Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mdls

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mdls

MDLS(1) BSD General Commands Manual MDLS(1)


mmddllss - lists the metadata attributes for the specified file


mmddllss [-nnaammee attributeName] [-rraaww [-nnuullllMMaarrkkeerr markerString]] file ...


The mmddllss command prints the values of all the metadata attributes associ-

ated with the files provided as an argument. The following options are available:

-nnaammee Print only the matching metadata attribute value. Can be

used multiple times.

-rraaww Print raw attribute data in the order that was requested.

Fields will be separated with a ASCII NUL character, suit-

able for piping to xargs(1) -00.

-nnuullllMMaarrkkeerr Sets a marker string to be used when a requested attribute

is null. Only used in -raw mode. Default is "(null)".


mdfind(1), mdutil(1) xargs(1) Mac OS X June 3, 2004 Mac OS X

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