lldd - linker
lldd files... [options] [-oo outputfile]
The lldd command combines several object files and libraries, resolves ref-
erences, and produces an ouput file. lldd can produce a final linked image
(executable, dylib, or bundle), or with the -r option, produce another
object file. If the -o option is not used, the output file produced is
named "a.out". UUnniivveerrssaallThe linker accepts universal (multiple-architecture) input files, but
always creates a "thin" (single-architecture), standard Mach-O output
file. The architecture for the output file is specified using the -arch
option. If this option is not used, lldd attempts to determine the output
architecture by examining the object files in command line order. The first "thin" architecture determines that of the output file. If noinput object file is a "thin" file, the native 32-bit architecture for
the host is used.Usually, lldd is not used directly. Instead the gcc(1) compiler driver
invokes lldd.. The compiler driver can be passed multiple -arch options and
it will create a universal final linked image by invoking lldd multiple
times and then running lipo(1) merge the outputs into a universal file. LLaayyoouutt The object files are loaded in the order in which they are specified on the command line. The segments and the sections in those segments will appear in the output file in the order they are encountered in the objectfiles being linked. All zero fill sections will appear after all non-
zero fill sections in their segments. Sections created from files withthe -sectcreate option will be laid out at after sections from .o files.
The use of the -orderfile option will alter the layout rules above, and
move the symbols specified to start of their section. LLiibbrraarriieess A static library (aka static archive) is a collection of .o files with atable of contents that lists the global symbols in the .o files. lldd will
only pull .o files out of a static library if needed to resolve some sym-
bol reference. Unlike traditional linkers, lldd will continually search a
static library while linking. There is no need to specify a static library multiple times on the command line. A dynamic library (aka dylib or framework) is a final linked image. Putting a dynamic library on the command line causes two things: 1) The generated final linked image will have encoded that it depends on that dynamic library. 2) Exported symbols from the dynamic library are used to resolve references.Both dynamic and static libraries are searched as they appear on the com-
mand line. SSeeaarrcchh ppaatthhsslldd maintains a list of directories to search for a library or framework
to use. The default library search path is /usr/lib then /usr/local/lib.The -L option will add a new library search path. The default framework
search path is /Library/Frameworks then /System/Library/Frameworks. (Note: previously, /Network/Library/Frameworks was at the end of the default path. If you need that functionality, you need to explicitly add-F/Network/Library/Frameworks). The -F option will a new framework
search path. The -Z option will remove the standard search paths. The
-syslibroot option will prepend a prefix to all search paths.
TTwwoo-lleevveell nnaammeessppaaccee
By default all references resolved to a dynamic library record thelibrary to which they were resolved. At runtime, dyld uses that informa-
tion to directly resolve symobls. The alternative is to use the-flatnamespace option. With flat namespace, the library is not
recorded. At runtime, dyld will search each dynamic library in load
order when resolving symbols. This is slower, but more like how other operating systems resolve symbols. IInnddiirreecctt ddyynnaammiicc lliibbrraarriieess If the command line specifies to link against dylib A, and when dylib A was built it linked against dylib B, then B is considered an indirectdylib. When linking for two-level namespace, ld does not look at indi-
rect dylibs, except when re-exported by a direct dylibs. On the other
hand when linking for flat namespace, ld does load all indirect dylibs
and uses them to resolve references. Even though indirect dylibs arespecified via a full path, lldd first uses the specified search paths to
locate each indirect dylib. If one cannot be found using the search paths, the full path is used. DDyynnaammiicc lliibbrraarriieess uunnddeeffiinneessWhen linking for two-level namespace, lldd does not verify that undefines
in dylibs actually exist. But when linking for flat namespace, lldd does
check that all undefines from all loaded dylibs have a matching defini-
tion. This is sometimes used to force selected functions to be loaded from a static library. OOPPTTIIOONNSS Options that control the kind of output-eexxeeccuuttee The default. Produce a mach-o main executable that has file
type MHEXECUTE.-ddyylliibb Produce a mach-o shared library that has file type MHDYLIB.
