llooccaalleeccoonnvv, llooccaalleeccoonnvvll - natural language formatting for C
LLIIBBRRAARRYYStandard C Library (libc, -lc)
##iinncclluuddee <
struct lconv * llooccaalleeccoonnvv(void);> ##iinncclluuddee <
struct lconv * llooccaalleeccoonnvvll(void, localet loc);> DESCRIPTION
The llooccaalleeccoonnvv() function returns a pointer to a structure which provides parameters for formatting numbers, especially currency values: struct lconv { char *decimalpoint; char *thousandssep; char *grouping; char *intcurrsymbol; char *currencysymbol; char *mondecimalpoint; char *monthousandssep; char *mongrouping; char *positivesign; char *negativesign; char intfracdigits; char fracdigits; char pcsprecedes; char psepbyspace; char ncsprecedes; char nsepbyspace; char psignposn; char nsignposn; char intpcsprecedes; char intncsprecedes; char intpsepbyspace; char intnsepbyspace; char intpsignposn; char intnsignposn; }; The individual fields have the following meanings:decimalpoint The decimal point character, except for currency val-
ues, cannot be an empty string.thousandssep The separator between groups of digits before the dec-
imal point, except for currency values. grouping The sizes of the groups of digits, except for currency values. This is a pointer to a vector of integers, each of size char, representing group size from low order digit groups to high order (right to left). The list may be terminated with 0 or CHARMAX. If the list is terminated with 0, the last group size before the 0 is repeated to account for all the digits. If the list is terminated with CHARMAX, no more grouping is performed. intcurrsymbol The standardized international currency symbol. currencysymbol The local currency symbol. mondecimalpoint The decimal point character for currency values. monthousandssep The separator for digit groups in currency values. mongrouping Like grouping but for currency values.positivesign The character used to denote nonnegative currency val-
ues, usually the empty string. negativesign The character used to denote negative currency values, usually a minus sign. intfracdigits The number of digits after the decimal point in aninternational-style currency value.
fracdigits The number of digits after the decimal point in the local style for currency values. pcsprecedes 1 if the currency symbol precedes the currency value for nonnegative values, 0 if it follows. psepbyspace 1 if a space is inserted between the currency symboland the currency value for nonnegative values, 0 oth-
erwise. ncsprecedes Like pcsprecedes but for negative values. nsepbyspace Like psepbyspace but for negative values. psignposn The location of the positivesign with respect to a nonnegative quantity and the currencysymbol, coded as follows: 0 Parentheses around the entire string. 1 Before the string. 2 After the string. 3 Just before currencysymbol. 4 Just after currencysymbol. nsignposn Like psignposn but for negative currency values.intpcsprecedes Same as pcsprecedes, but for internationally format-
ted monetary quantities.intncsprecedes Same as ncsprecedes, but for internationally format-
ted monetary quantities. intpsepbyspaceSame as psepbyspace, but for internationally for-
matted monetary quantities. intnsepbyspaceSame as nsepbyspace, but for internationally for-
matted monetary quantities. intpsignposn Same as psignposn, but for internationally formatted monetary quantities. intnsignposn Same as nsignposn, but for internationally formatted monetary quantities. Unless mentioned above, an empty string as a value for a field indicates a zero length result or a value that is not in the current locale. A CHARMAX result similarly denotes an unavailable value. While the llooccaalleeccoonnvv() function uses the current locale, the llooccaalleeccoonnvvll() function may be passed a locale directly. See xlocale(3) for more information.RETURN VALUES
The llooccaalleeccoonnvv() function returns a pointer to a static object which may be altered by later calls to setlocale(3) or llooccaalleeccoonnvv(). EERRRROORRSS No errors are defined.SEE ALSO
setlocale(3), strfmon(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS The llooccaalleeccoonnvv() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). HISTORY The llooccaalleeccoonnvv() function first appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD November 21, 2003 BSD