Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mcxquery

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man mcxquery

mcxquery(1) BSD General Commands Manual mcxquery(1)


mmccxxqquueerryy - Managed Client (MCX) compositor query tool


mmccxxqquueerryy [options] [-uusseerr recordName] [-ggrroouupp recordName]

[-ccoommppuutteerr spec]


-oo path output path

-ffoorrmmaatt space | tab | xml output format


mmccxxqquueerryy is a utility to determine the effective managed preferences for a user logging in to a workgroup from a specific computer.

-uusseerr Specify the short name of the user record to read managed

preferences from. If this parameter is omitted, or a value of

"=" specified, the short name of the currently logged in con-

sole user will be used.

-ggrroouupp Specify the short name of the group record to read managed

preferences from. A value of "=" may be specified to mean the name of the workgroup (if any) chosen for the current login session.

-ccoommppuutteerr Specify the computer record to read managed preferences from.

The computer can be specified using either an Ethernet MAC address (e.g. "11:22:33:44:55:66") or the short name of the computer record itself (e.g. "lab112"). If this parameter is

omitted, or a value of "=" specified, the record for the cur-

rent computer will be used. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

mcxquery -user jane -group science -computer lab112

Displays the managed preferences that would be in effect if user "jane" logged in using workgroup "science" from the computer specified in the "lab112" computer record.

mcxquery -user jane -group science -computer 11:22:33:44:55:66

Displays the managed preferences that would be in effect if user "jane" logged in using workgroup "science" from a computer with an Ethernet MAC address of 11:22:33:44:55:66.

mcxquery -user = -group = -computer guest

Displays the managed preferences that would be in effect if the

current user logged in using the current workgroup into a com-

puter not specified by any computer record (i.e. a "guest" com-


mcxquery -user jane -group math

Displays the managed preferences that would be in effect if the

user "jane" logged into the "math" workgroup on the current com-


mcxquery -o /tmp/report.txt -format xml -user jane

Writes the managed preferences that would be in effect if user "jane" logged into the current computer without a workgroup. The report is written in XML format to /tmp/report.txt. MacOSX January 23, 2006 MacOSX

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