-bbuunnddllee Produce a mach-o bundle that has file type MHBUNDLE.
-rr Merges object files to produce another mach-o object file
with file type MHOBJECT.-ddyylliinnkkeerr Produce a mach-o dylinker that has file type MHDYLINKER.
Only used when building dyld.
-ddyynnaammiicc The default. Implied by -dynamiclib, -bundle, or -execute
-ssttaattiicc Produces a mach-o file that does not use the dyld. Only used
building the kernel.
-aarrcchh archname
Specifies which architecture (e.g. ppc, ppc64, i386, x8664)the output file should be.
-oo path Specifies the name and location of the output file. If not
specified, `a.out' is used. Options that control libraries-llx This option tells the linker to search for libx.dylib or
libx.a in the library search path. If string x is of the form y.o, then that file is searched for in the same places, but without prepending `lib' or appending `.a' or `.dylib' to the filename.-wweeaakk-llx This is the same as the -lx but forces the library and all
references to it to be marked as weak imports. That is, the library is allowed to be missing at runtime.-wweeaakklliibbrraarryy pathtolibrary
This is the same as listing a file name path to a library onthe link line except that it forces the library and all ref-
erences to it to be marked as weak imports.-rreeeexxppoorrtt-llx
This is the same as the -lx but specifies that the all sym-
bols in library x should be available to clients linking to
the library being created. This was previously done with aseparate -sublibrary option.
-rreeeexxppoorrttlliibbrraarryy pathtolibrary
This is the same as listing a file name path to a library on the link line and it specifies that the all symbols inlibrary path should be available to clients linking to the
library being created. This was previously done with a sepa-
rate -sublibrary option.
-llaazzyy-llx This is the same as the -lx but it is only for shared
libraries and the linker will construct glue code so that the shared library is not loaded until the first function in it is called.-llaazzyylliibbrraarryy pathtolibrary
This is the same as listing a file name path to a sharedlibrary on the link line except that the linker will con-
struct glue code so that the shared library is not loaded until the first function in it is called.-LLdir Add dir to the list of directories in which to search for
libraries. Directories specified with -L are searched in the
order they appear on the command line and before the default search path.-ZZ Do not search the standard directories when searching for
libraries and frameworks.-ssyysslliibbrroooott rootdir
Prepend rootdir to all search paths when searching for libraries or frameworks.-sseeaarrcchhppaatthhssffiirrsstt
By default the -lx and -weak-lx options first search for a
file of the form `libx.dylib' in each directory in the library search path, then a file of the form `libx.a' is searched for in the library search paths. This option changes it so that in each path `libx.dylib' is searched for then `libx.a' before the next path in the library search path is searched.-ffrraammeewwoorrkk name[,suffix]
This option tells the linker to search for `name.frame-
work/name' the framework search path. If the optional suffix is specified the framework is first searched for the namewith the suffix and then without (e.g. look for `name.frame-
work/namesuffix' first, if not there try `name.frame-
work/name').-wweeaakkffrraammeewwoorrkk name[,suffix]
This is the same as the -framework name[,suffix] but forces
the framework and all references to it to be marked as weak imports.-rreeeexxppoorrttffrraammeewwoorrkk name[,suffix]
This is the same as the -framework name[,suffix] but also
specifies that the all symbols in that framework should be
available to clients linking to the library being created.This was previously done with a separate -subumbrella
option.-llaazzyyffrraammeewwoorrkk name[,suffix]
This is the same as the -framework name[,suffix] except that
the linker will construct glue code so that the framework is not loaded until the first function in it is called. Youcannot directly access data or Objective-C classes in a
frameworked linked this way.-FFdir Add dir to the list of directories in which to search for
frameworks. Directories specified with -F are searched in
the order they appear on the command line and before the default search path.-aallllllooaadd Loads all members of static archive libraries.
-OObbjjCC Loads all members of static archive libraries that implement
an Objective-C class or category.
