Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_next_attribute

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_next_attribute



ldapfirstattribute, ldapnextattribute - step through LDAP entry


OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


##iinncclluuddee <>

cchhaarr **llddaappffiirrssttaattttrriibbuuttee(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee eennttrryy,, BBeerrEElleemmeenntt ****bbeerrppttrr )) cchhaarr **llddaappnneexxttaattttrriibbuuttee(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee eennttrryy,, BBeerrEElleemmeenntt **bbeerr ))


The llddaappffiirrssttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) and llddaappnneexxttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) routines are used to step through the attributes in an LDAP entry. llddaappffiirrssttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) takes an entry as returned by llddaappffiirrsstteennttrryy(3) or llddaappnneexxtteennttrryy(3) and returns a pointer to character string containing the first attribute description in the entry. llddaappnneexxttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) returns the next attribute description in the entry. It also returns, in berptr, a pointer to a BerElement it has allocated to keep track of its current position. This pointer should be passed

to subsequent calls to llddaappnneexxttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) and is used used to effec-

tively step through the entry's attributes. The caller is solely responsible for freeing the BerElement pointed to by berptr when it is no longer needed by calling bbeerrffrreeee(3). When calling bbeerrffrreeee(3) in this instance, be sure the second argument is 0. The attribute names returned are suitable for inclusion in a call to llddaappggeettvvaalluueess(3) to retrieve the attribute's values. EERRRROORRSS If an error occurs, NULL is returned and the lderrno field in the ld parameter is set to indicate the error. See llddaappeerrrroorr(3) for a description of possible error codes. NNOOTTEESS The llddaappffiirrssttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) and llddaappnneexxttaattttrriibbuuttee(()) return dynamically allocated memory that must be freed by the caller via llddaappmmeemmffrreeee(3).


llddaapp(3), llddaappffiirrsstteennttrryy(3), llddaappggeettvvaalluueess(3), llddaappeerrrroorr(3) AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OOppeennLLDDAAPP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OOppeennLLDDAAPP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 LDAPFIRSTATTRIBUTE(3)

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