Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man net

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man net

NET(8) NET(8)


net - Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers.


nneett {} [-h] [-w workgroup] [-W myworkgroup] [-U user]

[-I ip-address] [-p port] [-n myname] [-s conffile] [-S server]

[-l] [-P] [-D debuglevel]


This tool is part of the ssaammbbaa(7) suite.

The samba net utility is meant to work just like the net utility avail-

able for windows and DOS. The first argument should be used to specify the protocol to use when executing a certain command. ADS is used for ActiveDirectory, RAP is using for old (Win9x/NT3) clients and RPC can

be used for NT4 and Windows 2000. If this argument is omitted, net will

try to determine it automatically. Not all commands are available on all protocols. OOPPTTIIOONNSS


Print a summary of command line options.

-w target-workgroup

Sets target workgroup or domain. You have to specify either this option or the IP address or the name of a server.

-W workgroup

Sets client workgroup or domain

-U user

User name to use

-I ip-address

IP address of target server to use. You have to specify either this option or a target workgroup or a target server.

-p port

Port on the target server to connect to (usually 139 or 445). Defaults to trying 445 first, then 139.


This option allows you to override the NetBIOS name that Samba

uses for itself. This is identical to setting the netbios name

parameter in the smb.conf file. However, a command line setting will take precedence over settings in smb.conf.


The file specified contains the configuration details required

by the server. The information in this file includes server-spe-

cific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide. See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time.

-S server

Name of target server. You should specify either this option or a target workgroup or a target IP address.

-l When listing data, give more information on each item.

-P Make queries to the external server using the machine account of

the local server.


debuglevel is an integer from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is not specified is zero. The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log

files about the activities of the server. At level 0, only crit-

ical errors and serious warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a

reasonable level for day-to-day running - it generates a small

amount of information about operations carried out. Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic. Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the smb.conf file. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS CCHHAANNGGEESSEECCRREETTPPWW This command allows the Samba machine account password to be set from an external application to a machine account password that has already been stored in Active Directory. DO NOT USE this command unless you know exactly what you are doing. The use of this command requires that

the force flag (-f) be used also. There will be NO command prompt.

Whatever information is piped into stdin, either by typing at the com-

mand line or otherwise, will be stored as the literal machine password.

Do NOT use this without care and attention as it will overwrite a le-

gitimate machine password without warning. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. TTIIMMEE The NNEETT TTIIMMEE command allows you to view the time on a remote server or synchronise the time on the local server with the time on the remote server. TTIIMMEE

Without any options, the NNEETT TTIIMMEE command displays the time on the re-

mote server. TTIIMMEE SSYYSSTTEEMM Displays the time on the remote server in a format ready for //bbiinn//ddaattee TTIIMMEE SSEETT

Tries to set the date and time of the local server to that on the re-

mote server using //bbiinn//ddaattee. TTIIMMEE ZZOONNEE Displays the timezone in hours from GMT on the remote computer.

[[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] JJOOIINN [[TTYYPPEE]] [[-UU uusseerrnnaammee[[%%ppaasssswwoorrdd]]]] [[ooppttiioonnss]]

Join a domain. If the account already exists on the server, and [TYPE] is MEMBER, the machine will attempt to join automatically. (Assuming

that the machine has been created in server manager) Otherwise, a pass-

word will be prompted for, and a new account may be created. [TYPE] may be PDC, BDC or MEMBER to specify the type of server joining the domain. [[RRPPCC]] OOLLDDJJOOIINN [[ooppttiioonnss]] Join a domain. Use the OLDJOIN option to join the domain using the old

style of domain joining - you need to create a trust account in server

manager first. [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] UUSSEERR [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] UUSSEERR List all users [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] UUSSEERR DDEELLEETTEE ttaarrggeett Delete specified user [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] UUSSEERR IINNFFOO ttaarrggeett List the domain groups of a the specified user.

[[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] UUSSEERR AADDDD nnaammee [[ppaasssswwoorrdd]] [[-FF uusseerr ffllaaggss]] [[-CC ccoommmmeenntt]]

Add specified user. [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] GGRROOUUPP [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] GGRROOUUPP [[mmiisscc ooppttiioonnss]] [[ttaarrggeettss]] List user groups. [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] GGRROOUUPP DDEELLEETTEE nnaammee [[mmiisscc.. ooppttiioonnss]] Delete specified group.

[[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] GGRROOUUPP AADDDD nnaammee [[-CC ccoommmmeenntt]]

Create specified group. [[RRAAPP||RRPPCC]] SSHHAARREE [[RRAAPP||RRPPCC]] SSHHAARREE [[mmiisscc.. ooppttiioonnss]] [[ttaarrggeettss]]

Enumerates all exported resources (network shares) on target server.