Options that control additional content-sseeccttccrreeaattee segname sectname file
The section sectname in the segment segname is created from the contents of file file. The combination of segname andsectname must be unique -D there cannot already be a section
(segname,sectname) from any other input.-ffiilleelliisstt file[,dirname]
Specifies that the linker should link the files listed in
file. This is an alternative to listing the files on thecommand line. The file names are listed one per line sepa-
rated only by newlines. (Spaces and tabs are assumed to be part of the file name.) If the optional directory name, dirname is specified, it is prepended to each name in the list file.-ddttrraaccee file
Enables dtrace static probes when producing a final linked image. The file file must be a DTrace script which declares the static probes. Options that control optimizations-ddeeaaddssttrriipp
Remove functions and data that are unreachable by the entry point or exported symbols.-ddeeaaddssttrriippddyylliibbss
Remove dylibs that are unreachable by the entry point or exported symbols. That is, suppresses the generation of load command commands for dylibs which supplied no symbols duringthe link. This option should not be used when linking against
a dylib which is required at runtime for some indirect reason such as the dylib has an important initializer.-oorrddeerrffiillee file
Alters the order in which functions and data are laid out.For each section in the output file, any symbol in that sec-
tion that are specified in the order file file is moved to the start of its section and laid out in the same order as in the order file file. Order files are text files with onesymbol name per line. Lines starting with a # are comments.
A symbol name may be optionally preceded with its object file leafname and a colon (e.g. foo.o:foo). This is useful for static functions/data that occur in multiple files. A symbol name may also be optionally preceded with the architecture (e.g. ppc:foo or ppc:foo.o:foo). This enables you to haveone order file that works for multiple architectures. Lit-
eral c-strings may be ordered by by quoting the string (e.g.
"Hello, world\n") in the order file.
-mmaaccoossxxvveerrssiioonnmmiinn version
This is set to indicate the oldest Mac OS X version that that
the output is to be used on. Specifying a later versionenables the linker to assumes features of that OS in the out-
put file. The format of version is a Mac OS X version number such as 10.4 or 10.5-iimmaaggeebbaassee address
Specifies the perferred load address for a dylib or bundle. The argument address is a hexadecimal number with an optionalleading 0x. By choosing non-overlapping address for all
dylibs and bundles that a program loads, launch time can beimproved because dyld will not need to "rebase" the image
(that is, adjust pointers within the image to work at the loaded address). It is often easier to not use this option, but instead use the rebase(1) tool, and give it a list ofdylibs. It will then choose non-overlapping addresses for
the list and rebase them all. This option is also called-seg1addr for compatibility.
When creating a two-level namespace final linked image, nor-
mally the linker will hoist up public dylibs that are implic-
itly linked to make the two-level namespace encoding more
efficient for dyld. For example, Cocoa re-exports AppKit and
AppKit re-exports Foundation. If you link with -framework
Cocoa and use a symbol from Foundation, the linker will implicitly add a load command to load Foundation and encode the symbol as coming from Foundation. If you use this option, the linker will not add a load command for Foundation and encode the symbol as coming from Cocoa. Then at runtimedyld will have to search Cocoa and AppKit before finding the
symbol in Foundation. Options when creating a dynamic library (dylib)-iinnssttaallllnnaammee name
Sets an internal "install path" (LCIDDYLIB) in a dynamic library. Any clients linked against the library will recordthat path as the way dyld should locate this library. If
this option is not specified, then the -o path will be used.
This option is also called -dylibinstallname for compati-
bility.-ccoommppaattiibbiilliittyyvveerrssiioonn number
Specifies the compatibility version number of the library.When a library is loaded by dyld, the compatibility version
is checked and if the program's version is greater that the library's version, it is an error. The format of number isX[.Y[.Z]] where X must be a positive non-zero number less
than or equal to 65535, and .Y and .Z are optional and ifpresent must be non-negative numbers less than or equal to
255. If the compatibility version number is not specified, it has a value of 0 and no checking is done when the libraryis used. This option is also called -dylibcompatibil-
ityversion for compatibility.-ccuurrrreennttvveerrssiioonn number
Specifies the current version number of the library. The cur-
rent version of the library can be obtained programmatically by the user of the library so it can determine exactly which version of the library it is using. The format of number isX[.Y[.Z]] where X must be a positive non-zero number less
than or equal to 65535, and .Y and .Z are optional and ifpresent must be non-negative numbers less than or equal to
255. If the version number is not specified, it has a valueof 0. This option is also called -dylibcurrentversion for
compatibility. Options when creating a main executable-ppiiee This makes a special kind of main executable that is position
independent (PIE). On Mac OS X 10.5, the OS will load a PIE at a random address each time it is executed. You cannotcreate a PIE from .o files compiled with -mdynamic-no-pic.
