Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man lpmove

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man lpmove

lpmove(8) Easy Software Products lpmove(8)


lpmove - move a job to a new destination


llppmmoovvee [ -E ] job destination


llppmmoovvee moves the specified job to destination. job can be the job ID number or the old destination and job ID:

lpmove 123 newprinter

lpmove oldprinter-123 newprinter

The -E option forces encryption when connecting to the server.

CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY The System V version of this command also allows moving of all jobs

from one queue to another. This functionality is currently not sup-

ported by CUPS.


cancel(1), lp(1), CUPS Software Users Manual, http://localhost:631/doc-

umentation.html COPYRIGHT

Copyright 1993-2005 by Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved.

23 January 2001 Common UNIX Printing System lpmove(8)

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