Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man menu_mark

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man menu_mark

menumark(3X) menumark(3X)


mmeennuummaarrkk - get and set the menu mark string


##iinncclluuddee <>

int setmenumark(MENU *menu, const char *mark); const char *menumark(const MENU *menu);


In order to make menu selections visible on older terminals without highlighting or color capability, the menu library marks selected items in a menu with a prefix string. The function sseettmmeennuummaarrkk sets the mark string for the given menu. Calling sseettmmeennuummaarrkk with a null menu item will abolish the mark string. Note that changing the length of the mark string for a menu while the menu is posted is likely to produce unhelpful behavior.

The default string is "-" (a dash). Calling sseettmmeennuummaarrkk with a NNUULLLL

menu argument will change this default. The function mmeennuummaarrkk returns the menu's mark string (or NNUULLLL if there is none). RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE The function mmeennuummaarrkk returns NNUULLLL on error. The function sseettmmeennuummaarrkk may return the following error codes: EEOOKK The routine succeeded. EESSYYSSTTEEMMEERRRROORR System error occurred (see eerrrrnnoo). EEBBAADDAARRGGUUMMEENNTT

Routine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument.


ccuurrsseess(3X), mmeennuu(3X). NNOOTTEESS The header file <> automatically includes the header file <>. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY

These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not sup-

ported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. menumark(3X)

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