That means the codegen is less optimal, but the address ran-
domization adds some security.-ppaaggeezzeerroossiizzee size
By default the linker creates an unreadable segment starting at address zero named PAGEZERO. Its existence will cause a bus error if a NULL pointer is dereferenced. The argument size is a hexadecimal number with an optional leading 0x. Ifsize is zero, the linker will not generate a page zero seg-
ment. By default on 32-bit architectures the page zero size
is 4KB. On 64-bit architectures, the default size if 4GB.
The ppc64 architecture has some special cases. Since Mac OS X 10.4 did not support 4GB page zero programs, the default pagezero size for ppc64 will be 4KB unless -macosxversionmin is
10.5 or later. Also, the -mdynamic-no-pic codegen model for
ppc64 will only work if the code is placed in the lower 2GB of the address space, so the if the linker detects any suchcode, the page zero size is set to 4KB and then a new unred-
able trailing segment is created after the code, filling up the lower 4GB.-ssttaacckkssiizzee size
Specifies the maximum stack size for the main thread in a program. Without this option a program has a 8MB stack. Theargument size is a hexadecimal number with an optional lead-
ing 0x. The size should be an even multiple of 4KB, that is
the last three hexadecimal digits should be zero.
Marks executable so that all stacks in the task will be given stack execution privilege. This includes pthread stacks. Options when creating a bundle-bbuunnddlleellooaaddeerr executable
This specifies the executable that will be loading the bundle output file being linked. Undefined symbols from the bundle are checked against the specified executable like it was one of the dynamic libraries the bundle was linked with. Options when creating an object file-kkeeeepppprriivvaatteeeexxtteerrnnss
Don't turn private external (aka visibility=hidden) symbolsinto static symbols, but rather leave them as private exter-
nal in the resulting object file.-dd Force definition of common symbols. That is, transform ten-
tative defintions into real definitions. Options that control symbol resolution-eexxppoorrtteeddssyymmbboollsslliisstt filename
The specified filename contains a list of global symbol names that will remain as global symbols in the output file. All other global symbols will be treated as if they were marked as privateextern (aka visibility=hidden) and will not beglobal in the output file. The symbol names listed in file-
name must be one per line. Leading and trailing white spaceare not part of the symbol name. Lines starting with # are
ignored, as are lines with only white space. Some wildcards
(similar to shell file matching) are supported. The *matches zero or more characters. The ? matches one charac-
ter. [abc] matches one character which must be an 'a', 'b',or 'c'. [a-z] matches any single lower case letter from 'a'
to 'z'.-eexxppoorrtteeddssyymmbbooll symbol
The specified symbol is added to the list of global symbols names that will remain as global symbols in the output file. This option can be used multiple times. For short lists, this can be more convenient than creating a file and using-exportedsymbolslist.
-uunneexxppoorrtteeddssyymmbboollsslliisstt file
The specified filename contains a list of global symbol names that will not remain as global symbols in the output file.The symbols will be treated as if they were marked as pri-
vateextern (aka visibility=hidden) and will not be global in the output file. The symbol names listed in filename must be one per line. Leading and trailing white space are notpart of the symbol name. Lines starting with # are ignored,
as are lines with only white space. Some wildcards (similar
to shell file matching) are supported. The * matches zero or more characters. The ? matches one character. [abc] matchesone character which must be an 'a', 'b', or 'c'. [a-z]
matches any single lower case letter from 'a' to 'z'.-uunneexxppoorrtteeddssyymmbbooll symbol
The specified symbol is added to the list of global symbols names that will not remain as global symbols in the output file. This option can be used multiple times. For short lists, this can be more convenient than creating a file andusing -unexportedsymbolslist.
