Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mvwaddnwstr

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mvwaddnwstr

cursaddwstr(3X) cursaddwstr(3X)


aaddddwwssttrr, aaddddnnwwssttrr, wwaaddddwwssttrr, wwaaddddnnwwssttrr, mmvvaaddddwwssttrr, mmvvaaddddnnwwssttrr,

mmvvwwaaddddwwssttrr, mmvvwwaaddddnnwwssttrr - add a string of wide characters to a ccuurrsseess

window and advance cursor


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt aaddddwwssttrr((ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr));; iinntt aaddddnnwwssttrr((ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt wwaaddddwwssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr));; iinntt wwaaddddnnwwssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt mmvvaaddddwwssttrr((iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr));; iinntt mmvvaaddddnnwwssttrr((iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr,, iinntt n));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddwwssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddnnwwssttrr((WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt wwcchhaarrtt **wstr,, iinntt n));;


These routines write the characters of the (null-terminated) wwcchhaarrtt

character string wstr on the given window. It is similar to construct-

ing a cccchhaarrtt for each wchart in the string, then calling wwaaddddwwcchh for the resulting cccchhaarrtt.

The mv routines perform cursor movement once, before writing any char-

acters. Thereafter, the cursor is advanced as a side-effect of writing

to the window. The four routines with n as the last argument write at most n wwcchhaarrtt

characters. If n is -1, then the entire string will be added, up to

the maximum number of characters that will fit on the line, or until a terminating null is reached.


All routines return the integer EERRRR upon failure and OOKK on success. NNOOTTEESS Note that all of these routines except wwaaddddnnwwssttrr may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY All these entry points are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.


Functions: ccuurrsseess(3X), ccuurrssaaddddwwcchh(3X) cursaddwstr(3X)

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