Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man launchctl

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man launchctl

launchctl(1) BSD General Commands Manual launchctl(1)


llaauunncchhccttll - Interfaces with launchd


llaauunncchhccttll [subcommand [arguments ...]]


llaauunncchhccttll interfaces with llaauunncchhdd to load, unload daemons/agents and gen-

erally control llaauunncchhdd. llaauunncchhccttll supports taking subcommands on the command line, interactively or even redirected from standard input.

These commands can be stored in $$HHOOMMEE//..llaauunncchhdd..ccoonnff or //eettcc//llaauunncchhdd..ccoonnff

to be read at the time llaauunncchhdd starts. SSUUBBCCOOMMMMAANNDDSS

load [-wwFF] paths ...

Load the specified configuration files or directories of config-

uration files.

-ww Remove the disabled key and write the configuration

files back out to disk.

-FF Force the loading of the plist. Ignore the Disabled


unload [-ww] paths ...

Unload the specified configuration files or directories of con-

figuration files.

-ww Add the disabled key and write the configuration files

back out to disk. start joblabels ... Start the specified jobs by label. stop joblabels ... Stop the specified jobs by label. Jobs may restart automatically if demand driven. list List all of the jobs loaded into llaauunncchhdd. setenv key value Set an environmental variable inside of llaauunncchhdd. unsetenv key Unset an environmental variable inside of llaauunncchhdd. getenv key Get an environmental variable inside of llaauunncchhdd. export Export all of the environmental variables of llaauunncchhdd for use in a shell eval statement. getrusage self | children

Get the resource utilization statistics for llaauunncchhdd or the chil-

dren of llaauunncchhdd. log [level loglevel] [only | mask loglevels...]

Get and set the syslog(3) log level mask. The available log lev-

els are: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert and emergency. limit [cpu | filesize | data | stack | core | rss | memlock | maxproc | maxfiles] [both [soft | hard]] With no arguments, this command prints all the resource limits of llaauunncchhdd as found via getrlimit(2). When a given resource is specified, it prints the limits for that resource. With a third argument, it sets both the hard and soft limits to that value. With four arguments, the third and forth argument represent the soft and hard limits respectively. See setrlimit(2). stdout path Set the standard out file descriptor to the given path. llaauunncchhdd stderr path Set the standard error file descriptor to the given path. llaauunncchhdd shutdown Tell llaauunncchhdd to prepare for shutdown by removing all jobs. reloadttys Tell llaauunncchhdd to reread /etc/ttys. This option may go away in a future release. umask [newmask] Get or optionally set the umask(2) of llaauunncchhdd. help Print out a quick usage statement. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES LAUNCHDSOCKET

This variable informs launchctl how to find the correct launchd

to talk to. If it is missing, launchctl will use a built-in

default. FILES

~/Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the user.

/Library/LaunchAgents Per-user agents provided by the adminis-


/Library/LaunchDaemons System wide daemons provided by the admin-


/System/Library/LaunchAgents Mac OS X Per-user agents.

/System/Library/LaunchDaemons Mac OS X System wide daemons.


launchd.plist(5), launchd.conf(5), launchd(8) Darwin September 30, 2004 Darwin

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