-aalliiaass symbolname alternatesymbolname
Create an alias named alternatesymbolname for the symbolsymbolname. By default the alias symbol has global visibil-
ity. This option was previous the -idef:indir option.
-aalliiaasslliisstt filename
The specified filename contains a list of aliases. The symbol name and its alias are on one line, separated by whitespace.Lines starting with # are ignored.
Alters how symbols are resolved at build time and runtime.
With -twolevelnamespace (the default), the linker only
searches dylibs on the command line for symbols, and recordsin which dylib they were found. With -flatnamespace, the
linker searches all dylibs on the command line and all dylibs those original dylibs depend on. The linker does not recordwhich dylib an external symbol came from, so at runtime dyld
again searches all images and uses the first definition it finds. In addition, any undefines in loaded flatnamespacedylibs must be resolvable at build time.
-uu symbolname
Specified that symbol symbolname must be defined for the link to succeed. This is useful to force selected functions to be loaded from a static library.-UU symbolname
Specified that it is ok for symbolname to have no defini-
tion. With -twolevelnamespace, the resulting symbol will be
marked dynamiclookup which means dyld will search all loaded
images.-uunnddeeffiinneedd treatment
Specifies how undefined symbols are to be treated. Options are: error, warning, suppress, or dynamiclookup. The default is error.-rrppaatthh path
Add path to the runpath search path list for image being cre-
ated. At runtime, dyld uses the runpath when searching for
dylibs whose load path begins with @rpath/.-ccoommmmoonnss treatment
Specifies how commons (aka tentative definitions) are resolved with respect to dylibs. Options are: ignoredylibs, usedylibs, error. The default is ignoredylibs which means the linker will turn a tentative definition in an object fileinto a real definition and not even check dylibs for con-
flicts. The dylibs option means the linker should check
linked dylibs for definitions and use them to replace tenta-
tive definitions from object files. The error option meansthe linker should issu an error whenever a tentative defini-
tion in an object file conflicts with an external symbol in alinked dylib. See also -warncommons.
Options for introspecting the linker-wwhhyyllooaadd Log why each object file in a static library is loaded. That
is, what symbol was needed. Also called -whyload for compat-
ibility.-wwhhyylliivvee symbolname
Logs a chain of references to symbolname. Only applicablewith -deadstrip . It can help debug why something that you
think should be dead strip removed is not removed.
Logs information about the amount of memory and time the linker used.-tt Logs each file (object, archive, or dylib) the linker loads.
Useful for debugging problems with search paths where the wrong library is loaded.-wwhhaattssllooaaddeedd
Logs just object files the linker loads.-oorrddeerrffiilleessttaattiissttiiccss
Logs information about the processing of a -orderfile.
-mmaapp mapfilepath
Writes a map file to the specified path which details all symbols and their addresses in the output image. Options for controling symbol table optimizations-SS Do not put debug information (STABS or DWARF) in the output
file.-xx Do not put non-global symbols in the output file's symbol ta-
ble. Non-global symbols are useful when debugging and getting
symbol names in back traces, but are not used at runtime. If-x is used with -r non-global symbol names are not removed,
but instead replaced with a unique, duumy name that will be automatically removed when linked into a final linked image. This allows dead code stripping, which uses symbols to break up code and data, to work properly and provides the security of having source symbol names removed.-nnoonngglloobbaallssyymmbboollssssttrriipplliisstt filename
The specified filename contains a list of non-global symbol
names that should be removed from the output file's symbol
table. All other non-global symbol names will remain in the
output files symbol table. See -exportedsymbolslist for
syntax and use of wildcards.
-nnoonngglloobbaallssyymmbboollssnnoossttrriipplliisstt filename
The specified filename contains a list of non-global symbol
names that should be remain in the output file's symbol ta-
ble. All other symbol names will be removed from the outputfile's symbol table. See -exportedsymbolslist for syntax
and use of wildcards.
