Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_first_message

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_first_message



ldapfirstmessage, ldapnextmessage, ldapcountmessages - Stepping

through messages in a result chain LLIIBBRRAARRYY

OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt llddaappccoouunnttmmeessssaaggeess(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **rreessuulltt )) LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **llddaappffiirrssttmmeessssaaggee(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **rreessuulltt )) LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **llddaappnneexxttmmeessssaaggee(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **mmeessssaaggee ))


These routines are used to step through the messages in a result chain received from llddaapprreessuulltt(3).. For search operations, the result chain can contain referral, entry and result messages. The llddaappmmssggttyyppee(3) function can be used to distinguish between the different message types. The llddaappffiirrssttmmeessssaaggee(()) routine is used to retrieve the first message in a result chain. It takes the result as returned by a call to llddaapprreessuulltt(3),, llddaappsseeaarrcchhss(3) or llddaappsseeaarrcchhsstt(3) and returns a pointer to the first message in the result chain.

This pointer should be supplied on a subsequent call to llddaappnneexxttmmeess-

ssaaggee(()) to get the next message, the result of which should be supplied to the next call to llddaappnneexxttmmeessssaaggee(()), etc. llddaappnneexxttmmeessssaaggee(()) will return NULL when there are no more messages. These functions are useful when using routines like llddaappppaarrsseerreessuulltt(3) that only operate on the first result in the chain. A count of the number of messages in the result chain can be obtained by calling llddaappccoouunnttmmeessssaaggeess(()). It can also be used to count the number of remaining messages in a chain if called with a message, entry or reference returned by llddaappffiirrssttmmeessssaaggee(()) ,, llddaappnneexxttmmeessssaaggee(()) ,, llddaappffiirrsstteennttrryy(3),, llddaappnneexxtteennttrryy(3),, llddaappffiirrssttrreeffeerreennccee(3),, llddaappnneexxttrreeffeerreennccee(3).. EERRRROORRSS If an error occurs in llddaappffiirrssttmmeessssaaggee(()) or llddaappnneexxttmmeessssaaggee(()), NULL

is returned. If an error occurs in llddaappccoouunnttmmeessssaaggeess(()), -1 is



llddaapp(3), llddaappsseeaarrcchh(3), llddaapprreessuulltt(3), llddaappppaarrsseerreessuulltt(3), llddaappffiirrsstteennttrryy(3), llddaappffiirrssttrreeffeerreennccee(3) AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OOppeennLLDDAAPP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OOppeennLLDDAAPP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 LDAPFIRSTMESSAGE(3)

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