Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mecab

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mecab



mecab - manual page for mecab of 0.95pre1


mmeeccaabb [options] files


MeCab: Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer

Copyright(C) 2001-2007 Taku Kudo Copyright(C) 2004-2006 Nippon Tele-

graph and Telephone Corporation

-rr, --rrccffiillee=FILE

use FILE as resource file

-dd, --ddiiccddiirr=DIR

set DIR as a system dicdir

-uu, --uusseerrddiicc=FILE

use FILE as a user dictionary

-ll, --llaattttiiccee-lleevveell=INT

lattice information level (default 0)

-DD, --ddiiccttiioonnaarryy-iinnffoo

show dictionary information and exit

-aa, --aallll-mmoorrpphhss

output all morphs(default false)

-OO, --oouuttppuutt-ffoorrmmaatt-ttyyppee=TYPE

set output format type (wakati,none,...)

-pp, --ppaarrttiiaall

partial parsing mode

-FF, --nnooddee-ffoorrmmaatt=STR

use STR as the user-defined node format

-UU, --uunnkk-ffoorrmmaatt=STR

use STR as the user-defined unk format

-BB, --bbooss-ffoorrmmaatt=STR

use STR as the user-defined bos format

-EE, --eeooss-ffoorrmmaatt=STR

use STR as the user-defined eos format

-xx, --uunnkk-ffeeaattuurree=STR

use STR as the feature for unknown word

-bb, --iinnppuutt-bbuuffffeerr-ssiizzee=INT

set input buffer size (default 8192)

-PP, --dduummpp-ccoonnffiigg

dump MeCab parameters

-CC, --aallllooccaattee-sseenntteennccee

allocate new memory for input sentence

-NN, --nnbbeesstt=INT

output N best results (default 1)

-tt, --tthheettaa=FLOAT

set temparature parameter theta (default 0.75)

-oo, --oouuttppuutt=FILE

set the output file name

-vv, --vveerrssiioonn

show the version and exit.

-hh, --hheellpp

show this help and exit.

mecab of 0.95pre1 March 2007 MECAB(1)

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