Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_error

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_error



ldapperror, lderrno, ldapresult2error, ldaperrlist, ldaperr2string

- LDAP protocol error handling routines


OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


##iinncclluuddee <>

cchhaarr **llddaappeerrrr22ssttrriinngg(( iinntt eerrrr ));; vvooiidd llddaappppeerrrroorr(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **ss )) iinntt llddaapprreessuulltt22eerrrroorr(( LLDDAAPP **lldd,, LLDDAAPPMMeessssaaggee **rreess,, iinntt ffrreeeeiitt ))


These routines provide interpretation of the various error codes returned by the LDAP protocol and LDAP library routines or associated with an LDAP session. The error code associated with an LDAP session is accessible using llddaappggeettooppttiioonn(3) and llddaappsseettooppttiioonn(3) with the LLDDAAPPOOPPTTRREESSUULLTTCCOODDEE option (previously called LLDDAAPPOOPPTTEERRRROORRNNUUMMBBEERR). The llddaapprreessuulltt22eerrrroorr(()) routine takes res, a result as produced by llddaapprreessuulltt(3) or llddaappsseeaarrcchhss(3), and returns the corresponding error code. Possible error codes are listed below. If the freeit parameter is non zero it indicates that the res parameter should be freed by a call to llddaappmmssggffrreeee(3) after the error code has been extracted. The llddeerrrrnnoo field in ld is set and returned. The returned value can be passed to llddaappeerrrr22ssttrriinngg(()) to get a text description of the message. The string returned from llddaappeerrrr22ssttrriinngg(()) is a pointer to a static area that should not be modified. The llddaappppeerrrroorr(()) routine can be called to print an indication of the error on standard error, similar to the way ppeerrrroorr(3) works. EERRRROORRSS The possible values for an ldap error code are: LDAPSUCCESS The request was successful.


An operations error occurred.

LDAPPROTOCOLERROR A protocol violation was detected.

LDAPTIMELIMITEXCEEDED An LDAP time limit was exceeded. LDAPSIZELIMITEXCEEDED An LDAP size limit was exceeded. LDAPCOMPAREFALSE A compare operation returned false. LDAPCOMPARETRUE A compare operation returned true. LDAPSTRONGAUTHNOTSUPPORTED

The LDAP server does not support strong authentica-


Strong authentication is required for the opera-

tion. LDAPPARTIALRESULTS Partial results only returned. LDAPNOSUCHATTRIBUTE The attribute type specified does not exist in the entry. LDAPUNDEFINEDTYPE The attribute type specified is invalid. LDAPINAPPROPRIATEMATCHING Filter type not supported for the specified attribute. LDAPCONSTRAINTVIOLATION

An attribute value specified violates some con-

straint (e.g., a postalAddress has too many lines, or a line that is too long). LDAPTYPEORVALUEEXISTS An attribute type or attribute value specified already exists in the entry. LDAPINVALIDSYNTAX An invalid attribute value was specified.

LDAPNOSUCHOBJECT The specified object does not exist in The Direc-

tory. LDAPALIASPROBLEM An alias in The Directory points to a nonexistent entry. LDAPINVALIDDNSYNTAX A syntactically invalid DN was specified. LDAPISLEAF The object specified is a leaf. LDAPALIASDEREFPROBLEM A problem was encountered when dereferencing an alias. LDAPINAPPROPRIATEAUTH Inappropriate authentication was specified (e.g., LDAPAUTHSIMPLE was specified and the entry does not have a userPassword attribute). LDAPINVALIDCREDENTIALS Invalid credentials were presented (e.g., the wrong password). LDAPINSUFFICIENTACCESS The user has insufficient access to perform the operation. LDAPBUSY The DSA is busy. LDAPUNAVAILABLE The DSA is unavailable. LDAPUNWILLINGTOPERFORM The DSA is unwilling to perform the operation. LDAPLOOPDETECT A loop was detected. LDAPNAMINGVIOLATION A naming violation occurred. LDAPOBJECTCLASSVIOLATION An object class violation occurred (e.g., a "must" attribute was missing from the entry). LDAPNOTALLOWEDONNONLEAF The operation is not allowed on a nonleaf object. LDAPNOTALLOWEDONRDN The operation is not allowed on an RDN. LDAPALREADYEXISTS The entry already exists. LDAPNOOBJECTCLASSMODS Object class modifications are not allowed. LDAPOTHER An unknown error occurred. LDAPSERVERDOWN The LDAP library can't contact the LDAP server.

LDAPLOCALERROR Some local error occurred. This is usually a

failed dynamic memory allocation.

LDAPENCODINGERROR An error was encountered encoding parameters to

send to the LDAP server.

LDAPDECODINGERROR An error was encountered decoding a result from the

LDAP server. LDAPTIMEOUT A timelimit was exceeded while waiting for a result. LDAPAUTHUNKNOWN The authentication method specified to ldapbind() is not known.

LDAPFILTERERROR An invalid filter was supplied to ldapsearch()

(e.g., unbalanced parentheses).

LDAPPARAMERROR An ldap routine was called with a bad parameter.

LDAPNOMEMORY An memory allocation (e.g., malloc(3) or other dynamic memory allocator) call failed in an ldap library routine.


llddaapp(3), ppeerrrroorr(3) AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OOppeennLLDDAAPP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OOppeennLLDDAAPP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.

OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 LDAPERROR(3)

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