Rarely used Options-vv Prints the version of the linker.
-nnoouuuuiidd Do not generate an LCUUID load command in the output file.
-rroooottssaaffee Sets the MHROOTSAFE bit in the mach header of the output
Sets the MHSETUIDSAFE bit in the mach header of the output file.-iinntteerrppoossaabbllee
Indirects access to all to exported symbols when creating a dynamic library.-iinniitt symbolname
The specified symbolname will be run as the first initial-
izer. Only used when creating a dynamic library.-ssuubblliibbrraarryy libraryname
The specified dylib will be re-exported. For example the
libraryname for /usr/lib/libobjcprofile.A.dylib would be
libobjc. Only used when creating a dynamic library.-ssuubbuummbbrreellllaa frameworkname
The specified framework will be re-exported. Only used when
creating a dynamic library.-aalllloowwaabblleecclliieenntt name
Restricts what can link against the dynamic library being created.-cclliieennttnnaammee name
Enables a bundle to link against a dylib that was built with-allowableclient. The name specified must match one of the
-allowableclient names specified when the dylib was created.
-uummbbrreellllaa frameworkname
Specifies that the dylib being linked is re-exported through
an umbrella framework of the specified name.-hheeaaddeerrppaadd size
Specifies the minimum space for future expansion of the load commands. Only useful if intend to run installnametool to alter the load commands later. Size is a hexadecimal number.-hheeaaddeerrppaaddmmaaxxiinnssttaallllnnaammeess
Automatically adds space for future expansion of load com-
mands such that all paths could expand to MAXPATHLEN. Only
useful if intend to run installnametool to alter the load commands later. Size is a hexadecimal number.-bbiinnddaattllooaadd
Sets a bit in the mach header of the resulting binary whichtells dyld to bind all symbols when the binary is loaded,
rather than lazily.-ffoorrcceeffllaattnnaammeessppaaccee
Sets a bit in the mach header of the resulting binary whichtells dyld to not only use flat namespace for the binary, but
force flat namespace binding on all dylibs and bundles loadedin the process. Can only be used when linking main executa-
bles.-sseeccttaalliiggnn segname sectname value
The section named sectname in the segment segname will haveits alignment set to value, where value is a hexadecimal num-
ber that must be an integral power of 2.-ssttaacckkaaddddrr address
Specifies the initial address of the stack pointer value,where value is a hexadecimal number rounded to a page bound-
ary.-sseeggpprroott segname maxprot initprot
Specifies the maximum and initial virtual memory protection of the named segment, name, to be max and init ,respectively.The values for max and init are any combination of the char-
acters `r' (for read), `w' (for write), `x' (for execute) and`-' (no access).
-sseeggaaddddrrttaabbllee filename
Specifies a file containing base addresses for dynamic libraries. Each line of the file is a hexadecimal base address followed by whitespace then the install name of thecorresponding dylib. The # character denotes a comment.
-sseeggssrreeaaddwwrriitteeaaddddrr address
Allows a dynamic library to be built where the read-only and
read-write segments are not contiguous. The address speci-
fied is a hexadecimal number that indicates the base addressfor the read-write segments.
-sseeggssrreeaaddoonnllyyaaddddrr address
Allows a dynamic library to be built where the read-only and
read-write segments are not contiguous. The address speci-
fied is a hexadecimal number that indicates the base addressfor the read-only segments.
