuunnccttiioonnss nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr * nneettssnnmmppggeettbbuullkkttoonneexxtthhaannddlleerr (void) returns a bulktonext handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. void nneettssnnmmppbbuullkkttoonneexxttffiixxrreeqquueessttss (nneettssnnmmpprreeqquueessttiinnffoo *requests) takes answered requests and decrements the repeat count and updates

the requests to the next to-do varbind in the list

int nneettssnnmmppbbuullkkttoonneexxtthheellppeerr (nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr *handler, nneettssnnmmpphhaannddlleerrrreeggiissttrraattiioonn *reginfo, nneettssnnmmppaaggeennttrreeqquueessttiinnffoo *reqinfo, nneettssnnmmpprreeqquueessttiinnffoo *requests) void nneettssnnmmppiinniittbbuullkkttoonneexxtthheellppeerr (void) initializes the bulktonext helper which then registers a

bulktonext handler as a run-time injectable handler for

configuration file use. DDeettaaiilleedd DDeessccrriippttiioonn The only purpose of this handler is to convert a GETBULK request to a GETNEXT request. It is inserted into handler chains where the handler has not set the HANDLERCANGETBULK flag. FFuunnccttiioonn DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppbbuullkkttoonneexxttffiixxrreeqquueessttss ((nneettssnnmmpprreeqquueessttiinnffoo ** rreeqquueessttss)) takes answered requests and decrements the repeat count and updates the

requests to the next to-do varbind in the list Definition at line 45 of

file bulktonext.c. References variablelist::name, variablelist::namelength, netsnmprequestinfos::next, variablelist::nextvariable, netsnmprequestinfos::repeat, netsnmprequestinfos::requestvb, and variablelist::type. nneettssnnmmppmmiibbhhaannddlleerr** nneettssnnmmppggeettbbuullkkttoonneexxtthhaannddlleerr ((vvooiidd)) returns a bulktonext handler that can be injected into a given handler chain. Definition at line 30 of file bulktonext.c. References netsnmpmibhandlers::flags, netsnmpcreatehandler(), and netsnmpmibhandler. Referenced by netsnmpinitbulktonexthelper(), and netsnmpregisterhandler(). vvooiidd nneettssnnmmppiinniittbbuullkkttoonneexxtthheellppeerr ((vvooiidd)) initializes the bulktonext helper which then registers a bulktonext

handler as a run-time injectable handler for configuration file use.

Definition at line 114 of file bulktonext.c. References netsnmpgetbulktonexthandler(), and netsnmpregisterhandlerbyname().

bunlekt-tsonmnpext: convert GETBULK reques2t4s Jiannto20G0E5TNEXT requests for the handler.(3)

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