Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mount_ftp

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mount_ftp

MOUNTFTP(8) BSD System Manager's Manual MOUNTFTP(8)


mmoouunnttffttpp - mount a FTP filesystem


mmoouunnttffttpp [-oo options] host[:port][/path] node


The mmoouunnttffttpp command mounts a FTP-enabled server directory at

host[:port][/path] at the mount point indicated by node. The user ID for all files and folders is set to the user's real user ID. The group ID for all files and directories is set to unknown, and the permissions default to read and execute for user, group and other. The options are:

-oo Options passed to mount(2) are specified with the -oo option fol-

lowed by a comma separated string of options. See the mount(8) man page for possible options and their meanings. The rdonly option will be set even if it was not specified because mountftp does not allow files to be opened with write access on servers. host[:port][/path]

The FTP-enabled server directory to mount as a volume. If port is

not specified, then port 21 is used. If path is not specified, then the path "/" is used. node Path to mount point. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

The following example illustrates how to mount the FTP-enabled server

directory at the mount point /Volumes/mntpnt/ mountftp /Volumes/mntpnt/


mount(2), unmount(2), mount(8) HISTORY The mmoouunnttffttpp command first appeared Mac OS X Version 10.2.


0 mmoouunnttffttpp successfully mounted the server directory. [ENOENT] The server directory could not be mounted by mmoouunnttffttpp because the node path is invalid. [ENODEV] The server directory could not be mounted by mmoouunnttffttpp

because it is not FTP-enabled or because it does not

exist, or because node does not have proper access. [ECANCELED] The server directory could not be mounted by mmoouunnttffttpp because the user did not provide proper authentication credentials. Mac OS X June 6, 2003 Mac OS X

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