Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man libcurl-share

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man libcurl-share

libcurl-share(3) libcurl share interface libcurl-share(3)


libcurl-share - how to use the share interface


This is an overview on how to use the libcurl share interface in your C programs. There are specific man pages for each function mentioned in here. All functions in the share interface are prefixed with curlshare. OOBBJJEECCTTIIVVEESS The share interface was added to enable sharing of data between curl "handles".


You can have multiple easy handles share data between them. Have them update and use the ssaammee cookie database or DNS cache! This way, each single transfer will take advantage from data updates made by the other transfer(s). SSHHAARREE OOBBJJEECCTT You create a shared object with curlshareinit(3). It returns a handle for a newly created one. You tell the shared object what data you want it to share by using curlsharesetopt(3). Currently you can only share DNS and/or COOKIE data. Since you can use this share from multiple threads, and libcurl has no internal thread synchronization, you must provide mutex callbacks if

you're using this multi-threaded. You set lock and unlock functions

with curlsharesetopt(3) too.

Then, you make an easy handle to use this share, you set the CUR-

LOPTSHARE option with curleasysetopt(3), and pass in share handle. You can make any number of easy handles share the same share handle.

To make an easy handle stop using that particular share, you set CUR-

LOPTSHARE to NULL for that easy handle. To make a handle stop sharing a particular data, you can CURLSHOPTUNSHARE it. When you're done using the share, make sure that no easy handle is still using it, and call curlsharecleanup(3) on the handle.


ccuurrllsshhaarreeiinniitt(3), ccuurrllsshhaarreesseettoopptt(3), ccuurrllsshhaarreecclleeaannuupp(3)

libcurl 7.10.7 8 Aug 2003 libcurl-share(3)

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