Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man m4

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man m4

M4(1) User Commands M4(1)


M4 - macro processor


mm44 [OPTION]... [FILE]...


Process macros in FILEs. If no FILE or if FILE is `-', standard input

is read. Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are mandatory or optional for short options too. OOppeerraattiioonn mmooddeess::

--hheellpp display this help and exit


output version information and exit

-EE, --ffaattaall-wwaarrnniinnggss

stop execution after first warning

-ee, --iinntteerraaccttiivvee

unbuffer output, ignore interrupts

-PP, --pprreeffiixx-bbuuiillttiinnss

force a `m4' prefix to all builtins

-QQ, --qquuiieett, --ssiilleenntt

suppress some warnings for builtins PPrreepprroocceessssoorr ffeeaattuurreess::

D, -define=NAME=AU]

define NAME has having VALUE, or empty

-II, --iinncclluuddee=DIRECTORY

append DIRECTORY to include path

-ss, --ssyynncclliinneess

generate `#line NUM "FILE"' lines

-UU, --uunnddeeffiinnee=NAME

undefine NAME

LLiimmiittss ccoonnttrrooll::

-GG, --ttrraaddiittiioonnaall

suppress all GNU extensions

-HH, --hhaasshhssiizzee=PRIME

set symbol lookup hash table size [509]

-LL, --nneessttiinngg-lliimmiitt=NUMBER

change artificial nesting limit [1024] FFrroozzeenn ssttaattee ffiilleess::

-FF, --ffrreeeezzee-ssttaattee=FILE

produce a frozen state on FILE at end

-RR, --rreellooaadd-ssttaattee=FILE

reload a frozen state from FILE at start DDeebbuuggggiinngg::

-dd, --ddeebbuugg[=FLAGS]

set debug level (no FLAGS implies `aeq')

-ll, --aarrgglleennggtthh=NUM

restrict macro tracing size

-oo, --eerrrroorr-oouuttppuutt=FILE

redirect debug and trace output

-tt, --ttrraaccee=NAME

trace NAME when it will be defined

FFLLAAGGSS iiss aannyy ooff:: a show actual arguments c show before collect, after collect and after call e show expansion f say current input file name i show changes in input files l say current input line number p show results of path searches q quote values as necessary, with a or e flag t trace for all macro calls, not only traceon'ed x add a unique macro call id, useful with c flag V shorthand for all of the above flags

If defined, the environment variable `M4PATH' is a colon-separated list

of directories included after any specified by `-I'.

Exit status is 0 for success, 1 for failure, 63 for frozen file version

mismatch, or whatever value was passed to the m4exit macro.

AUTHOR Written by Rene' Seindal.


Report bugs to .

COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


The full documentation for MM44 is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If

the iinnffoo and MM44 programs are properly installed at your site, the com-


iinnffoo mm44

should give you access to the complete manual. FSF August 2006 M4(1)

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