Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man md

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man md

md(1) BSD General Commands Manual md(1)


mmdd - process raw dependency files produced by cpp -MD


mmdd [-dd] [-ff] [-mm makefile] [-uu makefile] [-oo outputfile] [-vv] [-xx]

[-DD c|d|m|o|t|D]


The mmdd command basically does two things:

Process the raw dependency files produced by the cpp -MD option. There

is one line in the file for every #include encountered, but there are

repeats and patterns like .../dir1/../dir2 that appear which should

reduce to .../dir2. mmdd canonicalizes and flushes repeats from the depen-

dency list. It also sorts the file names and "fills" them to a 78 char-

acter line.

mmdd also updates the makefile directly with the dependency information, so

the .d file can be thrown away (see d option). This is done to save

space. mmdd assumes that dependency information in the makefile is sorted

by .o file name and it procedes to merge in (add/or replace [as appropri-

ate]) the new dependency lines that it has generated. For time effe-

ciency, mmdd assumes that any .d files it is given that were created before

the creation date of the "makefile" were processed already. It ignores them unless the force flag [f] is given. FFLLAAGG SSUUMMMMAARRYY

-dd delete the .d file after it is processed

-ff force an update of the dependencies in the makefile even though the

makefile is more recent than the .n file (This implies that mmdd has been

run already.)

-mm makefile specify the makefile to be upgraded. The defaults are

makefile and then Makefile

-uu makefile like -m above, but the file will be created if necessary

-oo outputfile specify an output file for the dependencies other than a


-vv set the verbose flag

-xx expunge old dependency info from makefile

-DD c|d|m|o|t|D subswitch for debugging. can be followed by any of "c",

"d", "m", "o", "t", "D" meaning: c show file contents d show new dependency crunching m show generation of makefile o show files being opened t show time comparisons D show very low level debugging




Old, possibly not used by anyone. HISTORY

The mmdd utility was written by Robert V Baron at Carnegie-Mellon Univer-

sity. BSD December 21, 2019 BSD

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