-sseeggaaddddrr name address
Specifies the starting address of the segment named name to be address. The address must be a hexadecimal number that is a multiple of 4K page size.-ddyylliibbffiillee installname:filename
Specifies that a dynamic shared library is in a different location than its standard location. Use this option when you link with a library that is dependent on a dynamic library, and the dynamic library is in a location other than its default location. installname specifies the path where the library normally resides. filename specifies the path of the library you want to use instead. For example, if you link to a library that depends upon the dynamic library libsys andyou have libsys installed in a nondefault location, you would
use this option: -dylibfile /lib/lib-
syss.A.dylib:/me/lib/libsyss.A.dylib.-pprreebbiinndd The created output file will be in the prebound format. This
was used in Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier to improve launch per-
formance.-wweeaakkrreeffeerreenncceemmiissmmaattcchheess treatment
Specifies what to do if a symbol is weak-imported in one
object file but not weak-imported in another. The valid
treatments are: error, weak, or non-weak. The default is
-rreeaaddoonnllyyrreellooccss treatment
Enables the use of relocations which will cause dyld to mod-
ify (copy-on-write) read-only pages. The compiler will nor-
mally never generate such code.-ffoorrcceeccppuussuubbttyyppeeAALLLL
The is only applicable with -arch ppc. It tells the linker
to ignore the PowerPC cpu requirements (e.g. G3, G4 or G5) encoded in the object files and mark the resulting binary as runnable on any PowerPC cpu.-ddyylliinnkkeerriinnssttaallllnnaammee path
Only used when building dyld.
Suppresses warning messages about files that have the wrongarchitecture for the -arch flag
Turns into errors, warnings about files that have the wrongarchitecture for the -arch flag.
-ee symbolname
Specifies the entry point of a main executable. By defaultthe entry name is "start" which is found in crt1.o which con-
tains the glue code need to set up and call main().-ww Suppress all warning messages
-ffiinnaalloouuttppuutt name
Specifies the install name of a dylib if -installname is not
used. This option is used by gcc driver when it is invokedwith multiple -arch arguments.
Specifes that the linker should augment error and warning
messages with the architecture name. This option is used bygcc driver when it is invoked with multiple -arch arguments.
Specifies that hints should be added to the resulting binary
that can help speed up runtime binding by dyld as long as the
libraries being linked against have not changed.-ddoott path Create a file a file at the specified path containing a graph
of symbol dependencies. The .dot file can be viewed in GraphViz.-kkeeeepprreellooccss
Add section based relocation records to a final linked image.These relocations are ignored at runtime by dyld.
Print a warning when the linker cannot do a BINCL/EINCL opti-
mzation because the compiler put a bad stab symbol inside a BINCL/EINCL range.-wwaarrnnccoommmmoonnss
Print a warning whenever the a tentative definition in an object file is found and a external symbol by the same name is also found in a linked dylib. This often means that the extern keyword is missing from a variable declaration in a header file.-rreeaaddoonnllyyssttuubbss
[i386 only] Makes the IMPORT segment of a final linkedimages read-only. This option makes a program slightly more
secure in that the JMP instructions in the i386 fast stubs cannot be easily overwritten by malicious code. The downsideis the dyld must use mprotect() to temporily make the segment
writable while it is binding the stubs.-sslloowwssttuubbss
[i386 only] Instead of using single JMP instruction stubs, the linker creates code in the TEXT segment which calls through a lazy pointer in the DATA segment.-iinntteerrppoossaabblleelliisstt filename
The specified filename contains a list of global symbol namesthat should always be accessed indirectly. For instance, if
libSystem.dylib is linked such that malloc is interposable, then calls to malloc() from within libSystem will go througha dyld stub and could potentially indirected to an alternate
malloc. If libSystem.dylib were built without making malloc interposable then if malloc was interposed at runtime, callsto malloc from with libSystem would be missed (not inter-
posed) because they would be direct calls.
Obsolete Options-sseeggaalliiggnn value
All segments must be page aligned. This option is obsolete.-sseegglliinnkkeeddiitt
Object files (MHOBJECT) with a LINKEDIT segment are no longer supported. This option is obsolete.-nnoosseegglliinnkkeeddiitt
This is the default. This option is obsolete.-ffvvmmlliibb Fixed VM shared libraries (MHFVMLIB) are no longer sup-
ported. This option is obsolete.-pprreellooaadd Preload executables (MHPRELOAD) are no longer supported.
