Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mvwin_wch

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mvwin_wch

cursinwch(3X) cursinwch(3X)


iinnwwcchh, mmvviinnwwcchh, mmvvwwiinnwwcchh, wwiinnwwcchh - extract a complex character and

rendition from a window


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt iinnwwcchh((cccchhaarrtt **wcval));; iinntt mmvviinnwwcchh((iinntt y,, iinntt x,, cccchhaarrtt **wcval));; iinntt mmvvwwiinnwwcchh((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, cccchhaarrtt **wcval));; iinntt wwiinnwwcchh((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, cccchhaarrtt **wcval));;


These functions extract the complex character and rendition from the current position in the named window into the cccchhaarrtt object referenced by wcval. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE No errors are defined in the XSI Curses standard. This implementation

checks for null pointers, returns ERR in that case. Also, the mv rou-

tines check for error moving the cursor, returning ERR in that case. Otherwise they return OK NNOOTTEESS Note that all of these routines may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These functions are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.


ccuurrsseess(3X), ccuurrssiinncchh(3X). cursinwch(3X)

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