[[RRAAPP||RRPPCC]] SSHHAARREE AADDDD nnaammee==sseerrvveerrppaatthh [[-CC ccoommmmeenntt]] [[-MM mmaaxxuusseerrss]] [[ttaarrggeettss]]

Adds a share from a server (makes the export active). Maxusers speci-

fies the number of users that can be connected to the share simultane-

ously. SSHHAARREE DDEELLEETTEE sshhaarreennaamm Delete specified share. [[RRPPCC||RRAAPP]] FFIILLEE [[RRPPCC||RRAAPP]] FFIILLEE List all open files on remote server. [[RRPPCC||RRAAPP]] FFIILLEE CCLLOOSSEE ffiilleeiidd Close file with specified fileid on remote server. [[RRPPCC||RRAAPP]] FFIILLEE IINNFFOO ffiilleeiidd

Print information on specified fileid. Currently listed are: file-id,

username, locks, path, permissions. [[RRAAPP||RRPPCC]] FFIILLEE UUSSEERR NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. SSEESSSSIIOONN RRAAPP SSEESSSSIIOONN

Without any other options, SESSION enumerates all active SMB/CIFS ses-

sions on the target server.


Close the specified sessions.


Give a list with all the open files in specified session. RRAAPP SSEERRVVEERR DDOOMMAAIINN List all servers in specified domain or workgroup. Defaults to local domain. RRAAPP DDOOMMAAIINN

Lists all domains and workgroups visible on the current network.



Lists the specified print queue and print jobs on the server. If the

QUEUENAME is omitted, all queues are listed.

RRAAPP PPRRIINNTTQQ DDEELLEETTEE JJOOBBIIDD Delete job with specified id. RRAAPP VVAALLIIDDAATTEE uusseerr [[ppaasssswwoorrdd]] Validate whether the specified user can log in to the remote server. If the password is not specified on the commandline, it will be prompted. NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. RRAAPP GGRROOUUPPMMEEMMBBEERR RRAAPP GGRROOUUPPMMEEMMBBEERR LLIISSTT GGRROOUUPP List all members of the specified group. RRAAPP GGRROOUUPPMMEEMMBBEERR DDEELLEETTEE GGRROOUUPP UUSSEERR Delete member from group. RRAAPP GGRROOUUPPMMEEMMBBEERR AADDDD GGRROOUUPP UUSSEERR Add member to group. RRAAPP AADDMMIINN ccoommmmaanndd Execute the specified command on the remote server. Only works with OS/2 servers. NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. RRAAPP SSEERRVVIICCEE


Start the specified service on the remote server. Not implemented yet. NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. RRAAPP SSEERRVVIICCEE SSTTOOPP Stop the specified service on the remote server. NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. RRAAPP PPAASSSSWWOORRDD UUSSEERR OOLLDDPPAASSSS NNEEWWPPAASSSS Change password of USER from OLDPASS to NEWPASS. LLOOOOKKUUPP


Lookup the IP address of the given host with the specified type (net-

bios suffix). The type defaults to 0x20 (workstation). LLOOOOKKUUPP LLDDAAPP [[DDOOMMAAIINN Give IP address of LDAP server of specified DOMAIN. Defaults to local domain. LLOOOOKKUUPP KKDDCC [[RREEAALLMM]] Give IP address of KDC for the specified REALM. Defaults to local realm. LLOOOOKKUUPP DDCC [[DDOOMMAAIINN]]

Give IP's of Domain Controllers for specified DOMAIN. Defaults to lo-

cal domain. LLOOOOKKUUPP MMAASSTTEERR DDOOMMAAIINN Give IP of master browser for specified DOMAIN or workgroup. Defaults to local domain. CCAACCHHEE Samba uses a general caching interface called 'gencache'. It can be controlled using 'NET CACHE'.

All the timeout parameters support the suffixes: s - Secondsm - Min-

utesh - Hoursd - Daysw - Weeks

CCAACCHHEE AADDDD kkeeyy ddaattaa ttiimmee-oouutt

Add specified key+data to the cache with the given timeout. CCAACCHHEE DDEELL kkeeyy Delete key from the cache.

CCAACCHHEE SSEETT kkeeyy ddaattaa ttiimmee-oouutt

Update data of existing cache entry. CCAACCHHEE SSEEAARRCCHH PPAATTTTEERRNN Search for the specified pattern in the cache data. CCAACCHHEE LLIISSTT List all current items in the cache. CCAACCHHEE FFLLUUSSHH Remove all the current items from the cache. GGEETTLLOOCCAALLSSIIDD [[DDOOMMAAIINN]] Print the SID of the specified domain, or if the parameter is omitted, the SID of the domain the local server is in.


Sets domain sid for the local server to the specified SID. GGRROOUUPPMMAAPP

Manage the mappings between Windows group SIDs and UNIX groups. Parame-

ters take the for "parameter=value". Common options include:

+o unixgroup - Name of the UNIX group

+o ntgroup - Name of the Windows NT group (must be resolvable to a SID

+o rid - Unsigned 32-bit integer

+o sid - Full SID in the form of "S-1-..."

