Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_add

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ldap_add



ldapadd, ldapadds, ldapaddext, ldapaddexts - Perform an LDAP

add operation LLIIBBRRAARRYY

OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt llddaappaadddd((LLDDAAPP **ld,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **dn,, LLDDAAPPMMoodd **attrs[[]]));; iinntt llddaappaaddddss((LLDDAAPP **ld,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **dn,, LLDDAAPPMMoodd **attrs[[]]));; iinntt llddaappaaddddeexxtt((LLDDAAPP **ld,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **dn,, LLDDAAPPMMoodd **attrs[[]],, LLDDAAPPCCoonnttrrooll **sctrls[[]],, LLDDAAPPCCoonnttrrooll **cctrls[[]],, iinntt **msgidp));; iinntt llddaappaaddddeexxttss((LLDDAAPP **ld,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **dn,, LLDDAAPPMMoodd **attrs[[]],, LLDDAAPPCCoonnttrrooll **sctrls[[]],, LLDDAAPPCCoonnttrrooll **cctrls[[]]));;


The llddaappaaddddss(()) routine is used to perform an LDAP add operation. It

takes dn, the DN of the entry to add, and attrs, a null-terminated

array of the entry's attributes. The LDAPMod structure is used to rep-

resent attributes, with the modtype and modvalues fields being used as described under llddaappmmooddiiffyy(3), and the ldapop field being used only if you need to specify the LDAPMODBVALUES option. Otherwise, it should be set to zero. Note that all entries except that specified by the last component in the given DN must already exist. llddaappaaddddss(()) returns an LDAP error code indicating success or failure of the operation. See llddaappeerrrroorr(3) for more details.

The llddaappaadddd(()) routine works just like llddaappaaddddss(()), but it is asyn-

chronous. It returns the message id of the request it initiated. The result of this operation can be obtained by calling llddaapprreessuulltt(3). The llddaappaaddddeexxtt(()) routine allows server and client controls to be specified to extend the add request. This routine is asynchronous like llddaappaadddd(()), but its return value is an LDAP error code. It stores the message id of the request in the integer pointed to by msgidp. The llddaappaaddddeexxttss(()) routine is the synchronous version of llddaappaaddddeexxtt(()). It also returns an LDAP error code indicating success or failure of the operation. EERRRROORRSS

llddaappaadddd(()) returns -1 in case of error initiating the request, and will

set the lderrno field in the ld parameter to indicate the error. llddaappaaddddss(()) will return an LDAP error code directly (LDAPSUCCESS if everything went ok, some error otherwise). llddaappaaddddeexxtt(()) and llddaappaaddddeexxttss(()) also directly return LDAP error codes.


llddaapp(3), llddaappmmooddiiffyy(3) AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OOppeennLLDDAAPP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OOppeennLLDDAAPP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 LDAPADD(3)

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