Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kvm_nlist

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man kvm_nlist

KVMNLIST(3) BSD Library Functions Manual KVMNLIST(3)


kkvvmmnnlliisstt - retrieve symbol table names from a kernel image


##iinncclluuddee <>

##iinncclluuddee <>

int kkvvmmnnlliisstt(kvmt *kd, struct nlist *nl);


kkvvmmnnlliisstt() retrieves the symbol table entries indicated by the name list

argument nl. This argument points to an array of nlist structures, ter-

minated by an entry whose nname field is NULL (see nlist(3)). Each sym-

bol is looked up using the nname field, and if found, the corresponding ntype and nvalue fields are filled in. These fields are set to 0 if the symbol is not found. The program kvmmkdb(8) builds a database from the running kernel's namelist. If the database matches the opened kernel, kkvvmmnnlliisstt() uses it to speed lookups.


The kkvvmmnnlliisstt() function returns the number of invalid entries found. If

the kernel symbol table was unreadable, -1 is returned.

FILES /var/db/kvmvmunix.db


kvm(3), kvmclose(3), kvmgetargv(3), kvmgetenvv(3), kvmgeterr(3), kvmgetprocs(3), kvmopen(3), kvmopenfiles(3), kvmread(3), kvmwrite(3), kvmmkdb(8) BSD June 4, 1993 BSD

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