Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldapwhoami

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldapwhoami



ldapwhoami - LDAP who am i? tool


llddaappwwhhooaammii [-nn] [-vv] [-zz] [-dd debuglevel] [-DD binddn] [-WW] [-ww passwd]

[-yy passwdfile] [-HH ldapuri] [-hh ldaphost] [-pp ldapport] [-OO security-

properties]] [-II] [-QQ] [-UU authcid] [-RR realm] [-xx] [-XX authzid]

[-YY mech] [-ZZ[[ZZ]]]


ldapwhoami implements the LDAP "Who Am I?" extended operation.

llddaappwwhhooaammii opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds, and performs a whoami operation. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-nn Show what would be done, but don't actually perform the whoami

operation. Useful for debugging in conjunction with -v.

-vv Run in verbose mode, with many diagnostics written to standard


-dd debuglevel

Set the LDAP debugging level to debuglevel. llddaappccoommppaarree must be compiled with LDAPDEBUG defined for this option to have any effect.

-xx Use simple authentication instead of SASL.

-DD binddn

Use the Distinguished Name binddn to bind to the LDAP directory.

-WW Prompt for simple authentication. This is used instead of spec-

ifying the password on the command line.

-ww passwd

Use passwd as the password for simple authentication.

-yy passwdfile

Use complete contents of passwdfile as the password for simple authentication.

-HH ldapuri

Specify URI(s) referring to the ldap server(s).

-hh ldaphost

Specify an alternate host on which the ldap server is running.

Deprecated in favor of -H.

-pp ldapport

Specify an alternate TCP port where the ldap server is listen-

ing. Deprecated in favor of -H.

-PP 2|3 Specify the LDAP protocol version to use.

-OO security-properties

Specify SASL security properties.

-II Enable SASL Interactive mode. Always prompt. Default is to

prompt only as needed.

-QQ Enable SASL Quiet mode. Never prompt.

-UU authcid

Specify the authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the ID depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.

-RR realm

Specify the realm of authentication ID for SASL bind. The form of the realm depends on the actual SASL mechanism used.

-XX authzid

Specify the requested authorization ID for SASL bind. authzid must be one of the following formats: ddnn:: or uu::

-YY mech

Specify the SASL mechanism to be used for authentication. If it's not specified, the program will choose the best mechanism the server knows.

-ZZ[[ZZ]] Issue StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) extended operation. If

you use -ZZZZ, the command will require the operation to be suc-


ldapwhoami -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W


llddaapp..ccoonnff(5), llddaapp(3), llddaappeexxtteennddeeddooppeerraattiioonn(3) AUTHOR The OpenLDAP Project AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OOppeennLLDDAAPP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OOppeennLLDDAAPP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 LDAPWHOAMI(1)

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