Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man krb524d

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man krb524d

KRB524D(8) KRB524D(8)


krb524d - Version 5 to Version 4 Credentials Conversion Daemon


kkrrbb552244dd [ -mm[[aasstteerr]] | -kk[[eeyyttaabb]] ] [ -rr realm ] [ -nnooffoorrkk ] [ -pp portnum



krb524d is the Kerberos Version 5 to Version 4 Credentials Conversion

daemon. It works in conjuction with a krb5kdc to allow clients to acquire Kerberos version 4 tickets from Kerberos version 5 tickets without specifying a password. OOPPTTIIOONNSS


Use the KDC database to convert credentials. This option cannot

be combined with -kk[[eeyyttaabb]].


Use the default keytab to convert credentials. This option can-

not be combined with -mm[[aasstteerr]].

-rr realm

Convert credentials for realm; by default the realm returned by krb5defaultlocalrealm(3) is used.


specifies that krb524d not fork on launch. Useful for debugging


-pp portnum

specifies the default UDP port number which krb524d should lis-

ten on for Kerberos 524 requests. This value is used when no

port is specified in the KDC profile and when no port is speci-

fied in the Kerberos configuration file. If no value is avail-

able, then the value in /etc/services for service "krb524" is used.


kerberos(1), krb5kdc(8), kdb5util(8), kdc.conf(5) KRB524D(8)

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