+o type - Type of the group; either 'domain', 'local', or 'builtin'

+o comment - Freeform text description of the group

GGRROOUUPPMMAAPP AADDDD Add a new group mapping entry

net groupmap add {rid=int|sid=string} unixgroup=string [type={do-

main|local}] [ntgroup=string] [comment=string] GGRROOUUPPMMAAPP DDEELLEETTEE Delete a group mapping entry. If more then one group name matches, the first entry found is deleted.

net groupmap delete {ntgroup=string|sid=SID}

GGRROOUUPPMMAAPP MMOODDIIFFYY Update en existing group entry

net groupmap modify {ntgroup=string|sid=SID} [unixgroup=string] [com-

ment=string] [type={domain|local}] GGRROOUUPPMMAAPP LLIISSTT List existing group mapping entries

net groupmap list [verbose] [ntgroup=string] [sid=SID]

MMAAXXRRIIDD Prints out the highest RID currently in use on the local server (by the active 'passdb backend'). RRPPCC IINNFFOO Print information about the domain of the remote server, such as domain name, domain sid and number of users and groups. [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] TTEESSTTJJOOIINN Check whether participation in a domain is still valid. [[RRPPCC||AADDSS]] CCHHAANNGGEETTRRUUSSTTPPWW Force change of domain trust password. RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM AADDDD DDOOMMAAIINN Add a interdomain trust account for DOMAIN to the remote server. RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM DDEELL DDOOMMAAIIMM Remove interdomain trust account for DOMAIN from the remote server. NNoottee Currently NOT implemented. RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM EESSTTAABBLLIISSHH DDOOMMAAIINN

Establish a trust relationship to a trusting domain. Interdomain ac-

count must already be created on the remote PDC. RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM RREEVVOOKKEE DDOOMMAAIINN Abandon relationship to trusted domain RRPPCC TTRRUUSSTTDDOOMM LLIISSTT List all current interdomain trust relationships. RRPPCC AABBOORRTTSSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN Abort the shutdown of a remote server.

SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN [[-tt ttiimmeeoouutt]] [[-rr]] [[-ff]] [[-CC mmeessssaaggee]]

Shut down the remote server.

-r Reboot after shutdown.

-f Force shutting down all applications.

-t timeout

Timeout before system will be shut down. An interactive user of the system can use this time to cancel the shutdown.

-C message

Display the specified message on the screen to announce the shutdown. SSAAMMDDUUMMPP Print out sam database of remote server. You need to run this on either a BDC. VVAAMMPPIIRREE Export users, aliases and groups from remote server to local server. Can only be run an a BDC. GGEETTSSIIDD Fetch domain SID and store it in the local secrets.tdb. AADDSS LLEEAAVVEE Make the remote host leave the domain it is part of. AADDSS SSTTAATTUUSS Print out status of machine account of the local machine in ADS. Prints out quite some debug info. Aimed at developers, regular users should use NNEETT AADDSS TTEESSTTJJOOIINN. AADDSS PPRRIINNTTEERR AADDSS PPRRIINNTTEERR IINNFFOO [[PPRRIINNTTEERR]] [[SSEERRVVEERR]] Lookup info for PRINTER on SERVER. The printer name defaults to "*", the server name defaults to the local host. AADDSS PPRRIINNTTEERR PPUUBBLLIISSHH PPRRIINNTTEERR Publish specified printer using ADS. AADDSS PPRRIINNTTEERR RREEMMOOVVEE PPRRIINNTTEERR Remove specified printer from ADS directory. AADDSS SSEEAARRCCHH EEXXPPRREESSSSIIOONN AATTTTRRIIBBUUTTEESS......

Perform a raw LDAP search on a ADS server and dump the results. The ex-

pression is a standard LDAP search expression, and the attributes are a list of LDAP fields to show in the results. Example: nneett aaddss sseeaarrcchh ''((oobbjjeeccttCCaatteeggoorryy==ggrroouupp))'' ssAAMMAAccccoouunnttNNaammee AADDSS DDNN DDNN ((aattttrriibbuutteess)) Perform a raw LDAP search on a ADS server and dump the results. The DN standard LDAP DN, and the attributes are a list of LDAP fields to show in the result.

Example: nneett aaddss ddnn ''CCNN==aaddmmiinniissttrraattoorr,,CCNN==UUsseerrss,,DDCC==mmyy,,DDCC==ddoommaaiinn'' SSAAMMAAcc-

ccoouunnttNNaammee WWOORRKKGGRROOUUPP Print out workgroup name for specified kerberos realm. HHEELLPP [[CCOOMMMMAANNDD]] Gives usage information for the specified command. VVEERRSSIIOONN This man page is complete for version 3.0 of the Samba suite. AUTHOR

The original Samba software and related utilities were created by An-

drew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed.

The net manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij.


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