Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man libexslt

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man libexslt



libexslt - extension library for XSLT


##iinncclluuddee <>

vvooiidd eexxssllttCCoommmmoonnRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttDDaatteeRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttDDyynnRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttFFuunnccRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttMMaatthhRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttSSeettssRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttSSttrrRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttRReeggiisstteerrAAllll((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd eexxssllttSSaaxxoonnRReeggiisstteerr((vvooiidd));;


The lliibbeexxsslltt library is used to provide extensions to XSLT functions. These extensions come from the EXSLT project UUSSAAGGEE To make use of these functions in XSLT the appropriate namespace must be defined on the xxssll::ssttyylleesshheeeett element. To enable support for them in lliibbxxsslltt(3) you must call the appropriate functions (listed in the

SYNOPSIS eto) o eitr h etnin. h xl-ofg hl

script can be used to obtain the necessary flags for the pre-processor

and linker. The supported extensions are: CCOOMMMMOONN Namespace: See for a description.

nnooddee-sseett(()) convert the given RTF into a node-set.

oobbjjeecctt-ttyyppee(()) returns the type of the given argument.

ddooccuummeenntt Create multiple output documents. See

ment/index.html MMAATTHH Namespace: See for a description.

mmiinn(()) returns the minimum value of the given node-set

mmaaxx(()) returns the maximum value of the given node-set

hhiigghheesstt(()) returns the nodes in the node-set whose value is

the maximum value for the node-set.

lloowweesstt(()) returns the nodes in the node-set whose value is

the minimum value for the node-set.

ccoonnssttaanntt(()) returns a number value of the given constant with the given precision. The constants are PI, E, SQRRT2, LN2, LN10, LOG2E, and SQRT12.

rraannddoomm(()) returns a random number between 0 and 1 inclu-

sive. aabbss(()) returns the absolute value of the argument. ssqqrrtt(()) returns the square root of the argument. ppoowweerr(()) returns the power base and power arguments. lloogg(()) returns the natural log of the argument. ssiinn(()) returns the sine of the argument. ccooss(()) returns the cosine of the argument. ttaann(()) returns the tangent of the argument. aassiinn(()) returns the arc sine of the argument. aaccooss(()) returns the arc cosine of the argument. aattaann(()) returns the arc tangent of the argument.

aattaann22(()) returns the arc tangent function of the y/x argu-

ments. eexxpp(()) returns the exponential function of the argument. SSEETTSS Namespace: See for a description. ddiiffffeerreennccee(()) returns the difference between the two given


iinntteerrsseeccttiioonn(()) returns a node-set of the nodes within both given


ddiissttiinncctt(()) returns a node-set of all nodes in the first

argument that are not in the seconds argument.

hhaass-ssaammee-nnooddee(()) returns TRUE if there is an intersection between

the two given node-sets.

lleeaaddiinngg(()) returns a node-set of all nodes in the first

argument that precede the first node in the sec-

ond argument.

ttrraaiilliinngg(()) returns a node-set of all nodes in the first

argument that follow the first node in the second argument. DDAATTEESS aanndd TTIIMMEESS


See for a description.

ddaattee-ttiimmee(()) returns the current date and time as a date/time

string. ddaattee(()) returns the date specified in the given date/time string. ttiimmee(()) returns the time specified in the date/time string given as the argument. yyeeaarr(()) returns the year of a date as a number.

lleeaapp-yyeeaarr(()) returns true if the year given in a date is a

leap year.

mmoonntthh-iinn-yyeeaarr(()) returns the month of a date as a number.

mmoonntthh-nnaammee(()) returns the full name of the month of a date.

mmoonntthh-aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonn(()) returns the abbreviation of the month of a date.

wweeeekk-iinn-yyeeaarr(()) returns the week of the year as a number.

wweeeekk-iinn-mmoonntthh(()) returns the week in a month of a date as a num-


ddaayy-iinn-yyeeaarr(()) returns the month of a date as a number.

ddaayy-iinn-mmoonntthh(()) returns the day of a date as a number.


returns the day-of-the-week in a month of a date

as a number.

ddaayy-iinn-wweeeekk(()) returns the day of the week given in a date as a


ddaayy-nnaammee(()) returns the full name of the day of the week of a


ddaayy-aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonn(()) returns the abbreviation of the day of the week

of a date.

hhoouurr-iinn-ddaayy(()) returns the hour of the day as a number.

mmiinnuuttee-iinn-hhoouurr(()) returns the minute of the hour as a number.

sseeccoonndd-iinn-mmiinnuuttee(()) returns the second of the minute as a number.

sseeccoonnddss(()) returns the number of seconds specified by the argument string. aadddd(()) returns the date/time resulting from adding a duration to a date/time.

aadddd-dduurraattiioonn(()) returns the duration resulting from adding two

given durations together. ddiiffffeerreennccee(()) returns the duration between the first date and the second date. dduurraattiioonn(()) returns a duration string that represents the given number of seconds since


SSTTRRIINNGGSS Namespace: See for a description.

ttookkeenniizzee(()) returns a node set of token elements, each con-

taining one token from the string. ppaaddddiinngg(()) returns a string padded to a certain length. aalliiggnn(()) returns a string aligned within another string. ccoonnccaatt(()) returns the concatenation of the string values of the nodes in that node set. FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS Namespace: See for a description. ffuunnccttiioonn declares an extension function. rreessuulltt returns the result of an extension function declared in function(). FILES


shell script giving pre-processor and linker flags.


static library


sharable library AUTHORS Manual page by Heiko W. Rupp (


lliibbxxmmll(3), lliibbxxsslltt(3), xxmmlllliinntt(1) xxssllttpprroocc(1), libxslt 04 November 2003 LIBEXSLT(3)

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