Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mkextunpack

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mkextunpack

MKEXTUNPACK(8) BSD System Manager's Manual MKEXTUNPACK(8)


mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk - extracts the contents of a multikext (mkext) archive


mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk [-vv] [-aa arch] [-dd outputdirectory] mkextfile


The mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk program list the contents of a multikext file, mkextfile, or unarchives the contents into outputdirectory (which must

exist). The -vv option causes mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk to print the name if each kext

as it finds them. DIAGNOSTICS mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk exits with a zero status upon success. Upon failure, it prints an error message and exits with a nonzero status. With a nonsegreated mkext file, wherein each kext may contain a universal

binary, mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk simply unpacks the contents. With an mkext file seg-

regated by architecture (that is, with distinct internal archives of

architecture-specific kexts), mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk attempts by default to unpack

or list kexts for the current machine's architecture. To choose a par-

ticular architecture to extract or list, use the -aa option.

There is no simple way to unpack a segregated mkext file into a set of kexts with universal binaries, but you can unpack each of its component architectures to separate directories for examination.




The mkext file format doesn't record the original filenames of the kexts, so mmkkeexxttuunnppaacckk has to guess at what they are. It does this by using the value of the CFBundleExecutable property of the kext's info dictionary (Project Builder sets this to the base name of the kext bundle by default, but the developer can change it). If that property doesn't exist, the last component of the CFBundleIdentifier is used. Duplicates have an incrementing index appended to the name. Kexts that have no CFBundleExecutable or CFBundleIdentifier property are named

``NameUnknown-n.kext'', where n is a number.

Darwin March 29, 2002 Darwin

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