aaddddwwcchh, wwaaddddwwcchh, mmvvaaddddwwcchh, mmvvwwaaddddwwcchh, eecchhoowwcchhaarr, wweecchhoowwcchhaarr - add
a complex character and rendition to a ccuurrsseess window, then advance the cursorSYNOPSIS
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt aaddddwwcchh(( ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));; iinntt wwaaddddwwcchh(( WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));; iinntt mmvvaaddddwwcchh(( iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));; iinntt mmvvwwaaddddwwcchh(( WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, iinntt y,, iinntt x,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));; iinntt eecchhoowwcchhaarr(( ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));; iinntt wweecchhoowwcchhaarr(( WWIINNDDOOWW **win,, ccoonnsstt cccchhaarrtt **wch ));;> DESCRIPTION
The aaddddwwcchh, wwaaddddwwcchh, mmvvaaddddwwcchh, and mmvvwwaaddddwwcchh functions put the com-
plex character wch into the given window at its current position, whichis then advanced. These functions perform wrapping and special-charac-
ter processing as follows:- If wch refers to a spacing character, then any previous character
at that location is removed. A new character specified by wch isplaced at that location with rendition specified by wch. The cur-
sor then advances to the next spacing character on the screen.- If wch refers to a non-spacing character, all previous characters
at that location are preserved. The non-spacing characters of wch
are added to the spacing complex character, and the rendition specified by wch is ignored.- If the character part of wch is a tab, newline, backspace or other
control character, the window is updated and the cursor moves as if aaddddcchh(3X) were called. The eecchhoowwcchhaarr function is functionally equivalent to a call to aaddddwwcchhfollowed by a call to rreeffrreesshh. Similarly, the wweecchhoowwcchhaarr is function-
ally equivalent to a call to wwaaddddwwcchh followed by a call to wwrreeffrreesshh. The knowledge that only a single character is being output is takeninto consideration and, for non-control characters, a considerable per-
formance gain might be seen by using the *eecchhoo* functions instead of their equivalents.RETURN VALUES
All routines return the integer EERRRR upon failure and OOKK on success. NNOOTTEESS Note that aaddddwwcchh, mmvvaaddddwwcchh, mmvvwwaaddddwwcchh, and eecchhoowwcchhaarr may be macros. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY All these functions are described in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.The defaults specified for forms-drawing characters apply in the POSIX
locale.XSI documents constants beginning with WWAACCSS which are used for line-
drawing. Those are not currently implemented in nnccuurrsseess.SEE ALSO
ccuurrsseess(3X), ccuurrssaattttrrggeett(3X), ccuurrsscclleeaarr(3X), ccuurrssoouuttooppttss(3X), ccuurrssrreeffrreesshh(3X), ppuuttwwcc(3) cursaddwch(3X)