Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man lpstat

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man lpstat

lpstat(1) Easy Software Products lpstat(1)


lpstat - print cups status information


llppssttaatt [ -E ] [ -h server ] [ -l ] [ -W which-jobs ] [ -a [ destina-

tion(s) ] ] [ -c [ class(es) ] [ -d ] [ -o [ destination(s) ] ] [ -p [

printer(s) ] ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s ] [ -t ] [ -u [ user(s) ] ] [ -v [

printer(s) ] ]


llppssttaatt displays status information about the current classes, jobs, and printers. When run with no arguments, llppssttaatt will list jobs queued by the user. Other options include:


Forces encryption when connecting to the server.

-a [printer(s)]

Shows the accepting state of printer queues. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.

-c [class(es)]

Shows the printer classes and the printers that belong to them. If no classes are specified then all classes are listed.


Shows the current default destination.

-h server

Specifies the CUPS server to communicate with.


Shows a long listing of printers, classes, or jobs.

-o [destination(s)]

Shows the jobs queue on the specified destinations. If no destina-

tions are specified all jobs are shown.

-p [printer(s)]

Shows the printers and whether or not they are enabled for print-

ing. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.


Shows whether or not the CUPS server is running.


Shows the ranking of print jobs.


Shows a status summary, including the default destination, a list of classes and their member printers, and a list of printers and

their associated devices. This is equivalent to using the "-d",

"-c", and "-v" options.


Shows all status information. This is equivalent to using the

"-r", "-d", "-c", "-v", "-a", "-p", and "-o" options.

-u [user(s)]

Shows a list of print jobs queued by the specified users. If no users are specified, lists the jobs queued by the current user.

-v [printer(s)]

Shows the printers and what device they are attached to. If no printers are specified then all printers are listed.

-W [which-jobs]

Specifies which jobs to show, completed or not-completed (the

default). This option mmuusstt appear before the -o option and/or any

printer names, otherwise the default (not-completed) value will be

used in the request to the scheduler. CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY

Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to con-

tain any printable character except SPACE and TAB. Also, printer and

class names are nnoott case-sensitive.

The "-h" and "-W" options are unique to CUPS.

The Solaris "-f", "-P", and "-S" options are silently ignored.


cancel(1), lp(1), CUPS Software Users Manual, http://localhost:631/doc-

umentation.html COPYRIGHT

Copyright 1993-2005 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.

3 January 2005 Common UNIX Printing System lpstat(1)

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