This option is obsolete.-sseeccttoobbjjeeccttssyymmbboollss segname sectname
Adding a local label at a section start is no longer sup-
ported. This option is obsolete.-nnooffiixxpprreebbiinnddiinngg
The MHNOFIXPREBINDING bit of machheaders has been ignored since Mac OS X 10.3.9. This option is obsolete.-nnoopprreebbiinnddaallllttwwoolleevveellmmoodduulleess
Multi-modules in dynamic libraries have been ignored at run-
time since Mac OS X 10.4.0. This option is obsolete.-pprreebbiinnddaallllttwwoolleevveellmmoodduulleess
Multi-modules in dynamic libraries have been ignored at run-
time since Mac OS X 10.4.0. This option is obsolete.-pprreebbiinnddaalllloowwoovveerrllaapp
When using -prebind, the linker allows overlapping by
default, so this option is obsolete.-nnoopprreebbiinndd LDPREBIND is no longer supported as a way to force on pre-
binding, so there no longer needs to be a command line way to override LDPREBIND. This option is obsolete.-sseeccttddiiffffrreellooccss treatment
This option was an attempt to warn about linking .o filescompiled without -mdynamic-no-pic into a main executable, but
the false positive rate generated too much noise to make the option useful. This option is obsolete.-rruunniinniittllaazziillyy
This option was removed in Mac OS X 10.2.-ssiinngglleemmoodduullee
This is now the default so does not need to be specified.-mmuullttiimmoodduullee
Multi-modules in dynamic libraries have been ignored at run-
time since Mac OS X 10.4.0. This option is obsolete.-nnooddeeaaddssttrriippiinniittssaannddtteerrmmss
The linker never dead strips initialzation and termination routines. They are considered "roots" of the dead strip graph.-AA basefile
Obsolete incremental load format. This option is obsolete.-bb Used with -A option to strip base file's symbols. This
option is obsolete. Obsolete option to produce a load map.Use -map option instead.
-SSnn Don't strip any symbols. This is the default. This option
is obsolete.-SSii Optimize stabs debug symbols to remove duplicates. This is
the default. This option is obsolete.-SSpp Write minimal stabs which causes the debugger to open and
read the original .o file for full stabs. This style ofdebugging is obsolete in Mac OS X 10.5. This option is obso-
lete.-XX Strip local symbols that being the 'L'. This is the default.
This option is obsolete.-ss Completely strip the output, including removing the symbol
table. This file format variant is no longer supported. This option is obsolete.-mm Don't treat multiple definitions as an error. This is no
longer supported. This option is obsolete.-yysymbol Display each file in which symbol is used. This was previ-
ously used to debug where an undefined symbol was used, but the linker now automatically prints out all usages. The-whylive option can also be used to display what kept a sym-
bol from being dead striped. This option is obsolete.-YY number Used to control how many occurances of each symbol specifed
with -y would be shown. This option is obsolete.
Only used when linking an umbrella framework. Sets the MHNOMULTIDEFS bit in the machheader. The MHNOMULTIDEFS bit has been obsolete since Mac OS X 10.4. This option is obsolete.-mmuullttiippllyyddeeffiinneedduunnuusseedd treatment
Previously provided a way to warn or error if any of the sym-
bol definitions in the output file matched any definitions in dynamic library being linked. This option is obsolete.-mmuullttiippllyyddeeffiinneedd treatment
Previously provided a way to warn or error if any of the sym-
bols used from a dynamic library were also available in another linked dynamic library. This option is obsolete.-pprriivvaatteebbuunnddllee
Previously prevented errors when -flatnamespace, -bundle,
and -bundleloader were used and the bundle contained a defi-
nition that conflicted with a symbol in the main executable. The linker no longer errors on such conflicts. This option is obsolete.-nnooaallllllooaadd
This is the default. This option is obsolete.-sseeggaaddddrrttaabblleeffiilleennaammee path
Use path instead of the install name of the library for matching an entry in the segaddrtable. This option is obsolete.-sseeccttoorrddeerr segname sectname orderfile
Replaced by more general -orderfile option.
Produced extra logging about which entries from a sectorderentries were used. Replaced by -orderfilestatistics. This
option is obsolete.SEE ALSO
as(1), ar(1), cc(1), nm(1), otool(1) lipo(1), arch(3), dyld(3), Mach-
O(5), strip(1), rebase(1) Darwin December 8, 2006 Darwin